Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return
Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return
R | 19 October 1999 (USA)
Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return Trailers

A girl called Hannah goes back to her hometown (Gatlin) to find her mother but on the way she picks up a strange man who fore-shadows her life with a passage from the bible. When she gets there she wakes up Isaac from a coma he has been in for 19 years. Isaac is awake and wants to fulfil the final prophecy.


Brilliant and touching

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A different way of telling a story

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The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.

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By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Plagued by disturbing nightmares, a young woman returns to her hometown in Gatlin, Nebraska and learns that the town are all disciples of a fanatical cult leader behind her visions that have been intended to get her to fulfill a prophecy and tries to stop it from happening.There was some good stuff to this one when it tried to. One of it's best features is the fact that there's a couple well-designed action scenes spread throughout that make for a rather entertaining element. The car chase is the most impressive, as the monster truck chasing them allows for some nice visuals coming out over the corn- rows and the cramped location make for a thrilling, exciting encounter. Others throughout the film, from the hotel confrontations and the resurrection in the hospital, make for some nice times here, though where the film gets the best action scenes are contained in the final half-hour. There's a great ritualistic ceremony that plays out from the set-up to the actions portrayed and the chase through the cornfields with the night-time setting being a big factor as well as the flowing water, the motorcycles brought in and the incessant laughter heard in the background of the whole sequence. The extended nature of it allows for plenty of running-and-hiding which makes it feel more tense than it should, and it kick-starts the second half rather nicely. Also found in the finale is the best part, the action-packed finish that has a lot going for it and definitely gets in some really great parts to it, from the revelation that comes as a total surprise to the brawling that occurs and much more, really gets a lot of points for it. The last plus to the film is the blood and gore, which are all combined together into the film's good parts. There wasn't a whole lot of flaws, but there was a couple big areas that don't work. One of the main ones is that the film just doesn't have a whole lot going on for it in the early goings. The fact that it's mostly a mystery as to what the source behind the strange visions are is the main reason as it has to build them up and then make them threatening and worthy of an investigation then have a rational outcome that plays into the rest of the film which it fails at doing. The mystery here almost feels like a back-story during the segment it's supposed to be the main focus as it spends most of the time intermingling the search with the townspeople meet-and-greet which makes the beginning play out really slowly and not that interesting. There's also the matter of the film's biggest problem in that so many of the scenes intended to be scary just fall flat. The segments wandering around in a deserted hallway in the hospital are prime choices but instead just show her walking forever through an empty place before someone jumps out at her and the amount of time wasted here is pretty big. The last flaw here is the fact that the film doesn't really tend to show the cult as something dangerous, which was always done in the past. Here, it barely even matters since the second half is all about the reformed relationship with the cult around the edges to provide an obstacle to overcome, barely making a dent that the others had successfully done well. This isn't as noticeable as the others and can be overlooked quite easily.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and a shadowy, mild sex scene

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A young girl named Hannah decides to go to Gatlin to find out who her mother is. She crashes her car into the cornfield along the way and goes to the local hospital for medical attention. It is there that we see Isaac, the little preacher boy from the original Children of the Corn. He is in a coma, but when she enters the room he awakens after nineteen years of sleep (since the original). Majority of the film is spent showing Isaac building up the next generation of brainwashed children and teens, including his own son Matt, to carry out "he who walks behinds the rows" prophecy. Also Hannah searching for her mother while finding herself attracted to one of the young people Gabriel, who has a few secrets of his own.We find out that Hannah's parents were Rachel and Amos, two of the older "children" from the original film. If you recall there was that girl at the end of that first film who tried to kill Peter Horton's character. So they tie that into '666' really nicely. We also see in this film that Gatlin hasn't changed much in nineteen years. A few adults do live there now like the doctor and a cop, but it is still fairly deserted and creepy as ever. To me, Children of the Corn 666 falls flat. It isn't as good as good as parts 1-5 because of it's realism. Children of the Corn films always had a STRONG supernatural presence which made them cheesy and fun. The threat in this film for Hannah is a group of brainwashed teenagers and not-so-young Isaac who believe that he is "he who walks behind the rows". The one thing this sequel has going for it is the continuation from the first film with regards to the baby Rachel and Amos were going to have. You get the sense in this film that Isaac is just a crazy person, while in the original you knew that there was a supernatural force guiding him to do those awful things. COTC 666 It isn't a terrible film, but wasn't nearly as good as the previous installments. There are too many twists and turns to the plot that leave me spinning in confusion.4/10

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Children Of The Corn 666 Isaacs ReturnThis movie started of really spooky, I really enjoyed that scenes, Main lead, her voice is very annoying and with Isaacs Return and his voice, sound likes cat nails on blackboard.I found This movie was slightly better then the 5 movie.It did not have much gore it in, but it was some-what entertaining and movie can be really confusing at times and also liked the twist at end.Acting was not great but it was watchable, still I could not connect to any of them as, i Just found them really annoying.This one is worth watching! 4 out of 10

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Children of the Corn 666 (1999) ** (out of 4)The sixth film in the series is a mildly entertaining if rather needless direct sequel to the first film. This time out a young girl (Natalie Ramsey) goes back to Gatlin to try and find out who her real mother is. Once there she awakens Isaac (John Franklin), the original film's leader of the children. Soon he is back preaching his religious stuff with hopes of passing it on to his son. If you've seen the original film then you know it's impossible for Issac to be in a coma here let alone have the possibility of coming back to life but this is a horror series so you'll just have to put that out of your mind. I thought the first half of this movie was rather slow without too many good things going on but the final half really picks up and makes for a mildly interesting film. The story is pretty much what we've seen in the previous films with a group of religious nuts spitting out gospel but this time there seems to be something a tad bit deeper in their motives. A few minor changes makes for an entertaining second half that includes a rather exciting ending. Ramsey does a pretty good job in the lead role and Franklin doesn't miss a beat in stepping back into the role he last did fifteen years earlier. Stacy Keach is good in a thankless role as a doctor and Nancy Allen is on hand looking better than ever. The two are in here for their name value but both are good. The special effects are a tad bit better than average as is the editing and various other technical things. The music score is also a step up but the killings are all rather bland with the exception being a suicide that happens towards the end. I doubt fans of the first film are going to jump all over this "conclusion" since there are many unanswered question or facts that are overlooked.

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