Threads of Destiny
Threads of Destiny
PG-13 | 23 February 2014 (USA)
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94 years after The Battle of Yavin, the New Republic has been resurrected and democracy once again rules the galaxy. The Jedi Order is reestablished on the planet Yavin 4, and has continued to train new Jedi Knights in the art of peace and justice. But all is not peaceful in this new world. With the fall of the Dark Empire, the ancient Skenvi Empire now comes out of the shadow to make its move. The Skenvi now oppose the New Republic for control over the galaxy with their aggressively growing empire. The Skenvi seek to seize control of all the galaxy's most valuable resources to cripple their enemies. And if a planet refuses to join them, they have been known to take very aggressive actions. Caught in between this struggle over the fate of the galaxy is the little planet of Coreign. The planet possesses a very powerful resource that would greatly favor the side that has access to it if a galactic war was to emerge.


Purely Joyful Movie!

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Dreadfully Boring

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an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.

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A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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Marcel Spainghaus

This review will contain some spoilers, but they won't ruin the movie for you (the movie itself does a good job with that). Even though my opinion is very negative, I don't mean to insult or badmouth it in any way, I just write what I think in a pretty straight forward way.Writing this review is a hard thing to do without "profanities or spiteful remarks" as the guidelines say. I mean ... fencing? Really? As in rapiers, not light sabers or lore friendly vibroblades. When it comes to the lore, as my review summary already stated: I was disappointed. I'm not the biggest star wars geek in the world, but the screenplay completely disregards rules that Jedi have. For example "don't fall in love", which the Padawan's Master completely ignored (and seemingly embraced) as the princess flirted with his apprentice.Something really annoying that also broke the immersion for me was the atrocious acting. Okay. I'll cut them some slag, as this is a fan movie, but oh my, I haven't even seen such bad acting in any Sandler movie. The accents aren't that bad either, but come on, they should at least know how to say "Jedi" correctly.The screenplay was simply bad. Cut away the occasional philosophy that's meant to add depth to the conversations and everything the actors say becomes completely uninteresting. Scenes that should take a second were dragged on for 15-20 seconds to make the movie look longer, effectively just making it more boring.What really killed the movie for me though was the way it was recorded. Blurry backgrounds in nearly every scene, terrible CGI with cut scenes being completely blurry, ships behaving differently than they would in the original Saga. Scenes where faces, the background or objects were completely black. Oh and the costumes. The costumes were something unexpected. Obviously not in a good way. I have seen pornographic star wars movies with better costumes. Similar and probably even better acting too. I honestly thought that some scenes were cliché intros to porn. (I did "research").Tl;DrThis movie is bad. From the screenplay, to the immersion, over the acting, the CGI effects. Everything was just bad, to the point where it motivated me to write a review, after seeing how many "This movie is AWESOME" reviews there are. I recommend it if you're drunk with friends and want to have a laugh or have troubles falling asleep.

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The only external sources relevant to how we understand the Star Wars fiction are the view of George Lucas and Lucasfilm. Creators of Star Wars have almost total control over how fans should interpreted the works of fiction. Fans of Star Wars have very little control over how the fiction should be interpreted. This works of the film is how people should understand the new Star Wars gospel and gossip of all sorts to be considering. Almost all of the fan fictional films are considered as G- canon (meaning George Lucas canon) with anything created, at least terms of overall story, by Lucas himself, including six (soon to be more) films, scripts and unpublished notes. Though it was generally considered an excellent fan film, it could not be entered into The Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards because it was much longer than the contest's upper time limit. However this film are still considered the best stories of Star Wars expanded universe.

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I've just stumbled over this film here on IMDb, downloaded it and gave it a go, despite the rather bad reviews. And I sat there, totally awed by what I saw. This has got to be one of the most ambitious fan projects ever done and, in my opinion, they pulled it off.From the opening score to the end credits this film was full of great ideas,great scenes and great effects. The music was excellent, the actors mostly good or sometimes even great and the story entertaining.For those of you, who think you know better or you could do this better: You are wrong. But let me put all that into perspective: The making of this film cost EUR 6000,- !!If you complain about flaws in acting, story or continuity, let me tell you there are hundreds if not thousands of movies out there, that had a budget of 100k or more, that had professional writers, directors and actors and that are worse. Not to mention the really bad movies that cost many millions. Sure, the production quality is that of a fan film - but there it is top notch and as such a masterpiece.Everybody who has ever tried to make just one costume or to build a 3D model or to write, act or shoot a dialog knows how much work and time, and what's even more, how much love was put into making this movie.More than 100 people spend their time working on this, the whole production took 9 years,there are more than 1500 FX shots and the overall outcome is simply awesome, with the 3D and FX being the real stars of the movie (as it always was in Star Wars).Don't get me wrong. Don't expect a polished,commercial movie. This is a no-budget fan made film, but it is the best I have ever seen.

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For an amateur Fan Film this is top notch. The special effects are well done, though the same problem most fan films have shine through in the story and acting. It hits upon the clichés, and by the numbers, and the actors come across more than a little stunted, sounding a bit more like Live Action Roleplayers (LARPers). For all that I stayed with it through the whole thing, which is actually pretty impressive. The acting, as it was, and story were at least if not better than Episodes 1 and 2. I'd really enjoy seeing something like this done by some passionate people willing to push new boundaries instead of the normal Star Wars tropes.

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