| 20 August 2015 (USA)

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    ridiculous rating

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    Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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    Lidia Draper

    Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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    An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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    Java Ppie

    As someone living in Gainesville, and has been for years.. this is a HORRIBLE show about it. This city is about UF, diversity, and college students. About modern life and learning. I have never, ever heard of anything about anything in this show. I even asked people who were born and raised here and they say it's something done out in the "Hick/Redneck" part. Out in the county and not in the city. They don't even like to acknowledge it. Gainesville should be known as a place that is embracing the modern lifestyle, diversity, many cultures, and a place to get educated. I love living here but this series paints the town unfairly. Frankly, it makes the city look trashy- and it's not.

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    The show is not so bad.It shows the life and times of college students. Some are working now. It has the country music life style,fishing,riding on boats. Lots of drinking at country western bars. It is a show that does not go to deep.The people on it are not spoiled reality show brats yet. I think it is fun and goofy show to watch. Nothing to take serious. I don't think they are hired actors. Some of the cast would never pass a back ground check.They also go visit there parents houses in that small town.

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    Very sad when Gainesville has so many wonderful individuals that they could portray instead of portraying Brian by name who is guilty of killing a bicyclist and only had to pay $1000 fine and has never discussed it or have any remorse. In addition has other arrests including cocaine. Another cast member his love interest who's been arrested for DUI ,etc... Who cursed when discussing firefighters, stick out there butt and drink with open containers which is a violation of the law. Facebook on CMT removes any post that actually says anything critical about the show and also portrays there cast members criminal past. The cast members, CMT and their families think it's not relevant for their pass to me made public but let me make this clear when you go on a reality show your past is everyone's business if you don't want your past to be public then don't go on TV . in an age were police officers are getting shot, reporters are being shot on the air, and myself a real firefighter who puts my life in jeopardy without regret and a. military veteran think that CMT should remove the show and feature individuals that have interesting lives that they are not wasting .

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    Zoe Witz

    This "reality" show about "Gainesville" uses actors that are not actually from, or have ever lived in Gainesville, and it does not portray life in Gainesville by any realistic stretch. On top of that (maybe not so) shocking fact, the show is incredibly boring. I'm not much of a fan of reality TV, but this "reality" show doesn't even include elements of reality TV that make it interesting. There are no confessionals, not really any drama that isn't contrived and barely believable, and nothing happens in this show that wouldn't/couldn't happen in any other reality show in any other city. The only reason I can think of as to why they chose "Gainesville" is to exploit a city that doesn't already have a reality show about it.Boring, fake, and contrived. If you're looking for a new show to watch, say "NEXT!" and move on.

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