Rabid Grannies
Rabid Grannies
R | 23 September 1989 (USA)
Rabid Grannies Trailers

A large family gathers in the country side for their very elderly grannies' birthday. One gift happens to be from their ostracized, black sheep nephew, and upon opening it, the two loveable grannies turn into rabid, flesh-eating monsters.


i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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A Brilliant Conflict

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There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.

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I should have researched this movie on here before I watched it.Knowing it was French would have helped a lot.I spent too much time trying to figure out if the audio was dubbed and where it was filmed.Once I figured out it was dubbed, I understood why every character had a different accent.Most of the people sound like Americans trying to fake a British accent while a few sound almost French.The most confusing thing was that they were driving on the right side of the road.Do they do that in France?I assumed all of Europe would drive on the left side.Anyway, this was an above average Troma movie even though the plot doesn't make any sense.The premise is that a bunch of relatives of two rich old ladies have to go have dinner with them for reasons that are never made clear.The old ladies turn into demons and everyone just hides instead of trying to leave.This is a must see if you like or want to like Troma.

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"They Love their grandchildren...well done!" This is the tag-line for the bizarre foreign horror flick "Rabid Grannies". This film is distributed by Troma films and despite the negative reviews it has received, I found it to be a lot of fun! Yes the acting is bad...the effects aren't terrible for a B movie but they aren't great either but that's not the point here. There are several horribly offensive scenes such as the one where the child is murdered or the one where the overweight gentleman literally has his ass eaten out. The murder of the priest is also religiously offensive but if you're a religious person, I doubt you'd be watching a film titled "Rabid Grannies". This film is just plain fun to watch...it has just the right amount of blood, guts, gore, murder, madness, mayhem with a little lesbianism and demonology thrown in for good measure!

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Rabid Grannies is a fantastic comedy/horror film from Belgium, which has been (poorly) dubbed into English and distributed by Troma. Not only does this film possess one of the best titles in cinematic history, it also boasts innovative direction, great gore effects and some wonderfully tasteless humour.The film is based on a simple, yet very effective premise. Two old ladies invite various family members to their large estate in order to celebrate their birthday. As the family gathers for dinner, a package arrives from a disowned cousin, which the two old grannies quickly unwrap. Inside the package is a box containing an evil spirit, which takes possession of the women and turns them into blood hungry demons. From this point on, the grannies gleefully decapitate, dismember and torture their guests with a high degree of wit and originality.Despite the obvious budgetary constraints, the gore is well done and original. Highlights include one of the grannies literally biting her rotund nephew's butt off and the scene in which the grannies lure their granddaughter to her death. All of the violence has a strong undercurrent of black humour, which thankfully is never constrained by the bounds of good taste. Examples include the fate of the cowardly priest and the throwing around of severed body parts. I highly recommend the unrated European version of the film as the Troma edition, at least in Australia, is missing a significant amount of carnage.Rabid Grannies (literally translated "the cannibalistic grandmas") is an unusual and highly amusing horror film, which is destined to become a cult favourite. I think it is time for Emmanuel Kervyn to hurry up and make another picture. Rabid Grannies 2 would be a nice place to start.

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This movie is really only good to watch and laugh at how ridiculous it is. So many ridiculous things that it will take a lifetime to count. The spfx are humorous, in one part where one of the grannies throws up an egg. The acting in this movie is also hilarious, as it seems no one can act. If I was in the movie, I probably would not put my all in acting. OK, now be scared because your grandma has become an demon/alien thing. The deaths of the people are the funniest! It is more slapstick than gruesome. They will have you laughing out of your seat. So if you are looking for a good horror movie, walk past this movie. But if you are looking for a movie to do a good MST3K to, then this is the movie for you.

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