Strip Search
Strip Search
R | 27 April 2004 (USA)
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Strip Search follows several parallel stories examining personal freedoms vs. national security in the aftermath of 9/11; two main subplots involve an American woman detained in China and an Arab man detained in New York City.



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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.

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Lawson Lawson

There is a Woody Allen Movie where an officer of the Law asks Woody for his driver license and he pulls it out and tears it up in front of the cop saying how he just can't handle authority figures. I've often wanted to try that, but I have a child. Preparing my child for travel and situations that this film portrays is every parents responsibility, IMHO. We have inalienable rights as humans, some listed in the constitution and as it says others not listed. In the fair use doctrine of the current copyright law I can download this movie for the purpose of writing this review as an important film for parents to see. I decide what Fair use is, not some SOPA board.Yes, I profited from this movie and so should you and Stanley. Just read some of the reviews of others that saw it and decide for yourself if it isn't a thought provoking movie for some, and drivel to others. That's good enough for me to consider because education is the consideration of ideas that I don't always agree with. Now imagine it's your son or daughter. And you ended a sentence with a preposition, OMG.With the signing of NDAA last month, this film has to be distributed more widely, I want the rights to distribute it because it talks about American exceptionalism and the reasons we are against torture and for inalienable rights including due process. As Phillip Zimbardo says, these situations are situational and with just a little pushing you could become that interrogator or worse, the subject of the "Rendering".If your children are like the children in the opening of the film and agree that giving up a little freedom for some security, they will have neither. So what do we do about it? I'm looking for that film, any suggestions? Don't miss this opportunity to replenish the tree of liberty peacefully before the Mountain crumbles. We are the sovereign kings of our own destiny, the experiment continues with many bumps in the road, teach your children well. Lawson

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This movie was exceptional. I do believe that it was a fair film. It did point out , constitutional violations from past times in our history. This movie was not out to attack GWB. The parallel story was right on the money. Unlike some other people. I did have sympathy for both characters. The illustration basically brought out the naivety of the average American , thinking these things can not happen in our homeland. Where as the stories were parallel to a tee on purpose. It brought out the point that vogue leadership is real and perhaps a perception at the same time. I liked that they pointed out other people looking at us from thousands of miles away , do not see us as a democracy. Very intelligent film . One very important fact though , is that in our nation there is the freedom to air this film where as in China there is not.

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And since when does a movie have to be factual, realistic or based on truth to be noteworthy? I don't care about the implications of this movie so much as the intriguingness of the way in which it is presented to the viewer. It in some way says "we all fear for our own security/safety". Maybe its a little over the top, blunt and not politically correct, but movies are meant to provoke us, to entertain us.. not to feed us facts - unless of course, we are watching a documentary :) The first thing I thought after seeing this movie was "wow, that would make an awesome screen play for theater". I wasn't really committed to or concerned with factual events, presentation of ideas (political, social or otherwise), or what I would take away from it. I did, however enjoy the intent of the director to provoke the viewer to think for themselves a little. There was not enough information presented to draw factual conclusions regarding the character of either "victim". In fact, I am not certain the word victim is appropriate. Were they? Or are we? I liked that it left me with that thought. I think everyone has an opinion regarding the events of 9/11 and I think this movie draws those opinions out in the viewer and re-validates them a bit. Good or bad. Very original presentation of a not so original plot.

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This piece of garbage is terrible, I mean horrible. This is one of the worst pieces of trash ever. I cant believe such good actors felt they needed to be in this, the paycheck couldnt be worth it, its a made for tv movie for gods sake.Its about some interrogations of 2 students. The writing here is painfull to listen to. There is no reason for this to exist. It tries to make a point and fails misserably. It crashes and burns like only so few can. I just finished watching it and frankly I'm kinda ticked off at the hour of my life I lost.If Strip Search happens to be on when your flipping the channels. Search for something better.

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