The Ewok Adventure
The Ewok Adventure
| 25 November 1984 (USA)
The Ewok Adventure Trailers

Wicket the Ewok and his friends agree to help two shipwrecked human children, Mace and Cindel, on a quest to find their parents.



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Purely Joyful Movie!

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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Melanie Bouvet

The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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When it came out I was a kid and it was a good movie. It's true it doesn't have the high quality of the movies released in theaters, but it was made for TV and had a lower budget. But the story is great and a fun adventure. I still love it years later. I found it interesting to find that apparently Lucas made this for his daughter who loved the Ewoks. So that makes it a 'family' adventure for him too.

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I can tell you a thing or two about the dirty aspects of commercialism. For one thing, greed and marketing plays a prominent part in the merchandising phase and two, for all "their good intentions" it dampens the appeal of the original product despite the fact that said material has already been established. Ahhh, the power of corporate politics. In this case, Lucas tried to do the same thing with the prequels (though Episode 3 was great, don't hate me) and failed horribly and Ewok Adventure is another example albeit from a much less commercialized era. About the film itself? well I could say its cute in a "Star Wars geek" kinda way but then I'll be lying to myself if I do. As the title of this review states, this is nothing more than a cheap cash in on an already established universe. The fact that two, count 'em TWO movies were made featuring those despised little walking "rugs" is cringe-worthy of morbid epic proportions. To me they kinda resemble those Teletubbies of late; only with fur. Why? Why try to milk something that was so successful to begin with for what its worth? Why didn't he scrap this crap and just make a Star Wars TV series, live-action style?!?!?! Instead he made this sci-fi excrement. Purely and fundamentally useless. It serves nothing more than a nuisance to anything worthy of mass appeal and critical praise. This was made for kids aka THE TARGET AUDIENCE of the world. At least its nice to know that adults don't have to even look at....this...thing dipped ever so eloquently in sweet dippedy-doo-daa candy laced fudge even if that was Mr. Lucas and co original intent. Are they're good parts? The special effects are nice. That's just about it.You could do a lot worse and I MEAN A LOT WORSE seeing this vomit-inducing piece on Lucas's now-corporate-minded part or if you want a more "humane" solution you could check yourself into a mental health facility where you're most likely stay for several years if you can't erase those horribly disturbing haunting images from your ever so delicate psyche. The sky is falling in this Orwellian age of psychotic pop stars, weak US dollar, Tom Cruise's fax paux religion, and other bizarre things happening in the world today, one can only hope that a resistance movement is formed to combat and defeat the evil forces of commercialism to ensure the rest of humanity that crap like this NEVER is made to be seen AGAIN. Ever.

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The Ewok Adventure is fun for the whole family. Wicket is probably the cutest Ewok. The Human Children on the Moon Endor are well helped by Wicket and his friends.Last night I had a significant dream. I saw 3 Care Rank Ki Aliens and 4 Humans standing in a group looking at me. There was Apophis-God with his some white hair on his head, there was Demeter the Care Rank Ki Ambassador and there was Memphis perhaps the oldest Care Rank Ki form. The four humans were King Henry V Lancaster, King George VI Windsor my Grandfather the Care Rank Ki Creators of Humans chosen Messiah, Ambassador Joseph Kennedy and Rose Kennedy. 3 Care Rank Ki, myself watching and 4 Humans gives you 3.14 like Pi. I woke up from the dream I was so moved. This is very much like a holodeck so the dream might have meant something. The Care Rank Ki look like Yoda from the Star Wars Saga if you think that I am making this up. Check out the other Ewok movie as well.

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People who comment this movie should wake up!! Just 5.1 ?? this was one of the best movies ever made. A wonderful fantasy movie....if you like star wars, i can make sure you that you will love The Ewok Adventure. Actually, im not a star wars fan, but this one is different. It's old i know but you should see it. 8/10

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