Don't Wake the Dead
Don't Wake the Dead
R | 02 May 2008 (USA)
Don't Wake the Dead Trailers

A group of women, hired to assist with an impromptu concert, spend the evening at an ancient German castle. Unbeknownst to them, they've chosen the worst night on Earth to visit, as every sixty-six years, the long-dead bodies of Templar Knights buried there have the chance to wake and feast upon the living...


A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action

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It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

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I love a bad horror movie now and then, but this movie is really bad. REALLY REALLY BAD!! I would call the movie unwatchable on every level.Acting... bad.Screenplay. Really BAD!Directing. I'm not sure if he is trying to ruin dreams of acting careers, but I hope to never see anything by him again!!Cinematography. You guessed it. BAD!!!!The ONLY way this movie would be REMOTELY watchable, would be if I knew the people in it, or if I found out that it was for a HS school project or something. I'm all for low budget... but this is offensive to low budget projects.FAIL!!!Seriously... please do not watch this. Just rate it as less than a 3 and move along.

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Horror-gore shot-in-English flick from Andreas Schnaas (VIOLENT SH*T series) that has its heart in the right place. Unfortunately, everything else isn't so easy to find. A gaggle of hot chicks head to an old German castle to help set up for a performance by a German metal band (amusingly, they are named Gang Loco). What they don't know is that every 66 years an Army of Blind Dead Knights Templar arise from their graves (alongside some Nazi zombies) and it is going down - as Phil Collins said - tonight, tonight, toniiiiight. The only person there to protect them is Vincent (Ralph Fellows), a Carthusian monk in a leather jacket who has the Sword of Mecca and Flying Guillotine (!) that can defeat these zombie bastards. German helmer Schnaas continues to have better production values as his career progresses and there is plenty of the expected gore and nudity. Oh, and the terrible acting brings up some good laughs. But the film is still pretty rough. The worst thing is the end where - in the biggest directorial WTF? moment by a German since Uwe Boll inserted video game footage into HOUSE OF THE DEAD - Schnaas spends the time cutting between the climatic chase and the zombie band rocking out. It is totally unrelated as characters appear in both bits and it is awful. Like ever 4 minutes the action stops as he cuts back to the band playing and then back to the movie. Think NIGHT TRAIN TO TERROR without the leg warmers. Bizarre. Even funnier is that after enduring that "song" being stretched out for nearly 15 minutes, the credits start to roll and - you guessed it - that song starts playing again! Damn you, Schnaassssssss!

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A group of girls go to a castle to help an old friend set up for a rock concert, but when they arrive they find out that they are there on the 66th anniversary of a Nazi séance that brought dead Templar knights back to life. The Templars return from the dead but so do the Nazis. Then a descendant of one of the men who fought the Nazis shows up and fights the undead using skills he gained in the Orient. Sound confusing? Well it is.Andreas Schnaas's new movie is easily his best looking but like most of his previous ones, Don't Wake the Dead is way too complex for its own good, has way too much nonsense (the final battle is intercut against a 10-minute rock concert) and is edited poorly. There are several great actors in this movie, and many who are very hard to understand (like Demonium). The castle they are in looks amazing and the Templars look great, appearing like a nod to the Blind Dead films.It is not a good movie, but if you want a lot of cheesy gore, nudity, and the Shaw brothers Flying Guillotine for some reason - this is the movie for you. It defies all convention, which - after all - makes it a Schnaas movie.

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Do you enjoy watching really bad movies?If you don't, run as fast as you can.If you do, don't miss this one. It's simply ridiculous, from start to finish. Mind-bogglingly bad dialogs, a completely wacky story, pointless nudity, charmingly fake-looking gore and Templar and Nazi zombies. What more could you possibly want?I was thoroughly entertained throughout the whole movie. The characters can't make up their minds about anything, switching positions back and forth basically from scene to scene and sometimes even in the middle of a dialog... just as the wine bottles here seem unable to decide whether they're full or empty, etc etc.Actually, there's not much more to say about this one. As I said: If you enjoy watching a really bad movie every now and then, just watch this.

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