The Swamp of the Ravens
The Swamp of the Ravens
| 29 April 1974 (USA)
The Swamp of the Ravens Trailers

Dr. Frosta dumps body parts and corpses in the marsh, where they rise up again for vengeance.


Wonderfully offbeat film!

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It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.

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Mabel Munoz

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

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Ecuadorian horror - I guess I can mark that off my bucket list. Honestly, who knew there was such a thing? For the most part, Swamp of the Ravens is fairly typical low budget 70s Euro-horror/trash type stuff. The plot goes something like this: Dr. Frosta is working with a serum to bring the recently dead back to life. Beyond that, the plot gets fuzzy. I'm sure he's trying to do something else, but for the life of me I don't know what it is. In fact, most of the rest of the movie doesn't make a bit of sense. When Dr. Frosta's experiments with the deceased go wrong, he hacks off a few limbs (again, not sure why - I suppose so they can turn inconveniently turn up later) and dumps the bodies in the swamp where their heads creepily bob up and down like apples at Halloween. Unfortunately, the police begin noticing people are missing and body parts start appearing. The police turn their attention to Dr. Frosta's shenanigans. Throw in a girlfriend that Dr. Frosta kidnaps and ties up so she won't leave, scenes from a real autopsy, huge buzzards (standing in for the titular ravens) everywhere you look, dubbing as bad as I've seen, a goofy lounge singer with an absurdly humorous song, bottom-of-the barrel acting, special effects that don't deserve to be called "special", and a touch of necrophilia, and you've got Swamp of the Ravens. While there is a certain amount of atmosphere and there are some creepy moments, none of it is very good. It's a cheap movie and it shows. And, as I said at the start, most of it makes absolutely no sense. A 3/10 from me.

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Scott LeBrun

Ramiro Oliveros plays a bad doctor named Dr. Frosta, who's up to your usual demented nonsense for a researcher in a horror film. His aim is to conquer death, so he regularly messes around with cadavers. All of the rejects are taken to the nearby swamp for disposal. Meanwhile, Dr. Frostas' fed-up girlfriend Simone (Marcia Bichette) has announced her desire to leave him for another man, night club crooner Richard (Marcos Molina). And Dr. Frosta had better watch it, for a dedicated police inspector, played by the always entertaining Fernando Sancho, is on the case.This Spanish-Ecuadoran horror film may well test the patience of some Euro-horror lovers. It's not gory enough, sleazy enough, atmospheric enough, or even funny enough, to quite succeed. It's best described as mildly amusing. Not much of note ever happens, but that doesn't mean that "The Swamp of the Ravens" is without its pleasures. For example, the inspector receives a gruesome piece of evidence - a severed hand - while he is stuffing his face at a restaurant.There are also low points, of course. Early on in the film there are some cringe-inducing romantic episodes with Simone and Richard. Director Manuel Cano fails to give the proceedings much style when it comes to his handling of the material. The performances are on a par with the film itself: no more than passably amusing. Oliveros is a handsome guy, but his antagonist is simply boring. At least we get one interesting character in the form of Frostas' mute assistant (Domingo Valdivieso), who kind of resembles Anthony Perkins.The dead bodies in the swamp never pay off as much as one would like, and the title is a misnomer: it should have been titled "The Swamp of the Buzzards". However, in presumably some sort of attempt to justify the title, Dr. Frosta quotes Poe right at the end.Five out of 10.

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Joseph Brando

"Swamp Of The Ravens" is a very unusual piece of 1970's Euro Cult Cinema. It's story is one that was all all too familiar several decades before this came out. A doctor who has been banished from his hospital for crossing both moral and scientific barriers decides to strike out on his own and continue with his experiments. Except there is no Gothic castle here. Instead his laboratory is located in a shack surrounded by a swamp filled with the doctors used cadavers - which may be why all those ravens are hanging around it. There are some grisly sequences including what looks like a genuine autopsy - not stock footage but instead one which seems to have been performed especially for this film, with the actors present. Add some hazy performances, atrocious dubbing, a couple lepors, and a semi sadistic romance with just a touch of necrophilia - and presto! You have a crowd pleasing 1970's Euro Sleaze Extravaganza!

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Well, this might just be the first Ecuadoran film I have ever seen, though because it's dubbed into English (at least the version I saw), you might not suspect as much when you watch it. You will quickly realize, however, that it's dubbed as the voices have a weird and unreal quality about them.The film begins with a flashback scene. Apparently some goofy grad student was conducting experiments with very, very fresh cadavers in order to try to bring them to life and the university disapproved (go figure). As you'd expect with a typical mad scientist film, he won't let this deter him and leaves to conduct his kind of research.Next, you are then treated to ANOTHER flashback scene concerning the girlfriend of this crazed loser. It's unusual to have one flashback soon followed by another--a sign of poor film making.A bit later, you see the doc in the lab---working on a "patient". During this scene, you see the same giant jars filled with freaky looking dead babies in formaldehyde again and again. Once again, sloppy film making--but some pretty scary looking stuff, too. In addition, you see lots of heads and severed hands and the like--and most of it looked pretty cheesy.So far, although the effects were poor, I was reasonably happy with the film. However, as it continued, the film seemed to lose its way--becoming a very stupid and depraved film.A bit later, you see that this crazy doc has been harassing a lady--insisting that she is his property. She's scared to death of him and he seems super-creepy. But, in a sick move, he ends up killing her or nearly killing her (I'm not sure which) and he keeps her alive by draining people of the same blood type and giving her transfusions. During this time, she's in a zombie-like state and he takes many opportunities to undress her and play with her breasts. Now considering her catatonic state, this all seems sick and unsavory--too much to recommend it to anyone but true necrophiles! The end of the film is pretty unsatisfying as well and the whole thing ends on a rather flat note.Overall, a badly made and creepy film--and NOT in a good way! Steer clear--there are countless movies that are better than this.

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