The Old Grey Hare
The Old Grey Hare
NR | 28 October 1944 (USA)
The Old Grey Hare Trailers

Failed hunter Elmer Fudd laments that he's never able to catch the rabbit (Bugs Bunny); just then a bolt of lightning strikes, and the voice of God takes him through a flash-forward to the year 2000. Elmer and Bugs, now both elderly, look back to when they first met as babies.


Wonderful character development!

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Just perfect...

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In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,

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The Old Grey Hare (1944)*** 1/2 (out of 4) Very funny short finds Elmer Fudd crying because he can't catch Bugs Bunny but God then speaks to him and tells him to look into the future. We go to the year 2000 when Elmer finally gets Bugs who then decides to show him a flashback to when the two were children. This here is one of the most clever films in the Bugs series because it's really two very good movies in one. The first has the elderly Bugs and Elmer going at it with some "futuristic" weapons and it manages to be very funny. The flashback sequence is just as good because we get to see them as babies fighting and of course there are plenty of laughs here as well. THE OLD GREY HARE features some great animation and of course a lot of nice laughs.

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Robert Reynolds

This is a Bugs and Elmer short from Warner Brothers. There will be spoilers ahead:This is one of my favorite Bugs cartoons. Elmer is bemoaning his lack of success at capturing or shooting bugs when an ethereal voice tells him to be patient and takes him forward across the decades to the far off year...2000! In addition to learning that Bing Crosby's horse still hasn't come in and that there's such a thing as "Smell-o-vision" in 2000, Elmer also finds he has a space age, Buck Rogers type of weapon. He sees an elderly Bugs who's basically Bugs with a grey beard and that durn lumbago. He irks Elmer and the "runs", but is blasted by Elmer.The "dying" Bugs begins to take Elmer down memory lane, where we see them as kids, though still very much in character. Age-appropriate gags take place which leave Elmer empty handed and we go back to the future, where Bugs is digging a grave. Things don't work out for Elmer any more in the end than they generally go, with a classic ending.This short is on multiple DVD/Blu Ray discs and is well worth looking for. Most recommended.

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Wow, this was a strange feeling to watch this cartoon near the end of 2007. The animated short was made almost 65 years ago and deals with Elmer Fudd being transported by God to the future: the year 2000, which probably seemed far, far away to audiences in the theater back then. Now, here we are almost another decade later.Anyway, Elmer suddenly finds himself "all winkled" and "gway," still in his hunter's outfit and sitting under a tree. He sees a newspaper headline that claims "Smellovision Replaces Television." Hey, I've seen today's programs and that prediction has pretty much come true!Even better is when Bugs pops out of his hole nearby and has a white goatee - hey, he's in style!!! Who knew back in 1944? "What's up, prune face?" he asks old-man Elmer.Bugs may need a cane to walk with his bad hip and limp, but he's still a wise-guy. Mel Blanc voicing Bugs as an old man is a hoot, too.Time is reversed in the second half of the cartoon when Bugs - supposedly on his death bed - relives old times with Elmer, beginning when the latter was baby crawling along the ground with diapers and a popgun, looking for "Bugsy."

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bob the moo

Frustrated at never getting the rabbit, Elmer Fudd cries out to his God, who responds (much to Elmer's reply). God takes Elmer far into the future, to 2018 where Elmer is an old man chasing an old Bugs. With the new weaponry available, Elmer fatally wounds Bugs, sparking a trip down memory lane to when they were both children and the chase began.Starting with the usual amusing play on words title, this short cartoon stutters a little early on. The focus on Fudd slows things down a little, an impact that is only slightly lessened by the arrival of an elderly Bugs Bunny. However when the short moves to the baby flashback, things pick up significantly and stay that way until the end. The baby stuff and the climax moves quicker and feels more enjoyable that the lengthy, flash-forward set up.The animation is good and shows real care (lacking in some later cartoons) and the voice work is as superb as always. Seeing the baby Bugs being just as scheming and resourceful as his adult self is very funny.Overall a good cartoon which suffers a little during the set-up scenes but then ends on a run of highs to leave a good impression.

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