The Bourne Legacy
The Bourne Legacy
PG-13 | 10 August 2012 (USA)
The Bourne Legacy Trailers

New CIA operative Aaron Cross experiences life-or-death stakes that have been triggered by the previous actions of Jason Bourne.

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Why so much hype?

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Excellent adaptation.

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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My kind of movie 100%. Love it. The character interaction& relationship development, plot subtlety, underlying conspiratorial web. So well done. Spot-on perfect by Renner and Weiss. Great ending!!! 10++++++

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betty dalton

Jeremy Renner plays a government assasin who is deliberately infected with a virus to enhance his combat strength. This assasin program is terminated and all the agents in the program are killed. Jeremy Renner however escapes and tries to detox himself from the virus the government has infected him with. The chase to capture Jeremy Renner is what's this story and ALL Bourne movies are about. And the chase sequences are truly spectacular and among the very best in action movie history. The Gilroy family, (director, editor, screenplay, production) made this Bourne edition one of the best sequels. Total creative control in the hands of this Gilroy family and that pays off. Jeremy Renners performance in Bourne Nr 4 is very original and fresh. And director Tony Gilroy is to be thanked for that. This director is the same man who wrote EVERY screenplay of all the Bourne movies and the very same feel of excitement of Bourne's debut Nr 1 is back in this Number 4 edition which Gilroy directed himself.Let's mention a terrific cast: Jeremy Renner has got it. Difficult to imagine a Bourne movie without Matt Damon? I didnt miss him for a second in this edition. Then there is Rachel Weisz, the ever charming and talented actress. Splendid performance. Then a list of supporting roles that make your eyes ache: Edward Norton, Oscar Isaac, Stacey Keach. I dare say that this 4th edition of Bourne has got the best acting in it of the entire series. From leading to supporting roles everybody is very impressive. Photography is done by the legendary Robert Elswitt who conjurs up the most beautiful pictures. Really a master at work. Music and editing dance with eachother in this movie, what a joy to watch and listen!Number 4 in the Bourne series is realistic, fast and reeling with suspense. Furiously gripping from beginning to end. Terrific acting performances and the second best in directing of the entire series. The best direction is still to be found in the very first Bourne movie. Nothing can beat that, although fans that do prefer action above acting, often regard the second Bourne movie as the best. Choose your pick...

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Having recently watched the original Bourne trilogy films, they left me with the sense of how did it take me so long to see them. Really liked 'Identity' and 'Supremacy' and loved 'Ultimatum', even if neither were flawless.Didn't really have high expectations for 'The Bourne Legacy'. From hearing about it, it did seem like it, despite having the name Bourne in the title, would not feel like a Jason Bourne film and that it would not be the same without Matt Damon. It also sounded like it was not much more than a pointless cash-grab. Finally seeing it, giving it the benefit of the doubt as deserved, 'The Bourne Legacy' was nowhere near as bad as feared and there are some good elements. To me, however, it wasn't a particularly good, let alone great, instalment and one really does question the point of it.There are obvious strengths. On a visual level, it is every bit as slick and stylish as the original Bourne trilogy and the locations are stunning. The music pulsates and fits well without being over-bearing. While the action does seem not enough, some of it is executed very well and are pretty exciting, the highlights being the tense shoot-out in Weisz's character's home and the climactic motorbike chase that despite perhaps being on the too long side delivers big on the thrills, so much so one wishes that too much of the rest of the film delivered just as big.Jeremy Renner had big shoes to fill and does so more than capably. Matt Damon and the character of Jason Bourne are very much sorely missed that it feels like a gaping hole has been left, but Renner does bring intense steel and vulnerability. Weisz's character is somewhat underwritten, but she makes much of little and shows an appropriate and necessary sympathetic charm.On the other hand, Edward Norton phones it in in quite easily the weakest villain of all four films put together, injecting very little menace or gravitas at all. The supporting cast do do capably enough, but too many of them have next to nothing to do, some like Stacy Keach are so underused that one questions why they are even there in the first place. Paul Greengrass and Doug Linman Tony Gilroy is not, while showing beforehand he excelled as a writer there was an air of inexperience in his directing. It seemed like Gilroy was trying to hard to imitate Greengrass but without the excitement and intensity.In 'The Bourne Legacy', the thrills don't come consistently with some scenes going on for too long and feeling muddled and underdeveloped. The script is messy, doing very little with the characters and too often it is far too talky but without the intelligence, subtlety or sharpness of 'Identity', 'Supremacy' and particularly 'Ultimatum'. It's very clunky and confused as well.Story also could have been much better executed. It starts interminably slow, and while the connections and overlapping to the previous films (particularly 'Ultimatum') were okay on their own their placement was clumsy, convoluted and upset the flow. Understanding a film is very rarely a problem with me, some of 'The Bourne Legacy' was ridiculously convoluted.Overall, a little better than expected but it wasn't needed. Anything deserves to be judged as standing on its own feet without being compared, but the drop in quality is so significant after the first three films being as good as they were that it was incredibly difficult to ignore. 5/10 Bethany Cox

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Amy Edwards

The Bourne Legacy is some kind of an alien. It's somehow related to the Bourne general story and use the same mechanics of the movies.But still there is that feeling of something not really needed. A movie which has been made to keep us entertained while waiting for the real Bourne to come back and as such doesn't bring nothing new to the general plot.I wish it could have been different even if it's still entertaining thanks to the cast general performance. Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz and Edward Norton are carrying the movie on their shoulders, keeping it afloat.But this won't change the fact that the script never achieved to really take off and keep us in like the first 3 movies did. The 3 previous movies were served by a script which was always focused on realism. A story about a man struck by amnesia willing to find out who he is only to discover that he's a CIA assassin and he became a high valued liability making him a priority target for his ex-employer.But here it's about one of those CIA recruits, some kind of chemically enhanced super soldier who tries to survive when the CIA decides to shut down the very program he was part of because of Bourne's actions. It seems already weird to see that guy swallowing those mysterious pills and bring some gibberish about it but it becomes clearly out of touch when he has to face that super assassin who would be more fit in Terminator rather than this. What's that? I give a 6 for the cast but besides that, it's definitely not worth the saga.

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