The Angriest Man in Brooklyn
The Angriest Man in Brooklyn
R | 23 May 2014 (USA)
The Angriest Man in Brooklyn Trailers

After learning that a brain aneurysm will kill him in about 90 minutes, a perpetually unhappy man struggles to come to terms with his fate and make amends with everyone he has ever hurt.

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Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.

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Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

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Although the plot is a little un-realistic, it is still funny. I am surprised it is getting below 6 ratings, as of now. Hopefully, it will go up.Robin Williams is funny as usual.

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When I came across this title, I wondered how I had not heard of it. I soon learned the reason: I am not sure that a film has ever been more disappointing.The cast in this one features four actors that I would consider myself a 'fan' of, significantly so in three cases, to the extent that I make it a point to follow their careers. It is often easy to enjoy watching performers like that, regardless if they struggle in a role, but not in this instance.The scenes all seem rushed, the actors ill-prepared and nothing seems to have a natural flow. I guess every actor is entitled to an 'off' performance now and then, but I have a feeling the issue here may have been with the director and possibly with production schedule problems. The actors simply did not have very much to work with.Some of the dialogue and blocking is so awkward that it is distracting and at times embarrassing to watch. Scenes that should have been moving just come across as strange, and while there are some attempts at humor there is exactly one funny moment worthy of a chuckle.The only affirmation from this movie is that Mila Kunis is absolutely gorgeous, even in powder blue scrubs.I cannot in good conscience recommend that any of you take the time to watch this, unless you are a die-hard fan of one or more of the cast members and you want to be able to say you've seen everything they've done.

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"Henry Altmann" (Robin Williams) is having a bad day. On top of that he hasn't been feeling well lately so he goes to the hospital to see his doctor. When he gets there he waits for over two hours and is then informed that his regular doctor isn't in and he is seen by "Dr. Sharon Gill" (Mila Kunis) instead. After getting quite upset by this turn of events she proceeds to tell him that he has a severe brain aneurysm. This news causes him to go into an hysterical rage whereupon he demands to know how long he has to live. Not accustomed to being treated in this manner she gets mad and tells him he only has 90 minutes. Upon hearing this he storms out of the hospital. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that although it only runs for 83 minutes it seemed like it would never end. Although it is billed as both a comedy and a drama I personally didn't think it was very funny and the drama didn't hold up well either. In short, it had the necessary components to be at least an average movie but it struggled with its identity and ended up being a complete mess. I have rated it accordingly.

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I wish I would have seen this before Robin died. I think a lot of my feelings about this movie were colored by his untimely death. I tried very hard to watch it with an open mind, looking at it from the perspective that he was still alive. I failed miserably. The concept of the movie was an interesting take on an old question: what would you do if you knew you only had so much time to live? This put a whole new spin on the question, but the outcome was relatively the same. The cast was an unusual choice, in my opinion. Robin Williams was well known for being able to play a wide array of characters, from the brilliantly funny to the downright broken. This character was oddly complex. But again, maybe that's just me reading into it because of Robin's death. Ironically, one of the funniest scenes in the movie is the last scene, in which Robin's character is absent. In all, it was a fairly good movie that made me laugh and cry, and not necessarily at the points where you're supposed to laugh or cry. And it really made me miss the genius actor even more.

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