Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars
TV-14 | 22 September 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    good back-story, and good acting

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    Captivating movie !

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    Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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    Orla Zuniga

    It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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    Thomas Drufke

    Here's a show that has been on my watchlist for years but never quite made it up the mantle. That is until a feature film was released this past March so I thought what better time to start the show than now. My girlfriend being a huge fan definitely helped a bit as well. Veronica Mars is just about one of the coolest characters of all time. This review sounds very unintelligent by making such claims, but seriously the girl kicks a**. The third season was wrongfully cut short and 7 years later a movie is released. I have yet to see the film but I have been told it does the series and it's characters justice. As long as it sticks to what make each of these characters so lovable, then I'm sure it will be excellent.The first season dealt with Veronica attempting to reopen her best friends murder case and coping with the grave loss. The show takes a few episodes to really kick in but it really hits it stride down the stretch of season 1. Wallace is that loyal friend we all want to have and Keith Mars is that dependable but at the same time hip dad that fits Veronica's personality perfectly. The shows main strengths were all used to perfection. Even the shows weak spot, Duncan, didn't have as many scenes as you would think. Of course the shock of season 1 for me was just how much I ended up loving the Logan character. It came as a surprise when he fell for Veronica, but it really worked.The show had a number of great supporting characters through the years and the writers took advantage of each of their strengths and created a great show. It's truly a shame it was cancelled mid way through the third season as it was clear the ending of that season was rushed. I have to say though, it was a bit disappointing Veronica never took a case back to Neptune High for old times sake. Francis Capra as Weevil was always a delight to see on screen as he and Veronica had one of the more unique relationships. There was a great deal of mutual respect between them even if they weren't on the same sides of the coin every time.I loved season 1 and really liked season 2, but at times I feel the show became obsessed with feeding us lies and red herrings. I cant tell you how many left turns season 2 had, and as a binge watcher it became extremely difficult to keep everything straight. I think the show always stayed true to what it was, which was a crime-family-teen-mystery-drama, but it didn't reach enough people to stay on the air. I would like to hope that this film will be even better, even if it didn't make enough money to even have hopes for a sequel. So Veronica Mars is an excellently written crime drama that just about touches every area you hope a mystery would. It also has a high re-watch-ability rate which is always a plus.+Characters, characters, characters +Realized what it's strengths were, fixed it's problems +Teased for what was to come +Veronica Mars is literally my girlfriend -Obsessed with giving us red herrings-Cancelled too soon 9.2/10

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    I sort of watched all this backwards. First I saw Kristen Bell in "Lifeguard", then I saw "Frozen" where she voices Anna, then I saw her recent "Veronica Mars" movie. The one where fans participated by helping raise the capital. After seeing all those I got really interested in the TV series that started in 2004. I don't remember why but I never saw it back when it was in its original run.Fast forward to September 2014, I found that my local public library has the DVDs of the TV series, so over the past two weeks I watched the complete first season, 6 disks, I believe 22 episodes, often 2 or 3 a day.Here's what I found. First Kristen Bell is super in the role of high school teenager Veronica Mars. Her dad was the local sheriff but was run out of office after a high-profile murder, Veronica's best friend, and the daughter of the local wealthy family. So her dad has his own detective agency and Veronica works as his office manager in her spare time. But more important she does investigations in her spare time. Often it arises from a problem one of her classmates is having. Or it can involve tracking down real bad guys.Several issues and mysteries run through the whole season, and loose ends are not tied up until the final episode. One is "who really killed the girl?" because Veronica and her dad are convinced the man who confessed was paid to do so. Why did her mother run away and hide? Is she really her boyfriend's half-sister? Why is the head of security of the wealthy man's company stalking Veronica? The mood of the whole series depends on how the actress plays the Veronica Mars character. If anyone else had played the role it would have been different, but Bell seems perfect for the role. Now I might get the DVDs for the other seasons.MAJOR SPOILERS FOLLOW: Her mom did eventually come back after Veronica tracked her down, and Veronica used her college money to pay for alcohol rehab for her mother. But mom checked herself out, kept on drinking, and left again. The actual murderer was the father of the dead girl's boyfriend, he had an affair with the teen, made video tapes which she found and took. He went to her house to get them and in a moment of rage hit her on the head and killed her. Veronica figured this out when she found the tapes stashed in the AC vent in the girl's bedroom.

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    Jen W.

    only a few shows truly can draw you in, ones like Freaks N Geeks, My So Called Life, Veronica Mars. Networks don't ever see the true fan base. So happy we are able to watch these three amazing seasons on other outlets now, DVD, Streaming (thank you amazon prime for having this as a Free/Included Show.After watching three seasons, and the new Movie, yeah I think I could be a Private Detective too. Kristen and the crew did a great job with Veronica Mars, even tho it was only three years, now a whole new batch of people can grow to love this show too.Hoping this is just the beginning of more to come. Would love a series again, even if we have to do it thru Netflix or Amazon, so much more to explore,,,, will Veronica ever meet Duncan and Megs kid (she has to be at least 9 or 10 by now) Will her Mother ever come back? Will Veronica be drawn back in by Neptune High for another round of scandalous activities ??Hope so, I'm in ! check out You Tube they have a 12 minute preview of what would have been season 4. Look under Veronica Mars Season 4: FBI Pilot here's the link, a great show, great job Kristen, keep it up!

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    Why oh why did it have to end? This show changed my life. Kristen Bell and Jason guys are amazing and no actors out there have better on-screen chemistry than these two (sorry Damon and Elena).Their characters literally spell out LoVe...All the characters in this show are so lovable and unforgettable. From Wallace, to Mac. From Dick to Logan and then there's the iconic character that is... Veronica Mars.It's so addictive and probably one of the best written series to date with a solid story line that they abide by. Not like other shows that lose there way halfway through its show time.Why it had to end, I keep asking because Veronica Mars's time will never be over. Here I am a sixteen year old in 2013 and even now I am hooked. This show is incredible.I cannot wait for the movie that's coming out next year (2014)...Here's hoping for the best!!!

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