Paul, Apostle of Christ
Paul, Apostle of Christ
PG-13 | 28 March 2018 (USA)
Paul, Apostle of Christ Trailers

Risking his life, Luke ventures to Rome to visit Paul -- the apostle who's bound in chains and held captive in Nero's darkest and bleakest prison cell. Haunted by the shadows of his past misdeeds, Paul wonders if he's been forgotten as he awaits his grisly execution. Before Paul's death, Luke resolves to write another book that details the birth of what will come to be known as the church.


Why so much hype?

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i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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Hayleigh Joseph

This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.

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The story of the Apostle Paul is told in unflinching realism. The story of Luke's time in Rome with Paul is told in very realistic terms, even as the lack of documentation requires a degree of artistic license.The movie does a good job in following the historical narratives laid down by several noteworthy Roman historians including Tacitus, Suetonius, and Josephus. The narrative also closely aligns with the Greek historian Cassius Dio's narrative. Those who would doubt the authenticity would do well to read these classic and period narratives first.The major theme is quite obviously the role of compassion and love, even amid great tyranny, in vanquishing evil on human and personal levels. No one can doubt the tyranny of Emperor Nero, who not only is widely blamed for the infamous burning of Rome, that not only destroyed a quarter of Rome, but severely damaged about 80% of the city, but for the outrageous use of Christians as scapegoats for the act. Nero ordered all of the horribly evil events shown in this film.Artistic license was taken with regard to Luke's healing of the Prefect's (modern day prison warden's) daughter, but the context of the act itself is entirely in keeping with documented medical acts performed by Luke. By what is known of the second generation apostle, Luke was a very well trained physician, likely in Greece, but perhaps in other areas as well. He may have been among the best trained physicians of the Mediterranean area at the time he lived.Regardless of the reasons why, we know that Paul was afforded a level of good treatment not widely provided to those condemned by Nero to die. So, we know that something caused this positive consideration even by those ordered to flog and ultimately behead Paul.While we cannot prove by historical narrative that Luke's healing of the Prefect's daughter took place, the action is entirely consistent with Luke's life as well as Paul's. Frankly, regardless, it was just beautiful storytelling!It was nice to see the writers treat the healing in a classical medical manner: diagnosis, immediate treatment, and recovery treatment. The purpose of the telling in this film is to bring forward the concept of compassion and love as methods of turning enemies into friends. In that purpose, the event is realistically portrayed, and strikes a profound message. Today, doctors are expected to treat anyone who is affirmed, including an enemy.Most scholars agree that what is presented in the film's epilogue is accurate, that Luke authored the Biblical Acts of the Apostles. In that regard, the telling of the interaction between the two is a powerful and gripping narrative at the heart of the film's success. This film is primarily about the teachings of Paul even as it explores the life and actions of Luke. In that regard, it serves as a valuable addition.The lamentable truth is that the person who writes the narrative, in this case Luke and his Acts of the Apostles, is often relatively unknown compared to the lives he chronicles. We know that Luke was very well educated in the Greek system, and the author who wrote the Acts of the Apostles wrote in a manner of a well educated man.So, while we cannot verify that the precise events carried out by Luke happened as portrayed in this film, the facts that Luke met with Paul during this time, and chronicled the life of the Apostles, including Paul, is without serious doubt. To that end, this movie tells a beautiful story in a most realistic manner.In that way, it serves as a most valuable chapter of storytelling in a modern era with great evil, such as ISIS, trying to regain a presence in the world. The film noticeably portrays a powerful redemption with the Prefect, but not with Nero. In that regard, it does not attempt to say that all men are reachable through salvation, but that those who seek it shall find it!

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Was VERY disappointed with this movie. I suppose if a movie was made about the Acts of the Apostles, all we would see is the last days of their lives and the gist of the movie being about how Christians were persecuted. Nothing about Paul's life but a few small flashbacks. If you're going to entitle a movie "Paul, Apostle of Christ" why not make it a biography? Like it was stated at the end of this movie: Luke wrote extensively about Paul in the book of Acts. So why didn't the writers act upon all that information and include it in this movie. Imagine if the only movie ever made about Jesus was just on the last hours of his life. How disappointing that would be because He and Paul were so much more than just prisoners. We Christians already know the story of Paul. I guess that's why I'm so disappointed, was expecting so much more. I really wanted to hear him preach and watch him start all the new churches. Where did Paul come from and where did he go after meeting Jesus? Of course if you really want those answers, don't watch the movie because it didn't tell. Read the book of Acts. It's all there. Was really hoping to see his life in live action. Disappointing.

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An excellent telling of the final days of the Apostle Paul's life. Fitting for viewers of all ages.

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Much of the time, I had the impression the film had been sponsored or made by a Christian evangelical group, humourless as it is. For those who enjoy talky, serious minded philosophical and/or historical/biblical movies, this is for you. Unfortunately, those are the movies I dislike. I continually looked on Caviezel as a person of interest or the nasty warden in "Escape Plan", I kept wondering how, in biblical times, they all spoke English but with primarily English and American accents and I was constantly yearning for a Monty Python type incident (any outtakes ???) or some humour at the very least. It was not to be. A worthy film for those that like that sort of thing but, for me, it was a bit like watching paint drying. Please do not start a Star Wars-like Gospel franchise ("Matthew - Prey Hard" with Bruce Willis and Van Damme, "The Acts of the Apostles IX").

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