| 05 July 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    To me, this movie is perfection.

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    Memorable, crazy movie

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    I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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    Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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    I began watching Passions when it began in 1999 and It's going to be sad when it ends at the end of this year. The series has became such a guilty pleasure for me and one of my favorite shows. The series became so good and I actually feared for the characters lives but the show has lost realism, I mean it's a Soap Opera so of course it's going to wacky and Passions has made it so much more wacky but the series stop seeming real by 2004. Characters kept dying and coming back, characters kept surviving multiple murder attempts and I realize because it's a soap opera this will happen. I also started watching it's NBC lead-in, Days of Our Lives in 1999 but stopped watching the show in 2005 when it became so boring and now Passions is just becoming stupid in it's final year. But even with all these complaints it is one of the best shows on TV and if it continued beyond 2008, I might just stop watching just like I did Days of Our Lives but although it will be sad when it ends, the series should end I think because it is getting dumber and dumber by each passing year but I will stick with it until it's end and if you've never seen this show and you somehow get the resources to watch old episodes, I recommend the entire series to watch but be warned the final years sometimes became hard to watch.

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    This is my favorite TV shows ever. I have watched Passions since it aired in July of 1999. At first I was entranced by the way this soap used the supernatural. It was very different from all other soaps on at that time. This show has "calmed down" from its first years. At first it was all about witches, warlocks, good and evil, and portals to hell; but now it is more about love triangles, the dead coming back to life, and secrets coming out. This show is aimed at younger audiences, such as myself. When I started watching it I was in 6th grade, and I have continued to watch it. If you ever get the chance tune in, have fun, and beware of the hidden passions...

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    Ah, yes. I can remember not too long ago. At that time, one thing I would do each weekday was watch this classic soap opera. From that moment on, I was hooked on it. In addition, If you ask me, Alistair (John D. Reilly) really is diabolical. You would have to have seen some of the things he's done if you want to know why. I also enjoyed the days when Luis (Galen Gering) was on the show. Ever since Beth (Kelly McCarty) left the show, I haven't watched it as much. You'd have to have seen the show between 1999 and 2005 if you want to know why. However, this is still a good soap opera. In conclusion, I highly recommend this classic soap opera to all you die-hard NBC fans.

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    NBC 4's Passions first aired in 1999. It's in it's 6th season and boy, what a soap it's been. For 6 years, we have seen into the lives of the inhabitants of New England's quiet and seemingly peaceful town of Harmony, discovering every dirty secret. This soap opera was a breakthrough because it was the first soap since perhaps "Dark Shadows" in the late 60's to combine supernatural/magic elements with routine soap opera elements. Actress Juliet Mills plays the ancient witch Tabitha Lennox, who is always stirring up trouble for the residents of Harmony. The main love stories involve the relationship between Sheridane Crane, the wealthy and sophisticated daughter of the evil and powerful Alistair Crane, and Luis Lopez Fitzgerald, cop for the Harmony Police and oldest son of Pilar, the former maid to the Cranes. The evil schemes of Alistair have also figured greatly in the soap, as he has broken the dreams and ruined the lives of so many characters- he stole Chad, the black ,illegitimate child of Dr. Eve Russell and his son Julian, he abused his own wife so that she had to run away with Pilar's husband Martin, with whom she would fall in love with later. The show used to be quite emphatic about the magic and the love between the equally magical Charity, who loved Miguel Lopez Fitzgerald, the youngest son. The actor who plays Miguel by the way is Jesee Metcalf, who is now enjoying even more fame in "Desperate Housewives" as the sexy teen gardener.Currently, the magic has been toned down, almost to the point it's non-existent. Tabitha wields no more power and merely looks in her magic pot to spy on the residents and their secret lives. Chad and Whitney, formerly lovers, have discovered they are half brother and sister and now Whitney is expecting his child. True soap stuff!! Teresa still loves Ethan and is in a constant battle with Gwen, his wife, who has abducted her own daughter. The show is still good, though I'd like to see some of the magic again. The characters of Timmy, the doll that came to life and companion to Tabitha, died some years ago. Also, the first Alistair Crane died recently and is now being played by another actor. They have switched actors in certain roles from time to time. But this soap is especially good because of the performances of : Eve Russell, Whitney, Chad, T.C. and Liz, Tabitha, Gwen, Teresa, Ethan, Gwen's mom Rebecca the eternal promiscuous flirt and very funny in the role, Alistair, Luiz and Sheridan, Martin and Katherine Crane. But please bring back Miguel. I'm sure he can sneak off from Desperate Housewives from time to time. And bring back Charity!! And even the now long forgotten dead brother and rival to Luis for Sheridan's hand...Antonio..played by Christopher Douglas. Talk about sexy hunks. The men of Passions are hot...they include Ethan Martsolf (Ethan) James Hyde (Police Chief Sam Bennett). This is a great soap opera, one of a kind.

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