Countdown with Keith Olbermann
Countdown with Keith Olbermann
| 31 March 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Nice effects though.

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    I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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    A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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    If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

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    I used to watch this show religiously. Yes, I consider it equal to going to church.Keith has a way of lightening up the news while making important points.He can be depended up to bring in the very best commentators to back up his own commentary and give us the real facts behind today's news.Yes, it has a liberal bias, but then the truth is the truth, and Fox News needs to have something to counteract the falsehoods.I enjoy Olbermann because he just doesn't take himself seriously and her certainly has fun bursting the overly inflated egos of those who do not have America's interests at heart.

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    Who ever wrote the last comments about Kieth Olbermann, obviously doesn't know what he is writing about. Olbermann is intelligent, fair minded, and straightens out those ignorant saps that watch Fox. It's about time that another side of the news is presented. His programs are well thought out, and done with class, unlike his counterparts on other news channels. His factual analysis of other so called "news cable news" stands to his credit. MSNBC has great and fair talent. Olbermann's guests are not "staged" to back up one story or another. It's time we had real "fair and honest" news people on the air.

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    The Olbermeister is always worth listening to... I've found the Keither's insightful (correct spelling) comments and summaries generally right on the mark. I particularly like it when he attacks the faux news (noise) folks for the prostitutes they are to the fascist "upper" hand now running into oblivion what was the American Republican Party.Fux news' false pretense that presenting two disparate opinions provides a valid forum has been shown as the wrong argument that it is on the show. To me, Fox New's b.s. "fair and balanced" is a modern day equivalent of the conflicts between the followers of Jesus of Nazareth and the lions in the Flavian Amphitheatre in Rome.Keith's sparing with the "billo" or "oraly" or whatever you call his competition is especially interesting- as well as entertaining- to me. Before I knew better I used to watch the o'reilly factoid on a regular basis. He still has some- however rare- sound opinions but he sure as hell ain't open minded and generally focuses on increasing the current smokescreen put up by this dirty white house. I liked it post 9-11 when he "took on" the charities for their failure to give much of the donations to the needy in a timely manner; I am disgusted that he hasn't lived up to his promise to denounce this administration when weapons of mass destruction have not been found in Iraq; and also find it revolting and channel changing that he repeats and glorifies distortion and other fascist propaganda.

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    Mac Murrah

    Not so sure about that, unless of course he says something you like. Remember people tend to like and appreciate anything that least offends them rather than pure truth, as the cliché goes , truth hurts. Olbermann is extremely biased towards the Democrats, for proof watch 10 episodes and count the number of true "debates", i.e. arguments in which there IS an _opposing_ point of view, rather than just blind anti-Republican, anti-Bush hatred (8-9)*5 For proof (rather most recent of many), of the many just watch his defense of Kerry Nov 2 2006, soon after his (Kerry's) gaffe about lacking education and ending up in Iraq.His hilarious attempt at bolstering his position is even crushed by his own guest Thomas Ricks. Your answer will conform with mine, the Russian for nothing. Nada. Which pretty much sums up his show too , its nada.

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