The Wizard of Speed and Time
The Wizard of Speed and Time
PG | 22 September 1989 (USA)
The Wizard of Speed and Time Trailers

A Hollywood filmmaker (Mike Jittlov) makes a short for an evil film studio. Unbeknownst to him, the producer has placed a bet of $25,000 that he won't come up with anything with a use. Luckily, our film creator gets the help of his friends.


What a waste of my time!!!

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Purely Joyful Movie!

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The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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I saw pieces that were incorporated into the film on a Walt Disney telecast, titled "The Possible Impossible," or something of that sort. It was Mike Jitlov's marching tripods and biting clapper slates. Walt was the host of the show, and he explained that by using movie techniques, it was possible to present things that couldn't really happen.Having had to improvise some low-cost special effects for an industrial film I did in the early 1970s, I sympathize with anyone who has limited cash and great ambition. Mr. Jitlov has done outstanding visual work in the film-within-the-film, and some excellent work in the rest of the opus.A version of the short piece was shown at a New England Science Fiction society convention I was attending, so I got another glimpse of the picture. When the final (later) version of the film was released, I realized it's a one-of-a-kind film.The feature is entertaining, and carries the viewer along with the story, which is full of Hollywood in-jokes. Even if you know nothing about the world of film, the movie still entertains.Although the gentle story carries the viewer along, the real feature is the vast number of special effects scenes throughout the opus. They are sociometric eye candy worth repeated viewings.Worth watching. Worth tracking down to watch.

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I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and rate this thing a 5 -- I could only get through about 15 minutes. The soundtrack is easily the worst I have ever heard. For some reason I want to say it is a cross between Yani and Gallagher, which doesn't make sense, but does describe it perfectly. And I mean in a bad way, because that could potentially be good.I've never heard another soundtrack that remotely approaches this level of objectionability. There are some people who have a special talent for making things so bad that they are good, but then there is another level below that of things that are so bad that they are really incredibly bad with no possible good at all, and that is the level that the soundtrack to this film is at. I'd rather listen to a four year old screaming and banging on pots for three hours while his sick little sister is puking in the background and crying and the mother is threatening to "beat their asses" than to listen to one more minute of this.I know what you are thinking, can it really that bad? I think my ears are bleeding. I never heard anything like that before, it hurt me. I'm pretty sure that listening to this music would be considered "torture" under the terms of the Geneva Convention -- it was one of the worst experiences of my life.ONLY TONE DEAF PEOPLE COULD POSSIBLY ENJOY THIS FILM, AND TO THEM I SAY, "GOD BLESS YOU."

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This film is magic at its best pure and simple. As such it's not for everyone. People who don't like silliness or weirdness will probably find it dull or worse. But anyone who believes in magic, who wants to see wonders unfold before their eyes and who can be silly for the duration of the film will find it an absolute treat.The Wizard, Mike Jittlov, whisks us into his fantasy world almost immediately and it's a roller-coaster of cheesy but fun jokes and truly astounding and heart-felt FX that speak to the child in each of us.The sheer kinetic ENERGY of this thing makes you feel like you could fly (or run on air anyway)! Rumors are that Sam Raimi/Bruce Campbell actually asked Mike Jittlov to visit them to preview a little film they'd thrown together called "Evil Dead" because they wanted someone who they respected to give the thumbs up to their movie before it debuted! Dreamers rejoice in the chaotic joy that is "The Wizard of Speed and Time!"

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Mike Jitlov sold his soul to devil for this film, the agent for the devil in this case was in this case Richard Kaye(the films producer) although this is yet to be confirmed. He now cares for his mum in the family home(featured in the film) on welfare, The Hollywood machine chewed this guy up and spat him out(maybe he should of stuck to math language?!). Well another talented human gets chucked on the pile, while Kevin Costner roams free to make movies as he pleases. Its a very very sad world....The film its self is a little self congratulatory, but Jitlov is such an extraordinary talent that this indulgence can be forgiven. The love scenes are handle with a tender naivety which was real, The Kiss shared between Mike and Paige Moore in the film was Mike's first ever kiss. The special effects were created by hand by Jitlov himself, and they are unique, no CGI here. They are not as flashy as say Lord of Rings ROTK but in a different way they are as impressive($300mil vs less than $500,000). Its got its weak points but you probably won't see to many films with this much love and devotion poured into them. If you haven't seen this wonderful piece of cinematic whimsy then go see it, its kinda cheesy 80's but if thats a bad thing for you, its definitely worth seeing thru that to see such a unique talent that you may never see again anywhere else on film, and to be cheered up despite your self. We love ya Mike, never stop believing.:) love, happiness and fine wishes KbJ

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