The Legend of Zorro
The Legend of Zorro
PG | 25 October 2005 (USA)
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Having spent the last 10 years fighting injustice and cruelty, Alejandro de la Vega is now facing his greatest challenge: his loving wife Elena has thrown him out of the house! Elena has filed for divorce and found comfort in the arms of Count Armand, a dashing French aristocrat. But Alejandro knows something she doesn't: Armand is the evil mastermind behind a terrorist plot to destroy the United States. And so, with his marriage and the county's future at stake, it's up to Zorro to save two unions before it's too late.


Dreadfully Boring

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Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.

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Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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Derry Herrera

Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.

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I absolutely loved the original movie "Mask of Zorro" that came out in 1998. and I could wait to see this one. I did find it rather odd that it took them 7 years to make a sequel...but none the less they finally made it.The good news is that they didn't try rehash the first film all over again with bigger special effects and slightly different circumstances(like many sequels do..example: Die Hard 2) The Bad news is that is cannot hold a candle to the 1998 original. This movie is no where near as good as the first one.Once again, just like with the first film,the music score is great, the actors are perfect for their roles, the scenery is beautiful and the stunts, special effects & action sequences are great.(the first movie got all of those same elements right too)But this movie unlike the first movie, the story isn't as good. at most times the plot is very predictable. However I felt like the writers tried to hard to work in way too much comic relief, and it bogged the story down. The story takes a long time to develop, and when it does finally develop, everything happens pretty much they way you already knew it would.overall its not a bad movie, and it does have its moments. but there is way too much comic relief, and the story moves way too slow.... it is an 5 out of 10. It worth watching once.And if you've not seen the first yourself a favor and watch it

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Following on several years after 'Mask', Alejandro and Elena are going through a bit of a relationship tiff, with Elena feeling that Zorro is taking away from proper family time, primarily in being there for their son, Joaquin. The timing could not be worse as a slimy foreign count is on the scene, wooing Elena, Pinkertons are snooping around, and a deadly new weapon that could turn the tide of the Civil War (ten years earlier here) is being tested nearby.Though it still boasts big stunts and tongue-in-cheek jabs at the mythos, 'Legend' swaps matinée charm for grating spousal comedy. A huge part of this, I feel, is down to a change in writers. Instead of Ted Elliot & Terry Rossio, who have built their careers on that kind of balancing act, we get the second screenplay by Hollywood's premiere love-hate duo, Orci & Kurtzmann. Beyond the numerous and headscratching historical errors, including a Confederate movement 10 years pre-Civil War, their trademark obnoxious humour is here, incarnate in the form of an almost childish matrimonial dispute between Alejandro and Elena, that doesn't mesh well with the derring-do.One minute, we have fun, well directed action and some decent carry overs of the whole 'man and mask' motif from the first film, the next, Alejandro is utterly drunk and Elena whines. It gets old really fast. Add to that a rehashed score by James Horner that adds little new flair, and you have something that feels deflated and uninspired.A shame, as the players are still great in their roles, Banderas and Zeta-Jones as fiery as ever together, while Sewell chews scenery as the villainous fop. Even Adrian Alonso as Joaquin is not a half bad child actor, and seeing him play Zorro and duel a teacher is perhaps one of the few funny gags in the film. And well, despite the lax script, Campbell still does a top notch job directing, with dynamic set pieces (such as the opening chase and final train battle), tight editing and beautiful Californian vistas. However, you can't polish average, which is what this is.

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Kiril Trichkov

I sat through most of the movie feeling terrible. I knew that if I quit (and I really wanted to stop watching after 30-40 minutes!), my memories of The Mask of Zorro would be somewhat ruined by this truly terrible sequel. So I sat there, hoping it would get better. It barely did.The first half of the movie is a bad joke. Zorro is no longer a hero, but a stupid drunkard. His wife is an annoyance. Some of the fights are visibly overdone and thus not nearly as exciting as in the previous movie. The whole "Yay! We're gonna become part of the United States! We're gonna be free, and Americans, and free, and everything's gonna be awesome, and we'll be free!" setting is insulting in itself. We're never told what they're gonna be free of, or free to do.Many scenes involving Zorro and Tornado fall flat. Don Luiz's new calling as a teacher doesn't fit him. Zorro's child not knowing about his father's exploits is baffling. Divorced Zorro's drunken (and otherwise) jealousy scenes achieve nothing beyond making me feel uncomfortable. The western-style shoot-out is out of place. So is the whole espionage and conspiracy subplot.The only thing I'm not annoyed with is the fanatically religious racist prick of a villain/henchman. He's just average.It feels like things improve slightly in the later parts, or it could just be my expectations going through the floor. Most likely it's the fact Zorro stops being drunk. Regardless, I'm not going to spoil anything further. Just in case there are people out there who will enjoy this.Overall, it's like the creators wanted to put everything possible into a 2-hour movie. It's part comedy, part action, part soap opera, part western, part spy story, part mystery, part whatever-the-first-movie-was, part immature belch jokes. As can be expected, it doesn't work. It's a mess, made worse by the fact it's the sequel to a very good film. I highly recommend avoiding this if you have good memories of The Mask of Zorro. Don't spoil them like I did!

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I rated the mask of zorro10/10 and this sequel 7/10Note: if you haven't seen the first one ,don't watch this one because you won't get why so many people loved the the mask of Zorro so much.It's sad how a mediocre sequel can ruin a great movie.What I liked about the legend of Zorro Watching Catherine Zeta Jones and Antonio Banderas together again as a couple and it has some entrtetaning moments, like the Polo scene and their kiss when they get back together again after their divorce What I didn't like about this sequel The PG rating. It felt like a kids movie, meanwhile the mask of Zorro was really for the whole family.

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