Liar Liar
Liar Liar
PG-13 | 21 March 1997 (USA)
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Fletcher Reed, a fast-talking, habitual liar, divorced father, is an incredibly successful lawyer who has built his career by lying. He is used to giving priority to his job and always breaking promises to be with his young son Max, but Fletcher often lets Max down, by missing his son's birthday party. But even then at 8:15 Max decides to make him an honest man as he wishes for a whole day where his father can't lie. When his son Max blows out the candles on his fifth birthday, he only has one wish - for his father to stop lying for 24 hours. When Max's wish comes true, Fletcher discovers that his mouth has suddenly become his biggest obstacle


Absolutely the worst movie.

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Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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In my opinion, this is one of the funniest movies of all-time. Period. Jim Carrey literally carries the entire film, even though there are some great little performances scattered throughout as well. Jerry is perfect. Carrey does such a magnificent job with his humor, that you sometimes forget he is acting here. His love for Max is apparent, as are his horrible tendencies as a human being. By the end of the film, you are rooting for him the entire way. It's also one of the most quotable comedies ever. "Yeah, in your bra!" The list goes on and on and on but do yourself a favor and grab a cold six pack and sit back and have some fun with this one. You'll be in tears laughing soon enough.

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Liar LiarA typical drama theatre script that works on all levels and for everyone; Liar Liar is that rare comedy masterpiece that instead of exaggerating keeps it real and smart.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

This movie does have the trademark Jim Carrey comedy, but thankfully the rubber facial contortions were held to a minimum, which actually serve the movie quite well.Story-wise then "Liar Liar" is one of the better of Jim Carrey movies, because there is a deeper story to be told here, unlike many other of his movies which was essentially just physical comedy. The story in "Liar Liar" is about Fletcher Reede, a successful, fast-talking lawyer who spends more time at work than with his five year old son who is desperate for his father's attention. With one disappointment after the other, the son makes a desperate birthday wish; that his father will be unable to lie for 24 hours.The comedy was good, and the physical mimicry that is usually Associated with Jim Carrey was held to a minimum. And the cast ensemble was doing good jobs with their given roles, even though Jim Carrey cast a massive shadow over everyone else.I think that "Liar Liar" was a milestone and a turning point from the usual Jim Carrey routine and mass-produced physical comedy movies he is known for. Predictable, yes, but the movie is fun and entertaining nonetheless."Liar Liar" is a definite must watch if you enjoy a good comedy, or if you just enjoy Jim Carrey movies.

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I think this is one of Jim Carrey's best movies. He clearly is ecstatic at being given free rein to express his physical, Jerry Lewis style comedy in every single scene. But he is capable of expressing the deeper emotional dilemmas underneath the character's manic facade -- the fear of losing his son, and the sudden panic that for some mysterious reason he can't lie. His whole life up until now has been a lie, so the movie becomes a fish out of water tale. It's like he has to deal with becoming a whole new person, and it is funny. As his world weary ex-wife, Maura Tierney is excellent. I like how the producers chose her -- someone capable of giving an individual, quirky performance -- and not some vacuous dumb bimbo. The character of Carrey's son is one of those factory line six year old boys -- bowl hair cut, cute little face, spilling out cute little lines. Which is no reflection on the little actor, it's just an annoying Hollywood 'type' that I wish they'd change. And the boy does have good comic timing. Jennifer Tilly, as Carrey's buxom, adulterous client, and Swoosie Kurtz, as the rival courtroom lawyer, are among an ensemble giving excellent acting support. To me, the best character is Carrey's secretary, played by the late Anne Haney. Haney came to acting very late, in her 40s, and when she played this role must have been in her 60s or 70s, yet she is a riot playing a strictly 'straight man' role, ridiculing Carrey's outrageous antics and utterings as he tries to lie, but can't. She plays that upright New England, morally correct personal assistant type to a T, and it's a pleasure to watch, and very funny. I think it's the quality and depth of the supporting roles that are often the most telling aspects of a film and so it is here. Even the judge, again playing it straight, shines as he takes many of Carrey's blatherings seriously, making them more funny.

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