The Fury of the Wolf Man
The Fury of the Wolf Man
PG | 07 February 1972 (USA)
The Fury of the Wolf Man Trailers

A man has had a werewolf curse cast upon him. If he doesn't get rid of it, he turns into a killer werewolf when the moon is full.


Better Late Then Never

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Shot in 1970 but not released until two years later, THE FURY OF THE WOLFMAN is one of the entries in the long-running Spanish series of 'Waldemar Daninsky' werewolf movies starring Paul Naschy. Unfortunately, it's one of the lesser affairs, mainly down to dodgy direction that results from a drunken director being allowed full control of the proceedings. As a result, the film is badly edited; has often risible dialogue; uses copious footage from earlier Naschy films and is generally poorly-filmed, especially in the action scenes. Compare this film with its sequel, WEREWOLF SHADOW, by the reliable and eminently stylish director Leon Klimovsky, and you'll notice a world of difference.Still, as a bad film it has plenty of interest, especially for the increasingly ludicrous plot ingredients. Not content with merely having a werewolf as the film's central character, the elements of this film's brew incorporate a mad female scientist (shades of LADY FRANKENSTEIN here), a cellar full of freaks and weirdos; a crazy killer guy who wears a Phantom of the Opera mask; a guy in a suit of armour (!) plus the usual torrid adultery and werewolf rampage. The film's nudity was cut for the American market, but the gore remains, including a nasty bit where a victim is burnt alive and bleeds to death at the same time (actually nicked from an earlier flick).There's some fun to be had from the 'monster team-up' moments, especially the climax, where Daninsky tackles his undead-cum-werewolf wife, but Jose Maria Zabalza's shoddy direction even makes these moments less than enthralling. It's a shame, because Perla Cristal is an icy villainess, Veronica Lujan is a lovely love interest, and Paul Naschy is as commendable as ever. Best to give this one a miss and check out some of the better entries in the series; the two films after this one, WEREWOLF SHADOW and CURSE OF THE DEVIL, are a good place to start

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Rainey Dawn

La furia del Hombre Lobo AKA Fury of the Wolfman (1972) is not as bad as it's rating or as the critics say it is. It's not the best film Paul Naschy has been in nor is it the best "Wolfman" type of film out there but it's a better film than it's given credit for.One of the biggest complaints I've read is voice overdubbing. The copy of the film I've seen the the voice overdubbing is fine - really good. It was synced nicely with the film. And the voices that were used to overdub with are good. I don't understand the complaints here.Another thing is is slowness - that it is. It does build very slowly and could have been a little faster by leaving out some of the things from the other science experiments and getting to the point(The Wolfman) a bit faster but overall it's not a bad watch. Towards the end we get more of the wolfman - the heart of the story.The music chosen for this film I'm not overly crazy about - it really does not fit the film to me. But that is a very minor thing.5/10

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Spanish horror icon Paul Naschy stars in this, one of his weakest werewolf films... but bear with me for a moment. Most people will be familiar with it under its most common television title, THE FURY OF THE WOLF MAN, and there have been many home video versions of it over the years. If you want to be serious about giving it a fair shot though, the most workable edition I've seen of it goes by the title THE WOLF MAN NEVER SLEEPS, and it's an unedited and complete European version which restores a couple of disturbing scenes and contains the original nude shots which are missing from FURY's print. It is also letterboxed.Naschy plays Waldemar Daninsky, returning home from a trip to Tibet only to find out that he's contracted a werewolf curse and that his wife has been having an affair. He takes care of her and her lover while in animal form, but then becomes a guinea pig for a sexy woman doctor and her female assistant. Apparently, the doc attempts to "tame" the werewolf, and there is a very strange sado-masochistic love scene between her and the hairy and fanged Daninsky who is under her trance, at least in the original version. Ultimately we get two werewolves for the price of one as Daninsky battles a she-wolf! The biggest problem with the movie is that the director (according to Naschy's claims) was often drunk, and the results are indeed rather incoherent. When watching THE WOLF MAN NEVER SLEEPS copy, it's not quite as difficult to make out what's going on, though the editing remains atrocious in spots. Worst of all is occasional non-matching footage of Naschy's ravenous werewolf swiped straight from another previous film (LA MARC DEL HOMBRE LOBO, aka "FRANKENSTEIN'S BLOODY TERROR") and mixed into this one without any sensible reason! The wolf's clothing changes from black shirt to white and back again, as does his demeanor; one moment the wolf is walking around lethargically in a hypnotic trance from FURY, next he is growling and running around savagely from BLOODY TERROR. Really bizarre. *1/2 out of ****

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This is quite a graphically violent and explicit film. It's much more graphic than I expected. It's not really a werewolf movie. There are violent attacks where throats are ripped out, but it doesn't really have the supernatural element we might expect. This is a case study of a woman who has been so badly abused that she loses her sense of self and strikes out against all men. Even when things begin to go well, it's as if she has been singled out for some kind of demonic punishment. Unfortunately, many others suffer her wrath, some deserving, others not. The scenes are pretty explicit and ugly. This is one of those movies that kind of grabs you but it's more like going to an auto wreck than something desirable. It's not badly made and moves pretty well. Be forewarned, however, that it isn't for all tastes. Once again, with a little budget and some better editing, it could have worked better. The werewolf transition scenes aren't too bad.

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