Bob's Burgers
Bob's Burgers
TV-14 | 09 January 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Highly Overrated But Still Good

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    The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.

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    Bessie Smyth

    Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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    The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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    U.N. Owen

    I 'cut the (cable) cord' about 5 years ago, and it's been wonderful.Each day seems to bring even more choices, more options for what I wish to watch.One streaming channel I have is Hulu, and because the channel was initially founded by several TV networks, Hulu had access to a lot- of what had been top-rated shows, and what is currently 'new'.I just saw something entitled Bob's Burgers. It's never seen it, but, by the vagueness of the show's general outline, I decided to give it a shot.Now, let me tell you; I did all kinds of things funny, add long as they're funny. Saying'dirty' words for no reason, other than'because we can' is not only ridiculous, it's infantile, and shots a lack of creative ability.I put on the first episode - entitled 'Human Flesh'.This is'our' - the viewing audiences initial chance to get a sense of the creators talent, and this means we get to see what it is they think the viewing audience would (happily) spend time - week in, week out, season after season.The'creative team' behind this wants this premiere to be the best possible, in story, and animation.For those old enough to remember the 'limited' animation style of late 70's, and 80's cartoons, and yearned for the days of Warner Bros. Loony Tunes, and didn't think animation could get ANY worse, guess again.There's an old saying; give 100 word typewriters, and over of them will type or a story.Well, give them 100 animation stations top work at, and the 99 out of the 100 - there work would STILL be better than this nightmare.It seriously seems like the thieves who make this - somehow convinced network brass of their skills, and even when this Technicolor vomit was first screened to them, they STILL asked it to air (f-x will put ANYthing on the air, other than a network sign-off).The opening of this - the first episode, introduced us to the main characters, which happen to be a family named...'Belchers'.I hear the sound of water doing in the deafening silence.O-kay, so, it seems this series' 'creative' talent is below snagging a peak at their older brother's Playboy magazine, but older than someone who finds everything about the word 'booger' hysterical.But not by much.The titular Bob is standing behind the counter of his family's owned and operated diner/burger joint, and he's telling the assembled family (his wife, who's choice actor is probably the least talented, as he - yes, a man - makes no effort to even sound vaguely'woman-like', and I think there's 3 kids, ranging in age from about 10 to the late teens (it's very hard to tell. The animation artists who drew this debacle have difficulty in drawing people of different ages).A Bob's explaining the 're, re, re, re, re, re-opening (hysterical...) He turns to (what he identifies as his) ten aged daughter (though, other than his saying so, the animation, and voice work - another man, doing the choice of this 'teen-aged girl', are so snubs l abysmal I'd be willing to bet if anyone was just given a look at a cell of this character's artwork, NO ONE would be able to tell), and tells her she's the'grill cook'.To which she replies.... her crotch had been itching.To hammer home how'hysterical' this moment is - a man doing the voice of a (supposed) teen-aged girl, who's... crotch is itching, the 'teenager' says it REPEATEDLY, and to add to the'guffaws', we get to see 'her'- scratching 'down there' (though the seem censors apparently thought it was 'too much' too not just have an animated teen-aged girl -with a man's voice - describing this, they had the'good sense' to have the animated 'crotch' cut below the bottom of the screen), so all we viewers get - to see - is drawn teen-aged girls hands vigorously rubbing'down there', with the sound effects of(what sounds like( someone rubbing a shag carpet.That this was the first minute is bad enough. That the network brass said 'keep making more' is scary, that this garbage has- somehow - found a brain-dead audience large enough to have the network continue to suit this, asked how far, and how FAST society's goes without saying this... turd' is brought to air by that joke of a network; f-x

