Unicorn City
Unicorn City
PG | 24 February 2012 (USA)
Unicorn City Trailers

Voss entices local gamers to create a utopia to impress a potential employer, but paradise is disrupted when his nemesis lays claim to the city and Voss's true love.


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.

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One of my favorite things to do is to find a great movie that nobody has heard of before. Being able to find an obscure movie that hasn't been over-hyped or talked about too much is the perfect way to end a long day in my book. I don't know if I have come across enough of these types of films to make this regular topic on my blog, but I will keep it up as long as I can, and in the mean time I will be searching Netflix like mad.One gem that I stumbled upon a few months ago was a flick called Unicorn City. I remember seeing a couple of brief previews several months before, but chances are that you haven't heard of this movie. I think the fact that I only lived a few hours away from where the movie was made may be the only reason I even knew what it was, which is surprising considering the number of awards this film received. Directed by Bryan Lefler (involved in movies such as Napoleon Dynamite and Baptists at Our Barbecue) and a relatively unknown cast, Unicorn City is a family friendly comedy that has a very "Napoleon Dynamite" feel to it (don't judge if you hated that movie, I think the story line in Unicorn City is quite a bit more funnier).The story follows Voss, an unemployed gamer who lives with his brother. Under the threat of working at this brother's taco shack, he finds an opportunity to work in the gaming industry, providing he can demonstrate some leadership ability. After finally getting fed up with his role playing "guild leader", he decides to create a utopia for gamers, and Unicorn City is born in an attempt to prove his leadership qualities.To be straight forward, I think this movie great. It is a one of those movies that gets more funny each time you watch it. If you were like me, you hated Napoleon Dynamite the first time you watched it, but found it more and more enjoyable with subsequent viewings. I would definitely suggest watching this movie with a bunch of friends that have a great sense of humor at about 1:00 in the morning when you see it for the first time. The story does get a little slow during the middle of the film, but there are enough funny moments to keep you entertained throughout. If you know anybody who is into RPG's or LARPing (or are into these things yourself...we won't judge), this movie will have no problem keeping you laughing till you hurt.To see more reviews by the author, visit www.incrediblyordinarythoughts.blogspot.com

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Basic breakd0wn 0f Unicorn City: A tablet0p gaming nerd wh0 has tr0uble separating his fantasy w0rld from real life, applies t0 a j0b. The manager at a gaming c0mpany listens t0 him talk ab0ut h0w he runs a guild.. blah blah blah... and ign0res him explaining that 50 0ther pe0ple said the same thing. If he wants t0 get hired, he needs t0 d0 s0mething more 0riginal. He is given 1 week t0 pr0ve himself.Thus- Unic0orn City. He creates a gaming ut0pia city where his guildites and him can live (0n Private Property) in peace. He enlists his friend t0 help him d0cument his "success". But cha0s starts t0 ensue when his gaming nemesis finds his "secret" l0cati0n and tries t0 claim it f0r himself.The m0vie can be s0mewhat sl0w at times, but it has a l0t 0f laughs in it. You d0n't have t0 be a gamer t0 laugh at hum0r and j0kes. A l0t 0f laughs, h0wever, c0me fr0m acti0ns m0re than w0rds. S0, y0u really have t0 be watching the m0vie t0 get the full hum0r of it all. The characters are pretty realistic. A l0t 0f gamers have different pers0nalities, they're n0t 0nly 0ne type like p0rtrayed in s0me media. You d0 have nerds. But, then, you have the "g0th/punk" girl, the "wh0rish" girl, the d0uche bag guy, the f0reign guy, the main character wh0 is kind 0f nerdy but n0rmal, t00. And all the in-between pe0ple. That's what I liked a l0t was that there was variety in characters. The m0vie kind 0f reminds me 0f the sh0w "The Guild". S0, if y0u're a big fan 0f that, y0u'll like this m0vie a l0t.

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This is a special film. Not everybody will get it but those who do get it will find that it warms their hearts and tickles their funny bone.Anybody who ever rolled a d20 or has gone to a LARP (Live Action Role Play} will instantly become infatuated with the characters. A film for anybody who has painted miniatures; a film for anybody who loves orcs and pancakes.The leading lady steals the show with a energy charged performance and the rich ensemble cast will keep you in stitches.This is a talented group of filmmakers and I look forward to their future ventures.Worth watching...twice.

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Nicole Shelby

Though it might seem to be a movie geared solely toward "gamers", it actually will appeal to a much wider audience. I went to see this movie, in the theater, this past weekend with a friend of mine. I laughed, quite loudly, uncounted times. I'm already planing on going back and taking my 9yearnold daughter. I've already told a bunch of people t they would enjoy it. It does contain gamer-specific jokes...but, it doesn't preclude the entertainment of someone who has never been involved in a role-playing game (like me). Some might tout the romance as a draw. Others might tout the main characters journey. Me? The thing I liked most was seeing a group embrace and enjoy wholeheartedly something that they love to do and be and share. It's also made me realize that my camping trips are way too dull.

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