The Cable Guy
The Cable Guy
PG-13 | 14 June 1996 (USA)
The Cable Guy Trailers

When recently single Steven moves into his new apartment, cable guy Chip comes to hook him up—and doesn't let go. Initially, Chip is just overzealous in his desire to be Steven's pal, but when Steven tries to end the 'friendship', Chip shows his dark side. He begins stalking Steven, who's left to fend for himself because no one else can believe Chip's capable of such behaviour.

Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Am I Missing Something?

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This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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Bele Torso

The reason this movie did not do as well or Carrey was slammed was because he came off the very kiddie friendly Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber, Batman and The Mask. Now that will start anyone's career off to a blazing start! What was Jim's audience expecting? More silly comedy. Parents take their kids to The Cable Guy (title fits a dumb silly JC comedy) and wonder what is going on here! This is a movie for today's kids, not back in 96. That is why this movie holds up so well. It is an adult dark comedy.Matthew Broderick was as usual boring, but that complimented Carrey. The supporting cast was great. A lot of up and coming stars. Comedies are really a string of scenes like a SNL episode that at the end hope to make any sense. There are few really good comedy movies. The Cable Guy has all the good scenes and ties it together pretty well.Beneath the surface is a lot of depth about a very lonely guy trying to connect because he was abandoned as a kid and TV was the world he knew. This rings true for many. He felt empowered with his "special customers" and overcompensated, but deep down just wanted a buddy. I think this movie is much more honest than many would admit!

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John Brooks

This movie is by no means a classic in the official sense, but it could def be seen as something of a cult classic. Jim Carrey's character could've been one of the most iconic for this sort of American comedy, if not for how overly exaggerated he becomes towards the end, a recurrent flaw in American films. Carrey, as usual, slips right into this insane, wild character like he'd been playing him forever and his range as a comedian and just actor overall seems infinite (possibly more ?). Some parts are flatout hilarious, and you might really laugh out loud. It's definitely very enjoyable and fun, but towards the 3/4's of the film it starts to go over-the-top too much and that's when the movie loses its focus and as a viewer your interest drops, and the movie-makers choose to go berserk with the comedy rather than maintain that somewhat decent level of credibility. Verdict: Good watch. Too bad about the last chapter there.

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"The Cable Guy," as most know by now, was a major departure for Jim Carrey. With Carrey playing a cable installer fixated on an unsuspecting customer, "The Cable Guy" is easily his darkest movie. The idea of an obsessive cable guy is quite humorous, but this is taken to the extreme to reveal a very disturbing character in the Cable Guy. The Cable Guy is one of these films that is funny in places and in other places generates a sort of nervous laughter, giving the comedy meaning rather than just comedy for the sake of comedy.For comedy to work, it must be taken seriously; real laughs come from playing it straight, and Stiller is a master of this technique. He is to be commended here for extracting a tempered performance from Carrey by reining in his natural tendency toward over exuberance (which has worked for him in other projects, but would have been detrimental here). There are some hilarious moments in this film: Chip throwing a Karaoke party for Steven; a scene that takes place at a Medieval Times restaurant (with a terrific cameo by Janeane Garofalo as their waitress); and a bit with ongoing news coverage of a murder trial in which Stiller plays twin brothers Stan and Sam Sweet. But there are just as many uncomfortable moments, which tend to leave the viewer somewhat uneasy, such as the scene in which Chip dupes Steven's family into playing "Porno Password." We feel Steven's discomfort as well as his frustration with his own inability to control what ultimately becomes an ugly situation. Or when Chip confronts Robin's date (Owen Wilson) in the restroom of a restaurant.The Cable Guy has a stellar enough lead performance and enough good points to be worth the watch. In fact, it's much easier to appreciate it now with a decade's hindsight, now that we've seen a lot more range from Jim Carrey. The film certainly has its moments of brilliance; the Sam Sweet side-plot (with a good and minor cameo from director Ben Stiller) and its conclusion is a wonderful touch, that compliments the ending and its point, and Jim Carrey's karaoke scene - beyond the obvious chuckles you may get from his lisping and catatonic singing - is also a disturbing one, and one shouldn't overlook the choice of a song (Jefferson Airplane's 'Somebody To Love'). The Cable Guy is not as good as it might have been but it's a daring creation, certainly the most daring one for Stiller as a director.Overall rating: 7 out of 10.

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I have to say, Jim Carrey really did a good job in playing a criminal cable guy! He would honestly make you laugh even if some his jokes were definitely uncalled for. Matthew Broderick was good too as he can also play a very stressed out businessman who is trying to get his love life sorted and having to come across a cable guy freak! Man, I would hate to have a hard life like that!I was surprised to see Ben Stiller hasn't acted in this movie but he was shown as a criminal on television, I found that rather odd to be honest. He was the director or this right? So then, why couldn't act in this movie at all? He would make it even better in my opinion! I didn't find the ending very realistic, I would've thought that the cable guy would die from that fall because believe me, anyone would! Ben Stiller should've either killed off the character or get him arrested by the police. It would've been better to be honest.I suggest anyone who is a hardcore Jim Carrey fan to watch this!

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