Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
PG-13 | 20 May 2011 (USA)
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Trailers

Captain Jack Sparrow crosses paths with a woman from his past, and he's not sure if it's love -- or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard, Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.

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Best movie ever!

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Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

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Married Baby

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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It took me 3 tries to sit through it. At one point I threw an empty bottle across the room when I saw that I still had 55 minutes left in it.Johnny Depp's shtick is wearing thin. I can't not see Tommy Wiseau all over Johnny Depp's continually sloppier and slurrier Jack Sparrow.The romances were just... bad. Like these might work in a different setting or story but not in this one.I saw everything in the plot coming about 20-40 minutes early.Like, this movie was even too boring to be background nonsense while I played Roller Coaster Tycoon on my phone and ate mini donuts.One of the biggest issues is how Jack Sparrow has just the most insane plot armour. Nothing hurts him. Not jumping off a cliff. Not jumping off a tower. Not any of that ridiculous chase scene. Not any of the moronic escape scene.It was endearing when like some minor level of absurd hijinks worked in his favour, but its too many bananas when Jack is Assassin's Creed-ing across the landscape where every action creates a cascade of other actions that perfectly create the exact calamity and circumstances for the wacky outcome to happen flawlessly. And then to follow it with a joke thats basically Jim Halpert staring into the camera.Sometimes the human kickstarted rube goldberg machine is fun. But not in almost every chase/escape/action sequence. Less is more. Ant-Man doesn't have Michael Pena doing his story telling gag 2, 3, 5, 69 times a film.Sword fights are cool.

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Of all the sequels to the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie, this was the most meh. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad movie. But it might be a bit of a stretch to call it a good one. So this film finds itself stuck in the middle.Acting, once again, was fantastic, the music was great, and the effects were beautiful. The plot, once again, though, is what killed it.The main flaw of the movie is that it doesn't feel like a Pirates of the Caribbean movie, and more like a spin off adventure. This probably happens because it lacks several characters who had major roles in the last movie. Case in point: Will Turner, Elizabeth Swan, Pintel, and Ragetti. These are the characters who seemed to be missing from the movie. Of course, there were others, such as Davy Jones, but most of those characters are dead, and even though that didn't stop Barbosa, bringing back Davy Jones would be flat out illogical. The rest of the movie was pretty good, but the fact that it remained so unfaithful to the other movies makes this one feel less like a proper movie, and more like a Netflix spin off.

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Movie Review: "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" (2011)Arguably the most accomplished movie of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie series in perspective of daring the impossible by shooting in Redcode RAW (4.5K) exposed in 5K dual-strip 3-D digital camera system as source format, taking intentionally drawbacks in camera movement through the immense size of the all-set camera rig, and gather a total production budget that secretly overtook, if to belief Industry-Insiders, the bench mark of 300 Million U.S. Dollars for one single stand-only-sequel that comes with running time of just slightly over 120 Minutes excluding the credits, making "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" the most expensive movie by screen-time of approximately expenses of 3.024 Million Dollars per minute.The adventure action picture, directed by surprisingly well-received former choreographer and usually a suspect for cutting-edge contemporary musical production Director Rob Marshall handles his star-spangled ensemble cast, going out from in-the-zone of Keith Richards meeting actor Johnny Depp, who handles any encounter with any cast members within the picture with utmost care, especially actress Penélope Cruz as the character of Angelica, who seemingly becomes the strongest counterpart in the movie series to challenge the character of Jack Sparrow, reminiscencing the ease of Ted Demme's film "Blow" (2001), to make ultimately this fourth installment, an event movie achievement to be prepared for, after the sudden success of "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of The Black Pearl" in Summer 2003 for the production company Jerry Bruckheimer Films and license owner as distributor Walt Disney Pictures, receiving the highest international gross in comparison of all five movies to-date of exceeding 800 Million U.S. Dollars in revenues in foreign markets.The initial screenwriters Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio take it on one more time beyond the outskirts of an imaginable MacGuffins toward "The Fountain of Youth" for the characters to rush for, encountering a legendary character of all accumulated pirates tales worldwide, the character of Captain Blackbeard, here portrayed further with the utmost of a relaxing ease by actor Ian McShane, to make the picture professionally captured by hi-tec cinematographer Darius Wolski, who had to manage upgrades on 3D technologies, that have not found its way to become a standard at the movie houses worldwide due to the tight budgetary restrictions of theater chains, which are unable to install 150 by 60 inch digital 3D imagery glass surfaces to be watch without throw-away 3D glasses, instead upgrading the projectors got to unsatisfactory 4K resolution after a worldwide success of "Avatar" (2009) directed by James Cameron.Walt Disney Pictures granted close to everything in terms of production value for the tentpole picture on a demanding market of 2011, where the U.S. domestic audiences could not get surprised by seductive to lethal mermaids in one of the highlighted sequence of action in "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" at the exterior Mermaid cove, to be actually bare-breasted and naturally fluent creatures to finish the most emotionally-striking scene in the movie series with Mermaid actress Astrid Bergès-Frisbey seducing the newly one-time intervening character of Philip to enter the realm of an underwater imaginarium under the well-defined soundtrack between Spanish guitar over mystical violins to the trademark of digitized percussions by score composer Hans Zimmer to set this picture apart from a total five to this very day.© 2017 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC)

