TV-14 | 20 September 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.

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    This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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    This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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    There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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    It's incredibly surprising how high the rating is for this show on here. I couldn't even get past a few episodes. Everything about it feels like a soap opera. Very boring shots, horrible acting, pointless dialogues, and nonstop background music. I actually thought I was watching a soap opera until I double checked online.

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    I saw this had good reviews and rating on IMDb. "Probably worth a watch" I thought to myself.But its so full of stupidity and nonsense that I just cant stand it. I mean hell in the last episode I watched for instance there was a scene where a live power line touching a concrete floor caused a goddamn explosion. Because that is a thing that happens. Or immediately afterwards where a firefighter goes into a burning building to rescue some people, and because a single burning 2x4 falls near the door he suddenly treats it as impassable. So their idea on how to survive inside of this burning building which there is as far as they know no effort to put it out is to wedge some stuffed snakes into the bottom door crack and moisten them. Now you could ignore how terrible a plan that is, and you could even ignore the fact they don't pay any attention to any of the other door cracks (suspension of disbelief and all that), but when they are completely ignoring the ***10 foot window*** right next to the door they are frantically stuffing a snake under and its just... What am I watching?! Every episode has been full of things like this though, which is the worst part.Or ignoring the stupidity there is other issues like insane coincidences and ridiculous timings of things. For example the main character gets to a person who has a crushed throat. They have had a crushed throat for about 10 hours at that point, but only when the main character gets to them does it become an issue?!A waste of time.

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    I came across Jericho when I was looking for TV shows streaming that I hadn't seen before. I was hooked on this show after the first two episodes because there are rarely apocalyptic or war type shows that keep you out of the loop vs. watching the action front and center. It was pretty much how I'd expect it to be should this actually happen because we most likely won't have a clue. Intriguing! I could overlook the character stereotypes and melodrama.Once I hit somewhere around the 13th mark I was losing interest and by the last few episodes of the season I pretty much just had it on as background noise. Mysteries were sort of explained but the focus shifted to straight up melodrama in a Hatfield vs. the McCoys sort of way. I don't care enough anymore to start into the second season.It's a shame really, but the beginning was worth it.

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    Calling a show the best ever is obviously subjective, and it is my opinion that Jericho is the best. My top 5 are; 1. Jericho 2. Mad men 3. Star trek TNG 4. Breaking Bad 5. FireflyThat is high company for a show with an obviously lower budget and compressed episode count. While Jericho has some rough edges, the quality of the storytelling is superb. They took an ambitious idea and grounded it in reality with interesting characters and situations. This is a drama; anyone expecting a nuclear "The Walking Dead" will likely be disappointed. Calling Jericho a soap opera is however highly incorrect; This show is intellectual, scary, thought provoking, emotional, and deep. As a strong, masculine, rural person; the drama in this series hits harder than any other show I have experienced. If you have a condo in the city and have never touched a gun, you will probably have trouble connecting to the characters and situations presented. As someone who grew up in a town the size of Jericho, this series hits home in so many ways.I think a lot of the people who could most relate and appreciate this series may have been initially turned off by expecting a highly visual, shocking, high production series like The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, or The Waking Dead. In my opinion, this may be the best written and produced story that appeals to this audience.Mad Men, The Wire, The Shield and Breaking Bad all prove that quality writing and directing still exists; Jericho proves the power of storytelling can still steal the show. Best Show Ever?

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