The Corpse of Anna Fritz
The Corpse of Anna Fritz
| 15 March 2015 (USA)
The Corpse of Anna Fritz Trailers

Anna Fritz is a beautiful and famous actress. Suddenly her body is found in a hotel and the news of her death goes around the planet. The young, shy caretaker Pau works at the hospital where they carried the body of Anna Fritz. He and his friends decide to take pictures of the body of Anna Fritz. They decide they could make love to her and nobody would know. They are in front of Anna Fritz ... and can do with it what they want.


Lack of good storyline.

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Absolutely amazing

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Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.

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Kodie Bird

True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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I watched this based on the good reviews. The acting isn't bad nor is the production. The music score is quite good also. However, the story line is so preposterous and filled with holes as to beggar belief. Even if you can get over the opening sequence: This actress who is so famous and adored is simply abandoned in the charge of a testosterone charged young man who posts photos of her and has has his friends visit the hospital without any suspicion or checks. It doesn't get any better. It is predictable and a little tedious at times. The plot twists for me were not really twists as sweeping bends you can see coming a mile off. The ending just takes the biscuit. I did not see that coming but it is so stupid that it could only be made up on the spot. I suppose if you're twelve and want to see a naked dead lady then knock yourself out. If you want a thriller with a believable story line then I doubt this will satisfy. Not really worth the one hour and four minutes of your life. If you still want to see it prepare to suspend disbelief (like leave it outside the front door) and you may not be disappointed but I would recommend you opt for something a little less puerile.

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Some movies have big spoilers in their own titles, basic plots or trailers. There, you have clues of what production team want you to know. I'll try not to go further.We are introduced in the very beginning (by journalists' fragmented threads on voice-over) to Anna Fritz persona and we are get to know that she is a worshiped celebrity. Her death is where it all begins.Then we are taken to the point of view of three curious guys that want to see her for the first and last time. What I can say it's not a good idea.This movie have some violent scenes. If you are more or less sensible to 'moral terror', despite the comments of the toughest viewers, I think you will suffer.From one specific moment, the story they are about to tell us, could perfectly fit in horror genre, but it clearly follows the way to a claustrophobic crime flick. The cast is good, especially for the pretty Alba Ribas who plays Anna Fritz (in some shots she looks a little like Chloë Sevigny). The characters are made for the plot, so don't expect a great character developing (runtime being 76', it's not possible in an action centered movie). The pace is fast, and it works. No place for being bored. Give it a chance!So from now on, it seems we have more reasons to be afraid of dying!

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Bob An

Wow! Well, Spanish films are always on the verge and this one is no exception. It is morbid and the story is quite ... morbid but wow! Three actors ( or you can say four) that make up the entire story and not for a single moment is boring or whatever. I mean , it was predictable that she will be caught at one point ( the lift scene) but besides that, it was really a suspense and you were on the guess.I must say that all four ( or three actors) are really great in their roles! Especially the main villain! But, really, all of them are quite believable.The theme of the film is really disturbing but, somehow, it is well done and entertaining. Nine from me. I would give it a ten if the last 10 seconds were a bit different. I expected her to smile or say something... Though I know that the ending is actually the most convenient one.

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Anna Fritz (Alba Ribas) is not a human being. In the public eye, she's a celebrity, a religion, an object. "The Corpse of Anna Fritz" makes this clear in its opening scene. As we see her lifeless corpse being moved to the morgue, voice-overs of people on the news are heard. They discuss her impressive career, shower her with compliments on her looks, and gush over how perfect a human being she is. This makes what follows all the more interesting.Three friends end up in the morgue, alone with her corpse. Though there are brief and glossed over moments of ethical struggle before things get down and dirty, the characters are one-dimensional and serve a distinct purpose in the story. There's the moral compass, the antagonist and the spineless coward. While certain moments could have been more tastefully done, the film does raise questions on whether there is a grey area between right and wrong. In the hands of another team, this could have been a film further beyond our comfort zones that delved into its meaty themes of moral conflict, the ethics of necrophilia, the difference (if any) between the ownership of one's body before and after death and the repercussions of celebrity idolisation.To be fair, the film does do something different in terms of the way the story shifts focus and evolves with its turns. The acting is fine but not entirely convincing, with Ribas being the stand out.For a second I had thought that the film would end without its final twist, which was preceded by a intense escape sequence that's noteworthy. This would have been a subversive choice but would probably feel out of place given what they were going for: an entertaining, if predictable, midnight movie that's safe and thus more satisfying.

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