Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
PG | 07 August 2013 (USA)
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters Trailers

In their quest to confront the ultimate evil, Percy and his friends battle swarms of mythical creatures to find the mythical Golden Fleece and to stop an ancient evil from rising.


Wonderfully offbeat film!

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Load of rubbish!!

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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This movie butchered the story from the book. It literally changed so much. Fun fact: the kids in the books are meant to be 13. This film is a horrific representation of the book. The only way you can like this film is if you didn't read the book.

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I love Logan Lerman as Percy Jackson. The Movie is great.

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I lost brain cells through anger of how little sense this movie made and I don't mean the plot I mean how stupid the characters were!! And the fudging fleece and the ending what the fudge how does that happen!! How the heck did they forget about the fudging fleece, it is so fudging annoying. Stop being so clique, it's annoying. You didn't give me any surprises. It wasn't even fudging funny. It was agonizing to watch I think I bluest a blood vessel. And why the hell can I not swear

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On a technical level, this movie is terrible. The effects are bad, the dialogue is cheesy at best, and downright cringe-worthy at worst. The acting is mostly god-awful, with a few decent performances sprinkled in. However, as a huge fan of the books, I still get enjoyment out of this film.I hated the first one for its huge deviations from the book. While this one certainly deviates, it makes a much better attempt to stick to the source material. A lot of sequences from the movie were directly from the book, and when this happens, it's extremely enjoyable. In particular, the Oracle of Delphi is exactly as I pictured it. Tyson is portrayed pretty much as I remember him. So is Annabeth. The large cyclops at the end (don't remember his name) was also done pretty much exactly how he was in the books, down to exactly how Grover manages to avoid getting eaten by him. They even included Clarisse's giant Confederate ship, which was in the book.Overall, despite the lack of technical quality, I enjoyed this film, and have watched it multiple times. If you are a fan of the books who didn't like the first one for its deviations from the books, you should find this one more acceptable, although not perfect.

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