Poor Albert and Little Annie
Poor Albert and Little Annie
R | 01 April 1972 (USA)
Poor Albert and Little Annie Trailers

Albert tried to kill his rich snobby mother once. Then he was institutionalized. Now he's escaped. Albert is after his mother again. And he will torture and kill anything that lays in the way...


Please don't spend money on this.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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After he escapes from a mental hospital,deranged Zooey Hall sets out to kill his mother(who sent him there),but along the way attacks and kills any "loose women" that cross his path.Eventually,he falls for a young girl,the daughter of his mother's housekeeper."I Dismember Mama" is an extremely boring and ugly thriller.I actually suffered watching this one and that's saying something.Exploitation and horror fans will be disappointed,because there is absolutely no gore.There is a little bit of sleaze and perversion(for example photos of naked children in the warehouse filled with mannequins),and the denouement is almost intense,unfortunately "I Dismember Mama" is too dull to be enjoyable.Watching paint dry is far more interesting than suffering through this turd.5 out of 10 and that's being kind.

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Spoilers herein.Horrible production values in every respect except for the idea behind the script. I collect films that are based on Alice in Wonderland. This is one.The little girl is the typical Alice since the Disney version: long blond hair, light blue dress, white knee socks. Her identity shifting is the same as the books; in this case, the Red Queen (here the redhead) is named Alice who dies and is replaced by Alice. (As it happens, this little girl goes on to play a similar role in the Brady Bunch with a similar Alice.)They do the train thing and the boat thing more or less from the books. Then they end up in a warehouse of mannequins and mannequin parts that incongruously also features pictures of nude kids at the beach in from of which our monster stands.This is stolen from Kubrick's `Killer's Kiss' which in turn was inspired by Wells' `Lady from Shanghai.'There was a fairly intelligent idea here. Just botched, that's all.Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 3: Has some interesting elements.

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~Spoiler~I Dismember Mama-I had to buy it because of the title alone. That was my mistake. This is by the numbers exploitation. The box claims that it's "a killing spree more brutal than any ever seen in the annals of filmmaking." That is a bit exaggerated. Poor Albert (and his theme song) only kills three people, and his mother is not one of them. He never even attempts to kill his mother. This is a stupid and dull movie. Avoid at all costs.

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The alternative title of this film would make much better sense. Through some extremely unrelated footage, it does very good at hiding the truth of our "Poor Albert" who killed "Little Annie's" mama. That way, we can slowly await the climax. Horror and gore fans, be warned! You will be disappointed by the lack of severed body parts and / or any detailed scenes of graphic violence, and just because it's titled I DISMEMBER MAMA! Don't blame me if I said this! I watched this film from an out-of-print Simitar version that might have been cut from any over-the-top gore. So what? A good little El Cheapola drive-in thriller, but try not to get too high on your expectations.

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