The Admiral Was a Lady
The Admiral Was a Lady
G | 04 August 1950 (USA)
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Ex-WAVE encounters four fun-loving, work-hating men, all of whom want to marry her.


The greatest movie ever made..!

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Clarissa Mora

The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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Asad Almond

A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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Copyright 4 August 1950 by Roxbury Productions, Inc. Released through United Artists. New York opening at the Palace: 12 October 1950. U.S. release: 4 August 1950. U.K. release: 9 April 1951. Australian release: 13 July 1951. Running times: 87 minutes (USA), 80 minutes (UK), 65 minutes (Aust).SYNOPSIS: An extremely diminutive but aggressively meddling young woman innocently tries to wreck the lives of four ex-combat servicemen.COMMENT: By independent standards this movie has good production values, including smart sets and lustrous photography, smooth direction and silky film editing. The cast is very capable too. The trouble is the script. Although it offers some promising ideas, it tends to fall between two stools: Too talky but insufficiently witty for a comedy of manners; too clumsy and insufficiently fast-paced for slapstick, though it does have a couple of frantic episodes. The most effective episode has O'Brien slowly beaten up in a prize ring in which Rogell and O'Brien successfully bring off an extremely difficult balancing act. It's funny but it's horrifying. All our sympathy is with O'Brien, but we can't help laughing at him. This sequence alone makes The Admiral Was a Lady worth watching.If O'Brien seems over-boorish in the early stages of the film, put up with him. His character develops. Unfortunately the other players are stuck with more pasteboard figures. Wanda Hendrix is doubly unfortunate. Not only is she an unsympathetic, over-talkative, meddling little fool, but she stays stupid for the whole film. Her devotion to the mysterious Henry seems ill-balanced. The other players have little to do, including Rudy Vallee. We keep waiting for him to come back, but when he does, he doesn't fulfill our expectations.OTHER VIEWS: Saddled with a script that obviously thinks it's much funnier than it actually is, The Admiral Was a Lady offers moderate entertainment at best. Rudy Vallee is wasted in a thankless role. Of course it would all be improved a good deal by cutting. I wonder what the U.K. and Australian prints are like? -- JHR writing as George Addison.

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This movie is one of those true gems that seems to have slipped through the cracks in time. It wasn't a big hit in its day – most likely because it wasn't made or distributed by one of the major studios. It didn't have the build-up and promotion that the majors gave their films. Nor did it have a big name cast to sell it. But, "The Admiral Was a Lady" has an excellent screenplay with a wonderful story. It's main plot is supplemented with a subplot, and then another, and finally a sort of surprise subplot toward the end.The title refers to the female lead, Wanda Hendrix who gives an excellent performance of a discharged ensign WAVE, Jean Madison. But the main focus of the film is the character of Jimmy Stevens, a former Army Air Forces bomber pilot and captain, played by Edmond O'Brien. O'Brien is exceptional in this role. Had the film been made by one of the big five or six studios, I think he would have had an Academy Award nomination. The fact that this film, with its particular story, doesn't have any of the glamorous leads of Hollywood in the roles, makes it all the more real and down to earth. That is, real for the times and situations, if not the particular and peculiar circumstances of Jimmy and his crew. O'Brien was 35 when this film was made, and he would go on to win an Oscar and two Golden Globes in his career, with another Oscar nomination.The rest of the cast were all very good as well. The technical aspects and production were all very good. This is not a film with lots of laughs, and it doesn't have slapstick. Rather, it is a film with a tremendous number of humorous situations. One after another, they build on the plot and form subplots as the film progresses. Each situation or encounter adds more smiles and chuckles. It has just enough repartee between Jimmy and Jean to give added laughter. And over all of this, there is a sense of friendship and camaraderie, and kindness toward others, that gives a special glow to the film. At some point, viewers may begin to wonder what the heroin voices about this group of discharged World War II vets. "When are they going to stop being deadbeats and get back into life after the war?" Then, the little surprises of the film will start to unravel, thanks to Jean's own kindness and caring for the guys. The plot has a lot more written into it than meets the eye. If the Armed Forces had more people like Captain Jimmy Stevens, it might have saved considerably in the post-war costs to treat veterans and help them readjust to civilian life in peace time. And, it surely would have benefited countless veterans who for many years – even decades – suffered with what then was called "combat fatigue." Today we know it as PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). It's very interesting that Wanda Hendrix had just come off a divorce from Audie Murphy. They had married in February 1949 and divorced in April 1950. It was the first marriage for both, but Murphy was suffering form PTSD from his service in WW II. He was the most decorated serviceman of the war, and performed many heroic actions at the risk of his life. But, his experiences left deep scars and he woke up screaming at night from nightmares. He had a terrible temper, slept with a loaded gun at his bedside, and carried weapons with him to the studios. His recovery was very slow. This movie has some historical value also for its depiction of the time after WWII and the programs to aid veterans adjusting back to civilian life. I don't know of any other film that has anything about the "52-20" program. That was an unemployment assistance program for war-service veterans to help tide them over until they could find work. It paid $20 per week for up to 52 weeks. The program was part of the GI Bill (The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944). The GI bill included college aid, costs for technical school training, the 52-20 program and some other provisions. The American veteran population at the end of the war was 15,163,000. The 52-20 program began in September 1944, and it was extended four more years until 1949. More than 8.7 million veterans received help from the program. In its last year, only 840,000 vets had used their full entitlement, and there were 650,000 veterans still on the rolls. But 14.5 million had returned to the work force or gone on to college or technical training. Incidentally, the plane that Jimmy and his crew flew (which they called Sinful Sinthia), was a Douglas A-20 Havoc light bomber intruder. The normal crew was two or three, but Jimmy's plane had four. The U.S. made nearly 7,500 of these aircraft that served from 1939 through 1944. Besides the American Army Air Forces, the RAF and Soviet Union used many A-20s. Ohers that also flew them were France, Australia and the Netherlands. This is a movie that is sure to please most viewers. It's a warm comedy romance that includes a slice of life and history for WWII vets in the years right after the war.

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"The Admiral Was A Lady" is a comedy that I've been meaning to watch for a long time now, mainly because I like that title. However, the film itself is tamer than I expected. It's pleasant, with some nice tips on making (or saving) a little money out of nothing, but the script wanders a little too much. Edmond O'Brien is not exactly the most endearing romantic comedy lead, but Wanda Hendrix is - as some of the old posters of the film call her - Wandafull! What she lacks in height she makes up for in beauty (she has a couple of stunning close-ups) and talent: she's game in comedy and sincere in drama. Although the film treats the WWII veterans' readjustment problems in a mostly comedic manner, it does have some dramatic moments, which are surprisingly strong. ** out of 4.

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Following service in World War II, four pals - former employment agent Edmond O'Brien (as James "Jimmy" Stevens), boxer Steve Brodie (as Mike O'Halloran), interior decorator Johnny Sands (as Eddie Hoff), and cab driver Richard Erdman (as Oliver "Ollie" Bonelli) - return to civilian life. But, the four men don't want work to interfere with collecting veterans benefits. On the unemployment line, they meet pretty WAVE Wanda Hendrix (as Jean "The Admiral" Madison), and romance ensues. The curiously mismatched cast start out at a disadvantage, and only make up for the incongruence in a couple of supporting roles.**** The Admiral Was a Lady (8/4/50) Albert S. Rogell ~ Edmond O'Brien, Wanda Hendrix, Johnny Sands, Steve Brodie

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