Osmosis Jones
Osmosis Jones
PG | 10 August 2001 (USA)
Osmosis Jones Trailers

A white blood cell policeman, with the help of a cold pill, must stop a deadly virus from destroying the human they live in, Frank.


So much average

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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Mihai Toma

Jones is a disgraced police cell, living inside Frank's body and trying to protect it from intruders. With the help of his new teammate, a pill recently swallowed by their host, they must fight against a very serious threat who plans to kill Frank in less than 48 hours.Contrary to my expectations, this movie isn't totally animated as the series it's based on, Frank and his miserable life being filmed in reality. It wouldn't have been such a big fuss if the actors weren't completely retarded and unpleasant, playing stupid roles in a very bad manner. Not to say that it was gross in a lot of such scenes...The story is as linear, expected and simplistic as it gets, so you'd think that it can provide something through its animated part...Well it doesn't. It's animation is O.K. but nothing more, voice acting is sometimes off while the action is boring and mostly predictable, when it's not too stupid to endure. Thankfully they thought to insert some good music throughout the picture, making the experience a bit more "enjoyable".Maybe I had high expectations from this movie as the series provided a pleasant view for me as a child, but except the two main characters, it didn't have anything for me to enjoy. Unfortunately, as a whole, it's a big letdown which I cannot recommend to anyone.

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Osmosis Jones is a animated/live action film about a Zookeeper (and a father to one girl) named Frank(played by Bill Murray)who swallows a germ egg at the zoo after a monkey ate it and we later see a bunch of animated charcthers(inside Frank's body) one voiced by Chris Rock(Osmosis Jones)who happens to be a Policeman tries to help Frank from getting rid of the germ inside of Frank within the next 48 hours. So will Osmosis save Frank's insides in time before the virus gets deadly?I happened to have seen clips of this on Nostalgia Critic's review today and the animation looks very nice(as its in hand-drawn form which I miss as there aren't much hand-drawn films anymore. The film is like the new movie Inside Out meets Space Jam for some strange reason. The voice acting is great that are inside Frank's body(Chris Rock was good,and Lawrence Fishburne who plays the deadly virus who is a villain in this movie btw)were also great.I had to laugh that this was made by Farrelly Brothers(yup the dudes that were over my favourite comedy of all time Dumb And Dumber)but if you love animated /live action movies than check it out.

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This is one of those rare gems that gets better and better with each viewing. There are so many in-jokes and subtleties packed into it, that it is impossible to get them all with just one viewing. Each repeat viewing evokes a new and unexpected chuckle or grin. Best viewed on DVD so you can pause and review what you just thought you saw. (Does that sentence make sense?) Although the Live Action parts are rough around the edges. Bill Murray is genius, as always, and the animation scenes are obviously a work of love. The one drawback is Chris Elliot, who, no matter what project he is in, brings the whole production to a crashing bore, due to his complete unlike-ability as an actor and a person.Those who "get" this film "get it", those who don't, chances are - never will.

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This movie includes a bit of humor that I didn't care for, and a lot of other people probably won't either, but it's definitely worth getting over for the extremely original plot and plenty of other fun aspects.This is an unusual narrative that includes both animation and live action; it's not like in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" or (shudder) "Cool World" where the animated characters mingle with live action ones, it jumps between worlds. The animated world takes place inside Frank Detorre's (Bill Murray's) body, where white blood cells behave like police officers and viruses behave like criminals, living in Frank's body as if it were a city. The City of Frank is run by an irresponsible mayor who has lead to a huge decline in the slovenly Frank's health. Frank ingests an extremely lethal virus named Thrax, and it's up to blacklisted cop Osmosis Jones and cold pill Drixenol to stop him before it's too late. Even in animated form, some of the humor is a little hard to stomach (no pun intended), though not as much as the live action parts. It's interesting that other movies that take place inside the human body like "Fantastic Voyage" or "Innerspace" are actually live action in their entirety, but are definitely less grotesque. The animation is done well, it's energetic and visually appealing. It's fun to see how exactly different sections of the body translate into the concept of it being a city, the zit, the nose, and the brain being the most imaginative areas.Thrax is a cool villain, and he actually kills quite a few characters in various gruesome and brutal ways on screen, which isn't something you'll usually see in a film primarily targeted at younger viewers. Osmosis Jones and Drix make for good protagonists, each having their own troubles they come to terms with. Their relationship is a bit stereotypical buddy cop movie style at times, but there's definitely some good stuff regarding Ozzie's past mistakes and Drix's fears of being ultimately useless.The live action side of things isn't as good as the animation, but it still has its moments. I'm a big fan of Bill Murray, and though he's still funny at times in this, it's definitely not his best work. The live action gross out humor is never outright disgusting, but things like the throbbing zit popping on a woman's lip are still pretty gross.Some unappreciated crude humor aside, I do recommend the film.

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