R | 26 December 2006 (USA)
Altered Trailers

Fifteen years ago, five men were abducted by aliens. Only four returned. Now, these same four men have managed to capture one of the creatures who killed their friend and ruined their lives.


Slow pace in the most part of the movie.

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Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

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Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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Altered is quite a creepy alien flick. The movie is mainly about a standoff between a kidnapped alien and a group of humans. There's lot of tense moments, some gore that could leave your hair stand on end and also very good performances from all the actors.Paul McCarthy-Boyington as a temperamental nut Cody hell-bent on revenge against the martians leaves the most impact. To mention some flaws, some of the conversations between the characters were a drag and also the movie is visually a bit dull - that could be because most of the scenes happen inside a house(between just one or two rooms). Verdict - some of the violence is quite graphic but if you're a fan of alien movies, give it a's worth a watch.

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Directed by Eduardo Sanchez, "Altered" is an unconventional alien abduction movie. Here a band of foul-mouthed rural folk, all of whom have been repeatedly abducted by extra-terrestrials, concoct a plan to vengefully capture and torture an alien."Altered's" first half unfolds like John Carpenter's "The Thing", mixing gritty realism with paranormal suspense. Its second half then indulges in much gore, blood and violence. Because our human victims have been so abused, so psychologically altered by their abductions, this violence seems almost cathartic. The film's ancestor seems to be "I Spit on Your Grace", an infamous rape-and-revenge movie.7.5/10 – Worth one viewing.

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In Altered, the director puts the "alien abduction" scenario on it's head. We've all seen movies and TV shows about alien abductions. They're a genre into themselves. But what happens when the abductees decide to kidnap an alien themselves? This is the question the director attempts to answer in a movie which can be taken as serious or comedic. Years ago, four friends were kidnapped in the wilds of Florida by aliens from outer space. They were eventually released, but only after the invaders had "done things" to them. Now they are grown men and the laughing stock of their small town. Nobody believed them at the time, nobody does now. Finally, tired of the ridicule, three of the four head out to a remote farm where the aliens have established a hidden compound. They manage to capture one of the aliens and haul it back. Their prey secured in a van, they take it to the last member of the four, Wyatt, who lives on an isolated compound. Wyatt is horrified; he's got a girlfriend living with him and still has vivid memories of what the creatures did to him. He's also in a psychic link with the aliens and knows they will be furious at having one of their number captured. All hell breaks loose when the captured alien breaks free in the compound. And, worse, a whole ground force of aliens are on their way to rescue their fallen comrade.The plot is tight. The film opens with the capture of the alien, then speeds to Wyatt's compound, where most of the action takes place. The actors who play the trio responsible for snaring the beast all do a top- notch collective performance as a bunch of confused and scared rednecks. The actor playing Wyatt has just enough fear and bravery to make him a great horror movie hero.Plus points to the team who did the effect work on the alien costumes; it was done without CGI. More plus points to the people who did the stunt work.I recommend giving this film a chance. You might be able to find a cheap used DVD.

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If Seinfeld is the show about nothing, Altered is the movie about nothing. These four friends were abducted by aliens fifteen years earlier, so these geniuses decide to get revenge by kidnapping one of the aliens. They accomplish their goal, but once they do, they don't know what to do with it and lock it in the garage. After that it becomes a slasher film where nothing significant really happens. Honestly, they kidnapped this thing and then don't know what to do with it, so then what's the point? To make things worse, we never see the abduction or find out what exactly happened to them up there. It's just an extremely dark and confusing hunting scene, which believe it or not features a harpoon, and then there is nothing else. As for the acting it is just as inconsistent as the story! One minute their going crazy, trying to kill each other and the next they're crying about old times, it's ridiculous! James Gammon is the only name in this thing, playing the sheriff in one of his last roles. The guys are so intimidated by the sheriff and when we finally see him, we find out he's this little eighty year old guy, are you kidding me? This movie is a complete disaster and an utter waste of time. Being that it's from the writer/director of The Blair Witch Project, I was expecting something as groundbreaking as that was, unfortunately, Altered isn't it and there is a good reason why you've probably never heard of it.

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