Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell
Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell
R | 23 October 2001 (USA)
Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell Trailers

The evil Djinn is back at again, this time wreaking havoc on the students of Illinois' Baxter University. His victim is a beautiful, innocent and studious teenage girl named Diana Collins who accidentally opened up the Djinn's tomb and released him.


Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.

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Am i the only one who thinks........Average?

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As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.

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Bumpy Chip

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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(Credit IMDb) The evil Djinn is back at again, this time wreaking havoc on the students of Illinois' Baxter University.This was utterly awful in every sense of the word. It's by far the worst in the series, by a mile. It's like they said "Hey guys! Let's cash in with another DTV sequel with little effort as possible, so we can make a few bucks" There is no suspense, potent drama, is virtually non- existent, scares are moot. There are far too many scenes where nothing of interest happens. It throws in characters I didn't give a rat's ass about, I wanted them all to die, except one. A.J Cook is beautiful and talented, but she is the films only saving grace, she can't do it alone. I do wonder if they got inspiration from Hellrasier, about how the Djinn is released in this one, it sure looked liked it to me. The Djinn looks laughably rubbery in this one, far from threatening. We also get one of the most annoying clichés in the history of Horror films. It's the "You're crazy, I don't believe you" I can't count how many times that cliché has been used, but it's stale beyond belief. The gore is great, but it doesn't make things any better. Impailings, death by liposuction (!) blood splashes, peeled off face, and more. The acting sucks donkey balls for the most part. I've already mentioned how adroit A.J Cook is, she's exempted from criticism. Jason Connery isn't. You can't teach charisma. Not only was his performance boring, but he is also boring. Tobias Mehler is one of the dullest love interests you'll ever see. His whiny performance grated my nerves and he needs an acting lesson.Overall, evade this one. The first two are cheesy fun. Even the 4th movie is relatively decent. This one is the pits. A poorly written story, crummy characters, and void of any fun what so ever. If that sounds like a night of fun to you, suit yourself3.2/10

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,,,,,,,,,,, compared to the other last two movie in the series. I found the plot in this, way to silly even for the Wishmaster series and they tame down on the gore as well.I love gory kills in the first two movie, that what makes these movies more fun, that is another reason, why I didn't like it.As it was not fun to watch at all, like the other in the series. I hated the effect and that there new actor playing The Djinn, I just could not get used to him playing this role. he nothing compared to NathanielDemerest who fitted the role perfectly.The acting in this movie was not too bad, better then I expected to be. Also hated the ending of this what really poor way to end. 3 out of 10 (That 3 Points are for the acting)

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For some odd reason these Wishmaster movies are depending more on the gore and the shockfest rather than the actual story which could be a good scare. The first Wishmaster was actually entertaining, the second was over all watchable if not too silly, the fourth is just alright, but this movie was just stupid. If not for the bad acting, bad script, bad direction, bad... OK actually this movie is just plain bad. I loved the girl they picked out for the lead role, A.J. Cook, this girl could win an Oscar; OK, not so much as my movie poster expresses more emotion than she did throughout this movie. Jason Connery, the new Djinn, this Simon Pegg wanna be, he just doesn't work as a villain and isn't scary or intimidating by any means. Everything about this film was just stupid and seriously just should not have been made, but if you would like a brief summary, I will always provide.Diana is a college student struggling with a painful past of slow motion voices of her parents burning in a car wreck and dying. In the present day, she has a cute dumb steroid loving boyfriend, Greg, her cute superstitious blonde friend, Katie, and Katie's stupid hot sarcastic jerk boyfriend, Billy. Oh, life is good, until she discovers a box that she takes to her professor and it releases the Djinn! The Djinn takes form of the student horny professor and is now after Diana to make her wishes. But of course she's stubborn and just lets him kill all of her friends except for Greg who has taken on the spirit of the Puzuzu... oh, wait wrong movie... St. Michael the Archangel and talks in a slightly deeper voice to Diana on how they can defeat the Djinn, too bad he's just a little sexist and doesn't have any faith that they can defeat the Djinn.This is a bad movie all around. I love horror movies, even sometimes if they don't make sense, but this is a movie that I was expecting to at least try a little considering the first Wishmaster had a decent script and a good cast. You can see why the original cast hasn't returned for this cruddy movie. I just love the ending line "I love you", OK, I was expecting when Diana runs up to her boyfriend Greg after he's back to normal she says "I love you" he says "I love you too", it would have been great if she added "yeah, I'm pregnant", and he jumps over the building and kills himself. That would have been a better ending to this crapfest of a movie. Believe me this is just a movie you do not want to see, it's stupid and a waste of time.1/10

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Chris Smith

I wasn't expecting a lot from this movie since I saw the IMDb rating before renting it. Although I still tried it out since the rating of horror movies are usually always low. That's were I was wrong. The rating can be very accurate sometimes, if not higher than it should be. Because this was one lame movie.First thing that I hated from Wishmaster 3, is the fact that Andrew Divoff wasn't cast as the Djinn. Instead, there's this weird, old guy who definitely doesn't match up to Divoff. I also hated the fact that the stone suddenly changed places. I think maybe because it was a different Djinn or something, but I still didn't like it.The only reason I gave this movie a 2 and not a 1 because I enjoyed some of the wishes. For example, the weight-loss and heart-breaking ones were cool. And also because it has the most disturbing death in the Wishmaster series; the rat scene. That made me shiver and I couldn't even imagine the pain that she went through before she died.Besides that, I found this movie pretty boring and stupid. I'd still rent it if you enjoyed the first two. Maybe you happen to like it. It didn't happen to me though, so it's your risk.

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