R | 02 March 2007 (USA)
Zodiac Trailers

The Zodiac murders cause the lives of Paul Avery, David Toschi and Robert Graysmith to intersect.


i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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How sad is this?

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Sammy-Jo Cervantes

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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This film is a gem. The acting from everyone in this movie is spot on and the story had me gripped to the very end. A must see!

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Excellent movie. Great acting by all-star cast. Meticulous direction, though maybe too detailed, resulting in the movie dragging in places and being too long.Not your typical whodunnit.

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Movie Review: "Zodiac" (2007)After 5 years of breaking away from directing motion pictures, David Fincher returns with not only bringing editor Angus Wall back on board to deliver a kind of epic puzzle of a classic "serial-killer-thriller" elements spreading 22 years of screen-story from legendary as also infamous attack to murder to 17-something teenager on July 4th 1969 over point-of-view changing sequences featuring leading actor Jake Gyllenhaal as sole-parent Robert Graysmith, starting as cartoonist at the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper, before getting obsessed with the self-proclaimed "Zodiac-Killer", even able to confront the main suspect face-to-face after following his self-determined eagle-squad hobby-turning-into full-time occupation in 1983er lumberstore conclusions, when he gets help all the way by fellow-journalist Paul Avery, performed in demon-striking-fashion of private salvations from heavy numbing substance abuse after "Chaplin" (1993) and before his comeback with "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" (2005) directed by Shane Black actor Robert Downey Jr., who delivers mesmerizing beats of physical decline in presenting an ultra-stressful job of spreading news to full resignation in a peaking scene with Jake Gyllenhaal at an home estate on one side, when on the other side awaits actor Mark Ruffalo as investigating, figuring and concluding Inspector David Toschi, when "Zodiac" directed by David Fincher, again alongside with cinematographer Harry Savides (1957-2012), break together new grounds of fully-integrating immersive as decisive early low-resoluted digital camera motions followed by extensive color correction to make the picture a fascinating genre mix with ultra-thrilling scenes of investigation as character interrogations only to split open audience moods with moments of acting delight by an ensemble cast entirely prepared to deliver the most unusual crime-drama of the 2000s, which remains a mystery-thriller to be revisited by suspense-indulging audience.© 2018 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC)

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My number one question is WHY was Gyllenhaal cast in the lead? He's extremely ineffectual, mealy-mouthed, delivers his lines in an irritatingly mumbling, raspy manner. Next is the matter of the music chosen for various segments: totally inappropriate. OK, the songs are from the right time period, but they simply do not connect with what's on screen in most instances. I sincerely wanted to "enjoy" and appreciate thisfilm, but I was thwarted, sadly. The players try hard, but fail. At least this movie was not shot in near-darkness as many films of the past 30 years have been, oddly. Is lighting too expensive? Sorry I cannot rate this higher than 4.

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