| 17 January 2014 (USA)
Verbatim Trailers

A jaded lawyer wastes an afternoon trying to figure out if a dim-witted government employee has ever used a photocopier. All the dialogue in this short comes from an actual deposition filed with the Supreme Court of Ohio.


Pretty Good

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Nice effects though.

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A waste of 90 minutes of my life

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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Brian McKenna

This comedy short is a ridiculous look at the normally overlooked minutia of a supreme court deposition. A tumultuous exchange between a lawyer trying to confirm a government employee's understanding of photocopiers shows how much time and energy can be spent on a single point of clarification in a lawsuit. The fact that the dialogue is taken -verbatim- from an actual court document only adds to the laugh factor. The actors deliver perfectly and the concept is as fresh as it is mind blowing. This short leaves you wondering just how much more of this trail would have made for excellent cinema. Premiered at Sundance 2014 and garnered nonstop laughter from the audience. This filmmaker clearly has an eye for the obscure and a talent for transforming the mundane into pure comedy.

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