Boy Meets World
Boy Meets World
TV-G | 24 September 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    The Age of Commercialism

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    Kaelan Mccaffrey

    Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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    Mandeep Tyson

    The acting in this movie is really good.

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    An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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    10/10! I grew up watching this show. it was my favorite! I can't say it still is because it's been 12 years since the finale and we a period were there was no tivo or online TV so when a show ended that was it! but this is one of those shows that's hilarious and you fall in love with the characters . . . also what you would call a "feel good show" still to this day i remember certain episodes and lines! I have two seasons DVD and would like to purchase them all and one day show my kid quality TV i would describe Boy Meets World as clean, funny, witty, entertaining if you never seen it go buy it on DVD or find it online somewhere!

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    I grew up watching this show and I truly feel bad for the younger generation these days. The shows these days are so dumb and unbelievable, but I don't know one person who could not relate to Boy Meets World. I feel privileged that I got to see these kids grow from children to adults. To see them have their own children even! It was always funny but had a good moral behind it all. When I see Boy Meets World now it reminds me of all the silly things I did as I kid and even looking back I can still learn things now! During graduation one of the teachers showed the last few minutes of the final episode. It showed Mr. Feeny teaching his final lesson, telling them to go out into the world and always do their best. It really touched my heart to have watched this as a young child and then hear Mr. Feenys words during my graduation. There's nothing better than Boy Meets World and it is something I will always hold in my heart!

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    Aahh the 1990's boy what a great decade for television. There were some great shows on TV but this one is one of my favorites. I remember when I first started watching this show. I was about 4 and a half to 5 years old. I really started to love this show and it was great to see it run for as long as it did. I really enjoyed coming home from school on Friday nights and watching TGIF. I love all the characters on this show and how they matured throughout the series. THe shows got better and better. It was sad to see it go back in 2000. I grew up watching this show and I am glad that they are starting to release it on DVD. By the way, for those of you that want to know where to get seasons 4-7 I know how to get them. Buena Vista Home entertainment lost the rights to the show a few years ago, but just this last November, Lionsgate bought the rights and will be releasing the rest of the show in the next few months. I know when the rest of the show come out I will be the first one at the store buying all the seasons.

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    When I think of all of those old shows from the 90s that this generation grew up on, I wonder where they ended up. A friend of mine told me about how he was a frat party at Stanford and Ben Savage spilled beer on his pants. I was like, "Cory Matthews? Party foul..."Anyway, I found this article on I'm assuming the author used Wikipedia and IMDb to find all the information, but it's pretty funny wrap-up of where all of the main stars from Boy Meets Wordld are now-a-days. Not sure what show they are going to profile next, but I'm sure it will be as humorous as this. Here's the link:

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