The Uh-oh Show
The Uh-oh Show
| 14 October 2009 (USA)
The Uh-oh Show Trailers

A reporter investigates a gruesome television game show where contestants literally get rich or die trying.


You won't be disappointed!

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Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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Kirandeep Yoder

The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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I can't believe this movie currently has a 5 out of 10, which implies it's at least worth watching. The story is stupid, it makes no sense and the writing jumps all over the place. The comedy aspects of the film are cringey at best, not once eliciting so much as a smirk from me. The "gore" aspects of the show may be some of the cheapest I've ever seen. It's not funny, it isn't clever, I don't see how this movie is rated as well as it is.

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The Uh-oh Show (2009) ** (out of 4)The Uh-oh Show is on a television show that is on cable that can have the contestants win a large sum of money, dream vacations and other great things as long as they can answer three questions correct. If they miss a question then they have to spin the wheel where they will then lose a body part. The show is becoming a hit so the station orders the producers to try and come up with something for prime-time.THE UH-OH SHOW turned out to be the next-to-last film for the legendary Herschell Gordon Lewis and there's no question that he wasn't meaning for this thing to be taken very serious. Fans of the cult drive-in director will enjoy knowing that he returned to Florida to film this movie and there's no question that he lived up to his title as being The Godfather of Gore. With that said, this here is pretty much a one-joke film and that joke gets rather tiresome long before the 87-minute running time is up.If you're a fan of Lewis' gore films like 2000 MANIACS, BLOOD FEAST and COLOR ME BLOOD RED then you'll enjoy that portion of this movie. The idea of a game show where you can win money or lose body parts was rather clever and the film gets off to a great and funny start as we're introduced to some rather weird characters who end up getting chopped up. The only problem is that the movie really falls flat whenever there's not some gore action happening. A lot of times we've got silly characters discussing things that just aren't overly interesting and this is where the movie loses its fun.The film was obviously meant as a spoof and there are actually some funny moments where the director takes on himself. There are some nods to some of the previous movies he made and even the likes of Lloyd Kaufman shows up playing a pimp. The gore is mostly real, although some CGI is used at times. The gore is certainly the reason to see this movie but overall it falls well short of what you'd consider a classic.

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It came as no surprise to see Troma head honcho Lloyd Kaufmann popping up in Herschell Gordon Lewis's comedy splatter pic The Uh-oh Show, both film-makers sharing a similar sense of humour and displaying a lack of boundaries when it comes to taste. Unfortunately, they also share the same uncanny ability to churn out complete and utter drivel, and The Uh-oh Show is no exception.The film centres around a cable TV quiz show in which contestants literally risk life and limb to win—answer a question correctly and they are rewarded with a fabulous prize, get the question wrong and a spin of a wheel decides which body part is to be unceremoniously removed by the show's resident maniac Radial Saw Rex (Broward 'Eclipse' Holsey). When her boyfriend becomes a contestant and promptly disappears, TV reporter Jill Burton (Nevada Caldwell) investigates the show, and discovers that no-one is a winner.Although The Uh-oh Show seems to be intended as a wry swipe at network TV's use of violence to boost ratings (pot, kettle?), Lewis's execution is way too ham-fisted to work as effective satire; the script is dreadful, the direction uninspired, the zany humour and cartoonish violence can be considered puerile at best (characters continue to talk even after being dismembered!), and, although Caldwell puts in a reasonable performance (for a Lewis film, at least), the majority of the cast are as lousy as I expected.3.5 out of 10, generously rounded up to 4 for the excess of gore, which is always messy and occasionally even looks half decent.

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I caught a sneak preview of Herschell Gordon Lewis' latest gore film "The Uh-Oh Show" recently at the Cinema Wasteland convention in Cleveland OH. Mr. Lewis was in attendance for an informative Q & A after the screening and I have to say that the man who 'excreted'(his own words) such classics as "Blood Feast" and "2000 Maniacs" has definitely not lost his touch! In this film, Lewis obviously parodies himself and his own work with outrageous gore mixed with tongue-in-cheek humor. This film never takes itself too seriously and Mr. Lewis even has a role in the film as himself. There is also a cameo appearance by Troma film president Lloyd Kaufman, as a pimp of course. It's all here in gory details...arms are hacked off, heads decapitated, intestines are ripped out and yes there is even an obese drag queen thrown in for good measure. The film is a wrap around story concerning the exploits that take place on the set of a bizarre TV game show where the players are asked questions...if they are correct, they win fabulous prizes but if they are wrong...UH OH, they are brutally dismembered! There is another wrap around story surrounding a second TV show entitled "Grim Fairy Tales" (the film was apparently originally titled "Herschell Gordon Lewis' Grim Fairy Tales"). I am not quite sure what the future of this film will be, whether it will actually be released in theaters or go direct to DVD but if you are a fan of Lewis' work or of the gore film in general do yourself a favor and watch it, it will be an experience you will not forget!

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