The Revolution Will Be Televised
The Revolution Will Be Televised
| 22 August 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Who payed the critics

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    When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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    it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.

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    The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.

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    I like this show, it moves along fast with a lot of laughs. It is not as slick as Brass Eye or as funny as Dennis Pennis or Ali G, but it gets better the more you watch. I tell a lie, it is as good, because it is different. The two guys Prowse and Rubinstien are very talented and the characters are funny. They have nicked Harry Enfields's 'Tim nice but Dim' and copied other shows, but that isn't so bad, they are copying the best and all comedy is derivative, just like music.I have just watched the second episode on series link and it was as good as the first. I think it will become a hit show if they keep up the quality of the writing and the format of stuff in the news. I liked the Wall Street and Fox News bits, really funny. The cannabis and gun bits were funny, it is funny. It was great to see a show that has a go at all of these things. 'Give us our money back you A***holes' was a great line to all those Wall Street creeps.

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    The reason i gave this show and 8 because it starts off VERY funny. The writers are very good at taking the mick out of the government and some other things. i don't want to spoil it but a sketch involving him trying to get tony Blair to become a saint was comedy gold. The main reason i gave this a seven is because towards the end they seem to run out of ideas. don't get me wrong, it is still funny but it gets quite repetitive after the 3rd episode. My favourite things include dale mailey, a right wing news reporter and james and barnaby, tory and labour MP's.To sum it up, i guess its a good show that i would highly recommend watching but not all of the season. season 2 is starting soon and i have high hopes for that as well.

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    Oliver Johnson

    I once read a very good description of The Revolution Will Be Televised- "Imagine taking Private Eye and removing all the funny bits and substituting fact for lazy prejudice. That's TRWBT." This show should single handedly make every license fee payer eligible for a refund. Of roughly 1hr 30 minutes worth of footage, I have seen approximately 5 seconds worth of material that was vaguely funny. It also couldn't care less about the BBC's guidelines on impartiality, as it seems to take as its life mission ridiculing anyone and anything that can be classed as vaguely "right wing" with lazy, left-winger stereotypes and never, ever touching anything vaguely "left wing", unless it is to hold it up as a paragon of virtue against whatever "right wing" thing they are mocking. A truly pathetic show that dirties the good name of satire.

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