| 13 January 2009 (USA)
Interception Trailers

When a prototype weapon is stolen from a government facility a software engineer unknowingly becomes involved when he receives the key disk needed for detonation. With no help from authorities he is forced to team up with a suspended FBI agent to stop the group of criminals from destroying a major US city.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Sammy-Jo Cervantes

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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Robert Lippke

I am really amazed how bad acting can really be, I guess that is an art too... You could not make it worse with the old form of Russian synchronization in movies, where every role is spoken by one (male) person and every sentence begins with "he sais" or "she sais"... Or wait a minute, is it maybe a new form of comedy? Is there a secret award for the worst movies - this would certainly make it to the top. I still really have no clue what it is about, a bomb attack on what by who and what for and... ugh, what is the matter with all the dialogs in the movie? Even first graders have a better vocabulary. But one has to admit, it is really hard to forget such a movie and you couldn't stop watching it either because you just can't believe what you see.

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It lists "A Clay Brothers Film" as if that will mean something. Who you may ask are the Clay Brothers? I'm not sure. One, the co director and star John Will Clay was, according to IMDb a volleyball coach in a Hannah Montana movie, a Sailor in Deja Vu and an uncredited groomsman in Elizabethtown. His brother's credits seem to be only this movie. Neither their credits not this film make me think that they'll be the next big thing anytime soon.The plot of the film has a computer programmer getting the code key for a prototype weapon that was stolen by terrorists. The terrorists need the key to set off the weapon and so the chase is on.Low budget film might have been something had the script been better, the directing more imaginative and the performances better modulated. The film is such that it looks good and actually reasonably professional (and trust me I've seen a great deal of bad looking films lately) but there is no clear indication as to whether the film is serious or not. Take for example the scene where star John Clay is grilled by a policeman after bringing someone to the hospital. The dialog is incredibly silly in that its of the Dragnet just the facts style of writing. Adding insult to injury is the performance of the actor playing the cop who seems to be mugging to the camera. Clay isn't much better since he seems to be reacting to a scene that is playing in his head and not what is going on in front of him. I wasn't sure if I was suppose to laugh or feel tension Actually I did neither and reached for the remote in anticipation of needing it for a rapid exit. This is just a silly movie. (Its also a film that feels like its a glorified home movie with all the friends and family being brought in to be part of it).Its a mess.To be honest I think the heading over the title should be changed from "A Clay Brothers Film" to "THE Clay Brothers Film" since I'm not sure that there will be another.

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Hey, give these guys a break. OK, it's not Die Hard 4.0, but if you consider that it's the first effort of a small group of independent film makers, who wrote, produced, edited, scored, and everything else, it was a truly outstanding effort.Good plot, and funny acting. Remember how stiff the acting was in the first Star Trek (TOS) movie? "Wrath of Khan" was the next one in the series, and it was maybe the best. I'm looking forward to their next effort. Remember the first time you did something? You got better the next time, right? Keep at it you all. Consider the comments here and grow with the advice.

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Made myself some microwave popcorn in anticipation of watching this movie after seeing the 7.9 score. However, turns out that this is a huge disappointment. A 16 year old media student could do better acting than this.It's so obvious that all the lines are memorized, the acting and speech is not natural at all. There are also no facial expressions. For example a man about to die speaks with the same volume as the other guys. As a result I stopped watching this after 20 minutes, I couldn't bear it anymore.I won't even talk about special effects which are terrible but seeing that it's a low budget I won't comment on that. However, the acting is what ruins this movie and deserves a score of 0!

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