The Sleeper
The Sleeper
| 31 January 2012 (USA)
The Sleeper Trailers

It's 1981 and the girls of Alpha Gamma Theta sorority are having a party. As the new pledges arrive, so does an uninvited guest. Little do the sisters know someone is watching them in the shadows. As the girls shower, study, eat and sleep the stalker studies the girls. One by one he finds the girls at their most vulnerable and murders them. The police hunt for the missing girls and their killer, but will they find them in time? Or will the girls be forced to fight for their lives..


It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.

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There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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"Sleeper" is supposed to be a homage to 80's slasher movies like "The Prowler, Halloween, Black Christmas, Friday the 13th and Prom Night". That explains why it is set in the early "80's. Also why a lot of scenes are copied from several of those classics. However it does not explain the bad points: - Music so annoying you want to turn off the sound more than once. - A dull and slow story that isn't entertaining or even interesting for a minute. - An "albino looking" killer that's supposed to be scary because of some light blue contact lenses. - A cheap and terrible camera/montage crew, which ineptness is really shown during the final chase scenes.I love the slasher genre, but it's more than just a bunch of gory special effects. Sure, "The Sleeper" has a couple of them, they rank from laughable to OK but overall not really convincing. But besides that, this movie has nothing more to offer: bad director, terrible cast without a spark of charisma and the story is avoided of any tension or thrills. Not using your FastForward button is in this case a mission:impossible. Stick to the classics instead or watch "You're Next" if you're looking for a slasher homage.

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The Sleeper is one of the WORST movies I've ever seen! Everything about is horrible ...... lame acting, bad script, non-existent explanations. It's almost as if some child wrote the script and directed the movie! Even if it was a low budget movie, it's no excuse for it to be so awful. A lot of girls and boys die, but no one in the community even discovers any of the bodies even if some of them are in public places. There's not even a single bit of info on the killer's past or why he kills. There is no redeeming feature in the movie at all. If you watch it till the end, you might even feel like throwing rotten tomatoes or rotten eggs at the screen! Giving even 1/10 is an act of mercy.

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So many haters and lovers for this return to the original slashers, the heydays beginning in the eighties. Please stop complaining about the way it was filmed and no scratches on the reel and ugly women and no story at all. Let me say this, I enjoyed it and I grew up with the slashers coming out on daily base and I have so many laying here on VHS that never were released and aren't even worth watching but this does. Maybe I agree that the look of the film wasn't really eighties by which I mean, no scratches at all and no too dark passages or bad sound. Face it, if it was filmed in 1981 (the year this flick took place) then it surely would have that look but cameras and technique do progress and it's all HD and DV cams nowadays so to make it look 'old' isn't that simple or you have to add fake scratches afterwards when you are colourgrading or in post production. At least he didn't use to much extra lighting.But back to the flick, it do has all items a slasher should have, it do has a score with equipment outdated made by Gremlin, sounds close to the old Argento giallo's with Goblin, hahaha. That's already an ode to that era. It do has POV shots from the killer, there is a heroin, there is the so needed nudity, everything counts. The acting won't win a BAFTA or an Oscar but the main lead Amy (Brittany Belland) was in her first role and she did well. Maybe the talking at the party is a bit of a wooden acting but overall I do dig it. As I said earlier here and in other reviews, there is more terrible acting out there...To come back on the nudity. I guess reviewers reacting that she was ugly, well, at least it wasn't a two a penny fake tits wannabee, I think the hoi polloi nowadays are used to see C or D cups as fake as it could be. Back in the original eighties fake breasts didn't exist, whatever. It is out there to see and she's do has a normal look, nothing fake here. Someone complaining on the plastic used when one girl is being smashed, for a ultra low budget it was nicely done (editing) and there's a lot of red stuff in it. Not that it is gory but still it works. The killer itself isn't explained why he does the killing and who he is and what is wrong with his eyes. But there are more slashers out without any explanation. I came across this flick because I still searching OOP ex rental exploitation and horror flicks on VHS. The limited package that is available has a VHS (NTSC) and DVD coming in a box that will give old school buffs a hard on. With a trailer, really made old school for a non existing horror.A nice slasher with all elements included to make it a slasher. it isn't perfect but it is above average. And no, I have nothing to do with this flick. I just review in a honest way, I even don't live in the US. Pick it up today.Gore 3/5 Nudity 1/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5

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Shame really, the plot was goodHowever the whole thing was spoilt by the most appalling acting I have ever seen and that includes amateur productions. It was wooden throughout and one felt like they wanted to shake the cop up to bring him alive.I agree with the last op, there were many holes in it and the script was just dreadful. Why on earth would a cop ask a frightened girl to walk alone from one house to another with a serial killer on the loose. As if that wasn't enough, he later sent her out in the dark alone to go and get help.Hunting a serial killer and only a couple of cops on the job? PLEASEI could go on but unfortunately there is not much more to comment on, the substance was that bad. If course when you see the credits you begin to understand why it was so bad. All family made and friends hired to do the writing and acting. I would be surprised if the budget was more than $200,000,,,it really was that bad.Those that wrote in the good reviews here are probably connected to the movie team,,,"" Great Acting"",,,yeah right, maybe they were watching a different movie than I didI gave it 1 point and that was only because it is not possible to give minus marks

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