Lethal Weapon
Lethal Weapon
R | 06 March 1987 (USA)
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Veteran buttoned-down LAPD detective Roger Murtaugh is partnered with unhinged cop Martin Riggs, who -- distraught after his wife's death -- has a death wish and takes unnecessary risks with criminals at every turn. The odd couple embark on their first homicide investigation as partners, involving a young woman known to Murtaugh with ties to a drug and prostitution ring.

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Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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If somebody asks me what my favorite action movie is I'm going to answer Lethal Weapon. Yes, I like Lethal Weapon better than Die Hard. There is just something about this franchise that really speaks to me. This is not your average run of the mill buddy cop film. This movie has a lot of fantastic action, some great drama, and a little bit of humor. The chemistry between Mel Gibson and Danny Glover is magical. The character of Martin Riggs, portrayed beautifully by my favorite actor Mel Gibson is one of my favorite movie characters in all of cinema. Shane Black apparently hated the way Riggs evolved in the later installments but I personally loved that. He was a character that was very well developed and seeing him grow as a character was a pleasure to watch. These films don't have the most memorable villains in the world but the villains in this movie are my second favorites after Jet Li and Company in the fourth film. The fight between Mel Gibson and Gary Busey is one of the greatest in cinema history. I love how a broken fire hydrant rains over them as they fight. The suicide contemplation scene is one of the most well acted scenes by Mel Gibson but he has a bunch of those. Lethal Weapon is not only my favorite action movie of all time but one of my favorite movies and it's spawned a great franchise. Lethal Weapon is fantastic. Lethal Weapon 2 is almost as good. Lethal Weapon 3 is weaker but definitely has it's strong points and Lethal Weapon 4 is fun from start to finish with great action and funny comedy. If I had to grade these films I would give Lethal Weapon an A. I would give Lethal Weapon 2 an A-. I would give Lethal Weapon 3 a B. And I would give Lethal Weapon 4 a B+.

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Minahzur Rahman

I really enjoyed Lethal Weapon. I've seen all four movies of this franchise, and the first one is the best of the bunch. The plot was engaging. The characters were good. Everything worked well from start to finish. Unlike other Lethal Weapon movies, I could watch the first one several times, and still not get bored of it. That's how good this movie actually was. Also, interestingly, in case you haven't noticed, this movie was released in 1987 which is a year before Die Hard was released on screens, and we all think of Die Hard being the movie that set tone for action movies that followed, but don't be too surprised if it was Lethal Weapon. I'm a massive fan of the action genre, and I'm glad that there were plenty of great action movies before my time because we all know that it was the 90s where the action genre really took off. 10/10.

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Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de)

"Lethal Weapon" is an American 110-minute film from 1987, so this one has its 20th anniversary this year. The writer is Shane Black and he was still very young back then, in his 20s, and this was his very first writing credit. Quite a way to start a career isn't it. The director was Richard Donner and he is a bit on the opposite side. Close to the age of 90 today he was way into his 50s already when he made this one. The stars here are of course the two lead actors Gibson and Glover and the fact that Gibson is first-credit says a lot already about his fame and popularity back then, even if he was still really young, but obviously very easy on the eye. Anyway, he plays a character who suffers terribly from the death of his significant other and his new partner (played by Glover) is a member of a big intact family. So things may become complicated when these two are instructed to work together as a team and they do and they get closer despite Gibson's character's suicidal tendencies. Together the two go up against a gang of drug smugglers who even kidnap Glover's character's daughter. Even if things were not always looking that way, there is a happy end eventually. This film was successful enough for 3 sequels to be made, all of these also starring the duo of lead actors we have in here.Black cop, white cop films were popular back then as for example also Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy made a fairly famous film back then, two actually I think, even if the old cop was the white one there. By the way, Glover plays a character who is considerably older than he was back then. Anyway, the story is all a bit generic I must say, I bit too much focus on action and heartbreaking stuff without truly having the depth to pull it off. But it's the individual scenes that makes this film somehow a success, like the one with the other suicidal guy early on. The second half felt relatively empty to me I must say, which is quite a shame as the initial premise and some of the plot developments did not look bad. Still in the end, I guess I will be a bit generous here and still give the film a positive rating and recommendation. Even with the villains being really boring for the most part and not half as memorable as they could have been with better writing and/or acting, Gibson is just too much of a cool cat to not enjoy this film, quite a while before his days as an Oscar-winning filmmaker himself. "Lethal Weapon" gets a thumbs-up from me, even if I must say that it did not get me curious about any of the sequels at all and I am pretty sure I will not check them out too soon.

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Plot; A calm, rational veteran detective is paired with an unorthodox and mentally unstable younger partner.Perhaps the definitive film in the buddy cop genre, this first of four Lethal Weapon films is much darker than its predecessors. Where the sequels amped up the comedy and softened the harder edges of Mel Gibson's Martin Riggs character, the original is an occasionally brooding and jarringly violent action/dramedy.Stars Mel Gibson and Danny Glover share an incredible and effortless chemistry, and though it boasts a tight script (by Shane Black) and steady direction (by Richard Donner), it's Gibson and Glover who really make it work.

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