R | 17 July 2015 (USA)
Trainwreck Trailers

Having thought that monogamy was never possible, a commitment-phobic career woman may have to face her fears when she meets a good guy.

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Wonderful character development!

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Very Cool!!!

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terrible... so disappointed.

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This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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I can not believe the vehemently hateful IMDB reviews I've read! The only explanation can be an innate viewer's dislike of the primary artists who created this hilarious comedy. It takes a lot to make me laugh out-loud, and this movie has it in spades. Seriously funny. The biggest surprises were Lebron James and an unrecognizable Tilda Swinton. Off the charts funny. To all 1 out of 10 reviewers out there, GET A LIFE; or have a drink. Relax!

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Thirty minutes too long with virtually every scene going on far longer than necessary. A constant need to have minor cameo characters get funny improv bits in, pointless celebrity cameos that needlessly fill up time, and scene after scene that could have been either completely cut, or drastically re-worked to make the movie flow better. Just about the only thing that this movie has going for it is the gender swapping of tropes, other than that, it's just bad. Sure there's a couple of laughs, but Apatow NEEDS someone to tell him when to cut, that not everything he touches is gold, and a tight script is worth a million improv jerk offs.

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Trainwreck is an absolute train wreck. I don't know why anyone in the world finds Amy Schumer entertaining on any level. Her stand up was awful, her sketch show did have some funny moments but overall was not worth watching. Later it turned out a lot of her stuff was apparently lifted which makes it even more strange that it was not funny at all.Anyway I went into this movie expecting it to be not very good, and even then I was disappointed. Bill Hader was good and a lot of the other bit players were too but Amy Schumer was terrible and a few of the supporting characters were bad too. Judd Apatow can usually do no wrong for me, either great stuff or at least watchable and enjoyable, but this movie is just awful. Terrible movie, terrible script.It's not that the movie is dirty or anything, I am 100% fine with that. Dirty funny is fine, but this movie is dirty with nothing funny, and a terrible actress playing a completely unlikable character.

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Glad I did not waste cash on this in the cinema, not that I could have sat still with this movie it drags so much, or simply just fails to engage you. Was expecting a lot maybe too much from the eponymous title character but all we got was another gaggle of troubled waspies who just can't seem to cope with their lives or those they encounter along the way. Maybe it is reflective of modern times in the USA if so then glad I am an ancient fud. Not really a spoiler but expect crude language and self-abasement along the way. Not for the easily embarrassed-for-others who ought to know better.

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