My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks
G | 27 September 2014 (USA)
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks Trailers

Music rules and rainbows rock as Twilight Sparkle and pals compete for the top spot in the Canterlot High "Mane Event" talent show. The girls must rock their way to the top, and outshine rival Adagio Dazzle and her band The Dazzlings, to restore harmony back to Canterlot High.

Similar Movies to My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks

Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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Excellent but underrated film

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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the movie takes place when sunset got defeated the mane 6 want sunset to teach the learning of friendship the plot is good the characters are good the animation is good everything is good expect for adgaio dazzle her design is awful she looks like a pinkie pie oc so thats it about this movie it's a good movie i'm saying it's bad i'm saying it's a good movie

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Bonnie O'Connor

The first movie was horrible with no character development, rushed story line, and so forth. When I heard there was a sequel I was not thrilled because of the awful predecessor, but I guess the lesson of this movie is that things are not always as they appear. Story: Sirens had been banished by Star-Swirled the Bearded long ago. Their power is to sing beautifully and their voices get stronger as they feed of negative energy. However without Equestrian magic the magic in their voices aren't strong enough. When they figure out that there is magic at Canterlot High, they challenge everyone to a Battle of the Bands. Twilight comes back to help her five friends, with a reformed Sunset Shimmer added to the team, to win the Battle of the Bands and defeat the Sirens (renamed the Dazzlings).The story arc is better told and better paced. It's like a longer version of a My Little Pony episode (or My Little Girl). They establish the conflict, and just about everyone is in character. The songs are awesome along with the accompanying animation. I especially love the Sirens' songs (caught between "Under our Spell" or the final conflict song), whoever voiced them absolutely knew how to sing, and the animators were at their best. I also loved that nobody in Canterlot High was stupid (like AppleJack actually questioned how and why they turned into ponies while playing music). What's also great about it is that Sunset Shimmer is the only character with character development. She's the only three dimensional character. You actually feel sorry for her and look forward to her redeeming herself at the end, and at the end it pays off. Speaking of which, the ending is worth the movie. The final conflict is more tense than the first movie. The Mane 6 are fighting with music, sound waves, and the power of friendship against the sirens who are stronger than the Mane 6, until Sunset Shimmer steps in. The song is great, the animation is great, and amazingly it almost brought me in tears. It even managed me to like one thing I hated in the first movie: the seven becoming half human half ponies. If a movie can pull me into liking something I've hated, then that's worth a great grade for this film!The main problems I have with this movie are unfortunately just many: 1) Celestia and Luna still look scary as humans 2) If the Sirens were dragons in Equestria and now humans in Canterlot High, Spike has no excuse for being an ugly looking dog 3) Also he's useless and annoying (yes he freed the Mane (Seven?) but aside from that he could be cut out of the story without it making a difference 4) Aside from Twilight and Sunset Shimmer everyone character is two dimensional 5) The leader of the Sirens is awesome but the two side kicks are annoying! 6) Great to see less of Snips and Snails but why did they have to get a horribly done rap number? 7) The most annoying thing about this film was that Twilight repeats the same lesson that she did in every MLP episode (starting from the first one!): She always tries to do something on her own but always fails, because she NEEDS HER FRIENDS SINCE EPISODE ONE! You would think after four seasons and two movies she would learn that already! 8) Another bothersome thing: The Mane 6 not only hammer into Sunset Shimmer what she did in the past, but they don't let her help the band until last minute! It had a great payoff, but irritating in between!However what's really good is really great! This movie was a better improvement of the first movie, and this time the writers, animators, composers, and actors knew what they were doing!

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Sonata Blaze

This movie is a definite improvement from the last one! It's enjoyable for parents and fans alike.The premise of the movie is Canterlot High holding a musical showcase for charity, but a group of girls, known as the Dazzlings, turn the event into a battle of the bands. When the Rainbooms (the main 5's band) find out their true intentions, they quickly call upon Twilight Sparkle to help defeat them and break the spell they've cast.Though this is a great movie, there is one flaws that threw my family off, but not like the prequel. First off, in order to get anything that's happening, you need to watch the season three finale, the first movie,and the season four finale to actually grasp what's happening. The continuity may have been cool at times, like the prologue.Nonetheless this movie was full of catchy and beautiful songs, fluid animation, and a story that was actually cohesive. This definitely felt like a My Little Pony movie and can't wait to see what the writers have in store next time!

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This movie is awesome and do you know why it's awesome, I'll tell you. 1)Plot: The story is about a group called The Dazzlings, who uses their magic to feed on the hatred of the people around them, One day they went to Canterlot High and turns the school's scheduled musical showcase with a Battle of the Bands competition, so the rest of the Humane 6 and Sunset Shimmer needs the help of Twilight Sparkle, she gets the message, makes a portal and goes to the Human world, during her time there, she needs to make a counter spell, so that they can beat the Dazzlings, stuff happens and they win! 2)Characters: The characters in this movie is are more entertaining and memorable than Equestria Girls, especially the story arc for former antagonist Sunset Shimmer, she is currently my favourite character in Human Equestria, with Sonata Dusk at a close second. 3)Songs: If you guys already forgotten, this movie has a lot more songs than in Equestria Girls, but the song that shocked all of us was that this movie has the only time when Rainbow Dash has her own song, that song is "Awesome as I wanna be", other songs include"Rainbow Rocks", "Battle of the Bands" and "Shake your tail". This movie is so awesome, you could forget the flaws and that the concept of the Humane 6 being in a band and have to battle other bands is kind of unoriginal, but it's still a good 73 minutes.

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