The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
R | 22 August 1986 (USA)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 Trailers

A radio host is victimized by the cannibal family as a former Texas marshal hunts them.


Am I Missing Something?

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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E. Lx (butterman_1999)

**** WARNING: MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS **** I apologize in advance if I am unable to offer any details concerning the nature of the VHS tape I am about to review, since I am writing this while at work..That being said, "TCM 2" as widely seen in its truncated format is a true testament to everything which was wrong about 80s gore horror, and censorship through the MPAA (Motion Picture Aputators of America). I recall how my brother had read up on this film in horror magazines, and our subsequent disappointment when having finally rented the highly edited censored VHS release, about a year after it's theatrical run. For the longest time, I knew the film itself had been butchered into it's widespread version and that so much was left out, much to the chagrin of gore hounds and those who expected at least a semblance of a follow-up to the 70s original classic.For all most people know (based on what version they have been exposed to), this is quite simply bad movie, heavily edited by studios and distributors.Years after I had long forgotten about how horrid a censored film this was had passed, an ex-friend of mine managed to pick up for me at a yard sale a widescreen version of the film on VHS tape. This was not the same widely seen version of the VHS tape we had seen collecting dust in good old video rental stores (anyone remember those?) and so at first I thought it was a well executed bootleg of sorts. After a long pause I decided to watch it since, at the very least, I had never seen it in widescreen format.To my surprise (especially since this was in no way advertised in any form) it turns out that the version of "TCM 2" on this tape was what most people would have referred to as the "workprint" version. Running at just about 2 hours, it featured most of the usuable uncensored footage never seen before, finally making the film "make sense" (if that is at all possible with such a film!). Add to this, again un-advertised, that after the feature, a series of additional deleted footage is present, included that of the infamous Leatherface goes after an entire team of college football players. However, as opposed to the included re-inserted footage in the film, these bonus scenes are of an atrocious quality, looking as though they were filmed on portable video Equipment of the era.In conclusion, my opinion of the film itself was changed after that viewing, and finally I was able to appreciate the deviant, unhealthy, and downright visually and intellectually/morally disturbing vision of Tobe Hooper, since this version is probably closer to what he had originally intended rather than the butchered beyond comprehension version most of us have been exposed to.Afterthoughts: The early Y2K DVD re-release of the film is the edited version (as the widespread commercial VHS release), and apparently this "workprint" or "uncut" version on VHS remains unreleased. It's a shame because it elevates the film from a badly executed parody of the original to an actually semi-disturbing film with more gore to please that target audience.

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Eric Stevenson

This movie's main flaw is that it spends a lot of its time just setting stuff up and not having any action. Yes, I know the original did it but here, it's a lot of stuff that doesn't seem relevant to the story. That being said, there are some good things here. In the end, we get to see a sword fight with chainsaws! Oh, and somehow Leatherface gets impaled. I had no idea he could come back from the dead. I thought this was just a normal series. Anyway, this had its good points and bad points. It does improve on the original on one aspect.The sets actually look nicer. I guess that's probably because this movie is twelve years later and they had time to improve on special effects. A lot of it is still a retread from the original film. I'm especially annoyed by them doing that same sledge hammer and head over the bucket routine. I didn't realize how prolific Dennis Hopper was. Of course he'd be in a movie like this! I guess if you're a fan of the series, you should enjoy this. **

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is a great horror sequel and is one of my favorites in the genre. The film is totally bonkers and as such is a black comedy splatter masterpiece. Chainsaw 2 is a great follow up to the first film and is much different. The story continues with The Sawyer family. There is not only large doses of dark humor, but also heavy helpings of state of the art gore.(courtesy of F/X master Tom Savini) The film is completely insane and very unique blood splattered entertainment. Bill Mosley gives a legendary over the top performance as lunatic Chop Top. Dennis Hopper also gives an iconic performance as revenge seeking Texas Ranger Lefty Enright, which is also one of my favorite performances of his. The film has great quotable dialouge and is a very creepy, brutal and hilarious horror classic. Chainsaw 2 is one of my all time favorites and is essential viewing for horror fans.

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Michael Loughrie

This movie isn't TERRIBLE. I gave it a 3 out of 10 because it is just disappointing the the original, in the original they let a girl get away and shouldn't that girl have told the police about the murderers? The thing should have been all over. If this was a sequel it should have been about the beginning of it all. Not into the future. The movie just made no sense. If you get the time right, Leatherface was 34 in the first movie, if this movie takes place 13 years later. He should be 47. So they been at for 17 years? How did they go from a house to an abandon circus. Did they move? So did they just leave all the other dead body parts in the other house and drive in their truck? They snuck in the circus and moved there? How did they get their victims? More people wanted to sneak in or did Leatherface come out of the circus and look for victims. In some scenes in "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2" you can see Leatherface comes into houses and cars to kill his victims, then he brings their bodies. Then he butchers them at the circus. So it's a bit stupid. In the original people would go INTO the house and die. In this movie people would be kidnapped.Overall the movie sucked.

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