One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
R | 19 November 1975 (USA)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Trailers

A petty criminal fakes insanity to serve his sentence in a mental ward rather than prison. He soon finds himself as a leader to the other patients—and an enemy to the cruel, domineering nurse who runs the ward.


I love this movie so much

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Why so much hype?

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Best movie ever!

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Abbigail Bush

what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

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This movie was alright at best. While One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest has great acting and a setting that fits how it is described in the book, it is unable to properly tell the story. To begin with, it completely switches the main character from Chief to McMurphy, which won't be a big deal if you don't read the book first, but since I did the whole movie just seemed off without the narration of Chief's thoughts. With that, the entire movie's tone was way off. The movie felt like it was light-hearted with the bright lighting and laughing going on throughout almost all of it, but in the novel I felt the tone as dark and depressing with it being a very major point that the characters refused to laugh. Finally, this leads to the ending, which just felt abrupt, it was a depressing ending to an otherwise light-hearted movie with little build up, leaving almost no sympathy felt for the characters. I was disappointed by this movie, but if you watch the movie without reading the book it you may like it more. 4.5/10

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a serious toned movie, with some mildly disturbing themes, but also has its moments of light hearted humour. The movie is of course based on the book, but without spoiling anything, I can say that they have multiple differences and many small things are left out or not properly explained. Without reading the book first, understanding some of the characters and the ending may be difficult or just confusing. OFOTCN is a solid movie with excellent acting, Jack Nicholson is always a plus, but is lacking in production value and a clear direction. It isn't clear what everyone's intentions are until towards the end of the film we get an idea of what just some of the characters want. The music isn't memorable and the movie's visuals having nothing especially different or specifically appealing about them. Another minor complaint is that the nurse never truly felt evil in the movie as she did in the book. In the movie, she seems to be a woman just doing her job rather than a control freak constantly abusing her powers. The hospital is an evil place as in the book, but it never truly feels evil like in the book. Chief explains things in the book through his own mind that allows us to see the hospitals "true colors" and understand just how evil it is. Without Chief's narration in the movie or any other visual symbolism, the hospital is just... a hospital. The viewer sees what it is from the outside and you can see how the inmates live, but seeing the hospital through their eyes at any point would've made for a much more interesting and in depth experience. When reading the book, I thought of the asylum as like the prison from Shawshank Redemption, which is an excellent film sharing many of the same themes. A truly evil place with a twisted leader, but the movie just doesn't deliver what the book constructed so well.

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The movie "The One Who Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", produced by Milos Forman, 1975. Deserves a 5 star rating because I did appreciate some parts of the movie, but yet again I would not buy this movie due to many parts of the movie to be weary to my liking. The movie "The One Who Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" has a splendid soundtrack, the pacing seemed slow, and the ending has a drastic cliffhanger. The movie has a splendid soundtrack because it's relaxing to listen to, Jack Nitzsche is the producer of all the music in the movie. The pacing of the movie seems slow in the beginning which is quite annoying, but it might be due to the fact that the actors in the movie are acting to be mentally disturbed. The actor of McMurphy; Jack Nicholson, was a great choice to be set in the movie because he also was in the movie "The Shining" which definitely made the pacing of this movie faster due to his upbeat personality, and he is great with acting "crazy". The ending has a drastic cliffhanger because someone rand away from the Hospital, were they found and brought back? Did they die? Did they live there life like all the other rabbits out there? No one will know. In conclusion this movie was a great movie but I would not personally buy the movie to watch again, It was a one time thing because all of the events in the movie was enthusing but also depressing.

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The movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," director Milos Forman, I would give it a 75% because of the characters, plot, and introduction. The introduction started out in how McMurphy had came into the asylum without being pushed to shower and he never got the shot on his butt. The introduction didn't introduce the black boys giving Chief the mop so he can clean up because he already had it in hand. The characters don't really show the condition they have as in personality wise and why they are there. They do mention in the group the problems of the characters but some characters you can't really figure out what condition they have. The plot of the movie didn't go as planned when they went fishing he never asked if they could go fishing. The doctor and chief were never involved in the fishing trip but chief did help McMurphy up when he wanted to go over the fence. Overall the movie and the book did correlate with each other at the end of the book everything with chief escaping went as planned.

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