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    Mancala Parakina

    Everything else in the Bob's Burgers series aside, the way Tina Belcher is portrayed is an insult to my intelligence. Though twice her age, I'm basically her real-life counterpart — autistic (Aspie), a voice of reason, interested in many guys (and their backsides, BTW) at once, have a passion for books, music, and horses, generally sweet (but can be sassy!), honest and direct, "socially awkward" at times, and often feel the need to scratch in, well, less-desirable areas. I also have dark hair and wear glasses, if that helps. However, Tina is the embodiment of harmful stereotypes about female adolescence — that her hormones are so out of control that her voice drops — and autistic women, fearless women, and female intelligence — that we're more manly, hence Dan Mintz as her voice actor. All the Internet fame because an adult male is speaking for her. Unless necessary for her gender identity (I'll explain later), I feel that Tina doesn't need a man to voice her. Otherwise it's proof we still live in a male-dominated society and haven't come as far as we say we have.(Spoiler and option #1) Dan Mintz made a huge faux pas when he said in an interview that Tina is better if voiced by a man (or something like that) due to her interests and straightforwardness. It's as if she has the same hormonal and thought patterns of a guy; ergo, she's better off voiced by one. Oops! Sounds like a validation of male dominance with the delusion that straightforwardness, especially concerning one's sexuality, is a male trait. Not falling for that one!:))) My first option would be for the network to give Tina a feminine voice, because it's about time a confident, independent female character isn't an outlet for stereotypes. (Spoiler and option #2) Tina was originally Daniel, a possible caricature of Mr Mintz himself. In "God Rest Ye Merry Gentle-Mannequins," Tina mentions her "assigned gender," referring to Daniel. In "Letters Written by Linda" in the Bob's Burgers comic, Linda imagines an alternate universe where Tina is, you guessed it, Daniel again. That said, my second option would be for Tina to come out as transgender or gender non-conforming, taking out any guesswork as to why her voice is the way it is. (Option #3) Tina comes out as transgender and gets voiced by a real-life trans woman. I see this option as more realistic, since she could also play the other trans women in the series, currently played by cis men and have stereotypical roles to boot. (Option #4) If either of the above options fail, and the network decide to keep Tina cisgender and polyamorous, I can play her (seriously). Why not have a real-life counterpart play her? I don't care how far-fetched it sounds, it's still possible!)))

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    Bele Torso

    Gene and Louise are too over the top. I don't like the character of Gene much and Louise is too over-the-top, that said, the three remaining characters and supporting characters are very strong. The Simpsons took detailed writing to another level, Bob's Burgers does the same but with nuances. Comedy is all about timing and space. Now that I think of it, Linda needs to sing less. Gets old...again, timing.What we have here are very creative scripts. My least favorite character was Tina...didn't't get here, then she becomes a one-of-a-kind character, which is very rare. I cannot think of any other character on TV or movies that communicate what Tina does. She is just very unique, transparent, honest, and loving. Bob's Burger is about family without going so "modern" and obnoxious. We still have strong parents that allow each child to be fully themselves.

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    Eric Stevenson

    While I don't find this as good as "Rick And Morty" or even H. Jon Benjamin's other show "Archer", this is still a lot of fun. I really do find the animation funny. The creator has stated that yes, the character designs were in fact inspired by the Muppets. The funniest thing is that I find myself singing the intro to "The Muppet Show" when I see the theme song to this. The story is as basic as it can be, with a guy named Bob running a restaurant named after his burgers. The biggest appeal to this is probably how authentic it is. Despite the fact that the animation is goofy, it comes off as very realistic and the characters do behave like real people. The voice acting is wonderful in this.Every character has a distinct voice that matches their personality perfectly. It's pretty funny to hear Tina when she's trying to be angry or some other emotion. I simply can not speak ill of anything Kristen Schaal. "Gravity Falls" may be over, but may that voice live on forever with Louise...or at least until this show ends as well. It's hard to pick a favorite character because they are all so funny. Gene is probably the most entertaining, although Louise might be the most eccentric. I just love the idea of a character like Tina who writes fanfics in-universe of her favorite things. It's especially funny because of all the porn she makes. Yes, a perfect reflection of fandom indeed.The episodes are really quite unpredictable and there's always some new real life adventure these funny characters are getting into. I think my favorite episode might be the one with the mechanical shark. It's just hilarious to see this thing get more powerful as they try to stop it. I like Tina's Romeo and Juliet-esque relationship with Jimmy Junior. Yes, I'm a brony too. I'm just going to reference every other cartoon in existence in this review, aren't I? I will complain about how "King Of The Hill" can be boring as a slice of life story but this is just a lot funnier with better characters who are always saying funny things and actively getting into some new predicament. I'm impressed at how they have yet to have any supernatural elements introduced as almost every show has at least one paranormal episode or magic realism. Well, they might share a Universe with "Archer" which had some unrealistic stuff, but then again that could have just been a non canonical joke, kind of like when Bob had a cameo in that "Family Guy"/"The Simpsons" crossover. Man, degrees of separation are weird. ***1/2.

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