Kickboxer 2: The Road Back
Kickboxer 2: The Road Back
PG-13 | 14 June 1991 (USA)
Kickboxer 2: The Road Back Trailers

In this rousing sequel to Kickboxer, Tong Po broods about his defeat at the hands of Kurt Sloan. Po and his managers resort to drastic measures to goad Kurt's brother into the ring for a rematch.


The greatest movie ever made..!

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Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW)

I remember watching the hit "Kickboxer". But a sequel? Of course. But there's one thing mission.... The star of the original, Van Damme! In this sequel, the story starts off with the brother of Kurt Sloan, David(Sasha Mitchell). He runs the karate school that Kurt and his paralyzed brother started. It gets destroyed by a vengeful opponent. Worse, he gets to encounter a threat bigger than the fighter he took out: Tong Po! One night, Tong Po(Michel Qissi) gets into the ring one night, and kill Sloan's friend who went the way of another teacher. In order to avenge his death, he gets help from Xi'an(Dennis Chan), Kurt's sensei from Thailand. Seems like Tong Po cheated himself of a rematch with Kurt. He killed him, his crippled brother, and Xi'an's niece(In the first movie, he raped her). Now it's time for Tong Po to pay! David seems to carry on the honor Kurt has set for him. This sequel was a little too short, and needed more plot to it. Still good though. 2 out of 5 stars!

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Bryce Edgecumbe

Well, lets get a little backstory in. I loved the first kickboxer, and when I heard there were sequels that didn't even have Van Damme, I was a little worried. But when a video shop in town had a sale, and this was only $1, I thought "what the hell?".About half way through I actually found myself really getting into this movie and the characters, it was flowing really well... I don't know, I am a sucker for B-grade movies ("college kickboxers" anyone?). The fight scenes are a little over the top, but hey, if I wanted to see real kickboxing, I'd watch real kickboxing. For a rushed sequel that was probably only made for the money, and couldn't get the main actor back, so they had to make up some poorly explained story about what happened to Kurt and Eric, this is a surprisingly good movie. If you like kickboxer, you'll find it hard not to have a soft spot for this. And the soundtrack is cool too. Especially the end scene, when that "it's all up to you" song comes on. Pure cheese.I really liked Kickboxer 2: The Road Back, but like I said, the explanation of what happened to Kurt is poor, and the explanation of what happened to Eric (the one with the moustache) is non-existent. We are just told he's dead and thats it.But yeah, if you can get over that, which shouldn't be hard, as they only spend about 5 mins, probably less on it, you'll have fun watching this, and may even watch it again.

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This was decent in my opinion. Sasha Mitchell (an amateur kick boxing champion in real life) replaces Van Damme (a person who NEVER fought in the ring a day in his life) as the lead role. David Sloan is the younger brother of Kurt and Eric Sloan, who are killed by Tong Po, some time between the first and second movie. David runs the gym that his brother's started. I won't explain the rest of the plot, as you can watch the movie to see it.This film had some decent fight scenes in it. Some of the kick boxing matches could have been better, being an avid kick boxing fan my self. The late Peter Boyle did a good job, as Justin the person in charge of the UKA.Many of the fighters in this film are real martial artist such as Sasha Mitchell, Matthew Hues (a Tae Kwon Do black belt), and Vince Murdocco (WKA North American, and Cadanian Cruiserweight champion, along with being the Japanese Shootfight Cruiserweight Champion).There are some cheesy one liners, but overall a good movie the avid martial arts fan.

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Frank Markland

David Sloan (Sasha Mitchell) is content to keep his nose clean and stay out of the kickboxing business (Yeah, right) and run a gym that caters to kids. However his gym is on hard times and the only way to keep the gym his brothers helped build is to fight again. Enter Tong Po(Michael Qissi) who is looking to regain his honor after losing to Sloan's older brother Kurt(Who was played by Van Damme in # 1) Suffice to say David will have to step into the ring. I picked up the Kickboxer 5 pack because I remember seeing these on Cable TV when I was younger and enjoying them a lot. While there is some fun to be had in this sequel there is far too much plot that stops the movie dead in it's tracks. Mitchell is an adequate martial artist and okay actor but the role gives him little to do and it's only the well staged fight sequences which give K2 the only watchable edge it has.* * out of 4-(Fair)

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