Final Flight of the Osiris
Final Flight of the Osiris
PG-13 | 21 March 2003 (USA)
Final Flight of the Osiris Trailers

Immediately before the events of The Matrix Reloaded, the crew of the hovercraft Osiris discovers a quarter of a million sentinels drilling through the surface of the earth towards the last human city of Zion. But can the Osiris survive long enough to warn Zion?


Load of rubbish!!

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i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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SPOILER I have to say it was a nice animated short film I love the fight scenes at the beginning of the movie. The CGI was simply breath taking I was really amazed on the animation of Final Flight of the Osiris. I just wish Final Fantasy was just as good as this Matrix short film. The fight sequences was pretty good I really think it could have been a lot better nothing compared to what I seen on the Matrix Reloaded. The one thing that bother me was the ending I know from the title it was going to end with the ships destruction, but it wasn't just the ship that was destroyed the whole crew died. The ending sucks, but I still enjoyed it.

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Some SpoilersI stayed up 'till about 1 a.m., after "The Matrix," to see this. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't think the animation, voices or action was all that great. It's essentially an eight-minute-long advertising campaign for the upcoming movies, and the beginning "fight" sequence is about five minutes of sensual fighting that doesn't fit into something like "The Matrix" at all. Fighting, yes. But the entire scene keeps leading to them shredding their clothes off in the sword fight. Please.I don't know why, but I expected something clever from this. I thought it was going to be a half hour long at least, and be a bit of a prequel to "The Matrix." But it's just a long commercial, kinda like BMW's with Clive Owen. Only one difference: BMW knows how to both advertise and entertain at the same time. "The Animatrix," apparently, does not.When the credits rolled, I felt cheated. Let's re-cap, shall we? One five-minute-long sensual fight, leading to an attack on the ship, "The Osiris." This beginning sequence is basically one long advertising scheme, and the whole Countdown to Nudity was something teenage boys would come up with.After that a woman from The Osiris goes into The Matrix to deliver a package. This takes up about two minutes, and while it is the most visually enchanting scene in the commercial - err, film - it feels rushed. After she delivers the package, the ship is destroyed (in another rushed sequence) and she is killed inside The Matrix, plopping dead on the street. Booooring.At least the Wachowski Brothers realized this doesn't fit into an entire movie, but I really wanted a prequel to "The Matrix." How about a look at the man who freed Morpheus from The Matrix; the man who was the first to realize The Matrix was a computer-generated illusion?Or what about showing some of Morpheus' adventures with Trinity before Neo came into the picture? I suppose because the actors wouldn't lend their voices - but then again, I'm kind of surprised they wouldn't, seeing how it would be a continuation of their characters.I hate to be a damper on everyone's fun, but an eight-minute-rip-off of "The Matrix" with so-so animation just isn't my piece of cake.Worth seeing if there's nothing else on.2/5 stars -John Ulmer

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It is important for all those who want to get a better understanding of what is going on in The Matrix Reloaded that you see this short film. Some might criticize it as being of poor quality animation, which is in part true, but it is worth watching since it's only like 15 minutes long.But the animation part is really not important. The small amount of information it provides is not crucial to the plot of Reloaded, but it might clear up a few points when you actually go see The Matrix Reloaded. Otherwise, i liked it, i gave it a 9/10.

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Animatrix: The final flight of Osiris is a short, computer generated film which demonstrates the wonder-stuff that is the Wachowski brothers.Osiris is a ship that like the Nebacaneza and crew of the Original Matrix feature film flies aimlessly around the matrix trying to avoid nasties and keeping its small crew alive.The opening fight training scene is amazing to say the least. The use of this short animation film as a background filler to the release of The Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions (coming out in 2003) is a clever idea that definitely gets the juices flowing and wanting more.A tantalising teaser of what is to come and what we want to see.

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