Bridge to Terabithia
Bridge to Terabithia
PG | 16 February 2007 (USA)
Bridge to Terabithia Trailers

Jesse Aarons trained all summer to become the fastest runner in school. So he's very upset when newcomer Leslie Burke outruns him and everyone else. Despite this and other differences including that she's rich, he's poor, she's a city girl, and he's a country boy the two become fast friends. Together they create Terabithia, a land of monsters, trolls, ogres, and giants where they rule as king and queen.


The Age of Commercialism

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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Raymond Sierra

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.

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It's magical, but maybe not in the way you expect. A troubled boy (Josh Hutcherson = Jess) from a strict religious family, befriends a new girl (AnnaSophia Robb = Leslie). She is unconventionally dressed, with striking straight blonde cropped hair. She is the more adventurous of the two, while he is initially quite timid - possibly because of his strict upbringing, and the perceived indifference of his parents. He is irritable at times, very cross when his young sister draws all over his art book. He is also annoyed when Leslie wins a school race. That's what I like about it - not all sweetness and light. Jess and Leslie inevitably become friends. One day after school they stumble on an overgrown forest area which becomes their magical kingdom. The kingdom is only accessible via a swing rope across a creek (The rope plays an important part later on in the story). In the meantime, the film wisely concentrates on reality, with only occasional excursions into the realm of the imagination. The CGI is strictly rationed - which is fine by me. The two friends form a deep bond, escaping as often as they can. But Jess has chores doled out by his over-strict father (who has money worries). His relationship with his father is an understated but important element, developing as the movie progresses. When Jess visits Leslie's home, he discovers a very different, relaxed lifestyle. He helps them paint a room gold. She reciprocates by attending a church service with him. At school they both experience the kind of low-level bullying we have all encountered; but also, sympathetic teaching.One teacher, recognising his artistic talent, invites Jess to an art gallery. For reasons he doesn't fully understand, he fails to invite Leslie on this trip. We sense that the plot is moving towards some sort of epiphany.What I love about this movie is the complete lack of sentimentality and self-pity. Somehow it is nonetheless deeply moving. It's a shame the mothers don't play a greater role, I would like to know more about them; but really there is little to criticise. The performance of Josh Hutcherson as Jess I found quite remarkable. I get so frustrated with movies these days, it's miraculous to find one which ticks all the boxes.

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For the first time in my life a movie made me literally cry like a baby. In my humble opinion I think this is the movie where a bit rubbish CGI made this film a masterpiece. The mix of emotions which comes with Lesli's death is unforgettable. After all, when we get to know that Lesli is dead it's all in the void what comes after. And the line said by Jessi's father shivers like hell "i don't know if there is a god, but i know for sure he won't send that little girl to hell".I think no one will look at life the same he did before.

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Watching recent American movies, i was getting tired of those prestigious families, full of money and careers, of this stifling violence against enemies, of this outrageous promiscuity and endless nudity… So up to now, if the adult content was however cut from, families movies were pretty indigestible (Narnias, Spiderwick, …) faraway of the excellent Labyrinth, Goonies from the 80s ! This one caught me right from the start : it's about a young boy in rural America who is alone, feeling cut from his poor family (at least, a movie about one with an admirable Patrick as always) and school fellows. He takes refuge in his artistic hobby and has a crush on his musical teacher. As she is played by Deschanel, i can understand him but beyond, this is very similar to my own life… Then he befriends her new neighbor friend (not Mary Jane but the excellent girl who played with Hillary in a supernatural thriller in the bayou) and thanks to her and her wide, limitless imagination and acceptance, he is open to life again ! He feels better with himself, his family and his friend ! I just love the way their friendship is built, stone after stone, how they face together to the bad things of their real life and how they use theirs to imagine a better world ! For one time, it feels real, there is no violence, there is not an enemy to kill taking a gun…. The two acting kids are marvelous as much the mute boy than the always happy girl ! And then, every thing will change after he makes maybe a selfish choice… So it's a bit again Peter Parker and his great responsibility but also the same pain of the very moving novel (and also movie) Walk to remember… This is as sudden, unexpected, and senseless as the real life and what happens is really done with tact, emotion, compassion… The only regret i could say is that for me, the link between reality – fantasy seems to not have been used to its maximum potential ! So it's a wonderful movie for kids and adult as well with values and tools very useful to live… I thought i concluded with a personal remembrance but i noticed that i have already done it when reviewing french Facts of life, a title that that would be also very accurate for this beautiful movie !

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KO John

The movie is as realistic as it can get, and i'm not talking about creatures, places that the main protagonists created out of their pure imagination, i'm talking about plot development. Movies like this one usually make you wonder about the harsh reality that things can be very accidental in life. Meeting a new person (Leslie) that shares with you many traits and becomes your best (maybe only friend) is really a long and hard-to-accept process, especially to young boys (Jess) or girls who have to struggle with life at school, home. Yet when the two becomes really close friends to each other (Jess finally accepts Leslie into his life), reality strikes out of nowhere. That part would make you cry and the part later shows you how he would cope with that lifetime incident and go on. It's beautiful because it displays how much friendship can hold if it's a true one. To people like myself (who enjoy movies for its plot despite anything else), you'll love and learn a lot from this amazing movie.

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