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When Gore Verbinski wrapped up his Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy with the massive, climactic epic, At World's End, it felt like the end of an era. The history built up between the characters was brought to a head and completely resolved by the closing credits. And yet, with more money to be had, a fourth movie was commisioned. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides suffers mightily in comparison to Gore Verbinski's iconic trilogy. It is lacking in energy and style, and the new cast of characters are uninspired. Still, On Stranger Tides gets the job done competently. This is a serviceably entertaining comic adventure with some fun set-pieces and beautiful scenery. Taken on it's own merits, it works as a nice bonus adventure for the series.The story is the antithesis to At World's End's sprawling complexity. Jack Sparrow, Barbossa, The English, The Spanish, Blackbeard (Ian McShane), and his daughter Angelica (Penelope Cruz), are on the trail of the Fountain of Youth, all with their own motivations for getting there. The rules and regulations of the fountain's mystical powers require a good bit of side quests (finding two silver chalices, capturing a mermaid's tear, etc.), but On Stranger Tides' story is dramatically slimmed down from all three previous movies.On the one hand, I liked the decision to shed the extra narrative weight. It would have been impossible to try to top the epic richness of At World's End, so scaling down makes perfect sense. However, what On Stranger Tides loses in narrative fat, it also loses in charm, personality, and energy. Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann may have seemed like dead weight at times in the first three movies, but their exclusion here makes you appreciate what they brought to the series. They were the straight men among the colorful ensemble cast, directing the story forward and allowing Jack Sparrow and the rest to find that sweet spot on the peripheries of the story. With On Stranger Tides, most of the characters from the previous entries are gone, and the show is run by Jack Sparrow in as close to a standard "hero" role as he's had in the series. There is no getting around it, things just feel lonely without that crew we grew to love over the trilogy. The cast around Captain Jack lacks the personality of the first three films. Everybody fulfills a standard archetype, nothing more, nothing less. Aside from Cruz's Angelica, who has a great sultry chemistry with Depp, the cast is forgettable. Even Ian McShane's Blackbeard seems like a discount Barbossa from the first movie. His ship, The Queen Anne's Revenge is a beautifully designed set, but it's big hook is that Blackbeard's magic sword can control its ropes and shoot fire from the hull. Compared to The Black Pearl and The Flying Dutchman, it's pretty lame. That feeling seems to extend to the production design and action as well. Where this series used to savor the opportunities for unique creature designs and action set-pieces, On Stranger Tides coasts along well worn territory. There's nothing wrong with zombies or carriage chases or any of the other adventure clichés that are trotted out in the film, but nothing is particularly inspired. The mermaids are the most unique of the new additions in the creature department, and they're well-rendered, but like the rest of On Stranger Tides' design elements, they don't add up to much. Everything looks nice individually, but I can't say I was swept up in the world the same way I was in Verbinski's Trilogy.Rob Marshall, as director, proves that not just anybody can bring to these stories the type of crowd-pleasing excitement that Gore Verbinski brought to his trilogy. The action scenes are fun, but the rhythm and cadence is somehow off. Verbinski seamlessly merged humor with action and he filmed his action scenes with a palpable sense of zest for filmmaking. Marshall's action scenes move along jauntily from beat to beat, but the humor therein lurches forward and back when it should blend with the thrills. I liked the opening chase and the first swordfight between Angelica and Jack, and the rest of the set-pieces are functional, but none of the action quite reaches Verbinski-level excitement. The climactic final fight in the Fountain of Youth in particular is deficient. Compare it to the similar finale of Curse of the Black Pearl. That scene was so full of life, with sweeping camera moves, a roaring score, and the enthusiastic vigor of the cast. It was heaven for an adventure enthusiast like myself. Tides' scene is dead in comparison. It boasts a beautiful set and good fight choreography, but that alone is not enough to bring an action scene to life. As disappointing as Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides can be, I still found myself satisfied with it as a straightforward adventure. I was particularly impressed with the tropical locations, which are often jaw-droppingly beautiful. The jungles, beaches, and caves are bright and vibrant and alluring. If you get nothing else from On Stranger Tides, at the very least, you get to see some very pretty landscapes. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is a smaller, less exciting movie than the first three, and I can't believe that this relatively low energy romp was directed by the same man who gave us the vivaciously dynamic Chicago, but if you think of this movie as a sort of side quest in the Pirates series, it does the job. The simple tale of the voyage to the Fountain of Youth provides ample amounts of what makes adventure movies fun: lush scenery, polished production design, humor, and thrills. Held against Verbinski's brilliant trilogy, it doesn't hold up, but as a kind of Pirates DLC, it's comfortably satisfying. 72/100

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