The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
TV-MA | 31 October 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Thanks for the memories!

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    Redundant and unnecessary.

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    A Disappointing Continuation

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    I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.

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    It began as the ultimate Zombie Apocalypse show. It was vibrant, adventurous, thrilling, a good place to feel disconnected from the world. One could have felt like being amidst the survivors and share their struggles. But when Alexandria came in, the show began to run in circles and to eat itself up. It began to stagnate. Sure, it had its moments, and Morgan was a very wise addition to the story and to the cast. But nevertheless, things began to fall apart, like the teams' brain power. They were not the brightest, but they were not dumb. Later, it seemed that they got depression with progressing idiotism. The writers forgot why humanity survived and prospered in the first place. Hint: It's not because we were the strongest in the world, at the time. However, it got ridiculous with the appearance of Negans' character, following the dumbest of all possible preludes - a mass murder, orchestrated and carefully executed by our heroes. Does anyone wants to identify with murderers, however deep and metaphorical that was meant ? - Even as a comic, that could not work. There, not only the writing got sloppy, but also direction and cut. Sometimes my forward button vibrated, and I realized that a 50-minutes-episode had only 10 minutes or so of relevant runtime. The rest was ordinary stalling, to fill the emptiness until the season finale. Now, after season 8, I am done with it, and I would recommend to the producers to end the show soon. There hasn't been anything new or important for about three or four seasons, except more violence and senseless killing, it's time to bury it properly.

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    If I were writing a review of just seasons 1-6 I would have given this a 9 star rating. The bigest problem i have with walking dead is that it started so good and got better and better....BUT once u get to season 7 things start to go wrong. TWD just isn't the same which disappointed me. Then when you get to season 8 this didn't just disappoint me it annoyed me. Everything seemed to be so slow and boring. There was so little suspence and action scenes which the first few seasons were full of. The last 2 seasons were so bad iv gone from love the walking dead to not being they bothered if I ever watch it again.

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    When this show aired with season 1 in 2010, it was great. It stayed great all the way through season 6. Ever since Negan entered the show in season 7-8 it's been terrible. Please bring back Frank Darabont.

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    Let it go people. They should've gone out while they were still on top. It's a shame.

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