R | 17 October 2014 (USA)
Fury Trailers

In the last months of World War II, as the Allies make their final push in the European theatre, a battle-hardened U.S. Army sergeant named 'Wardaddy' commands a Sherman tank called 'Fury' and its five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Outnumbered and outgunned, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany.


n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.

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I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.

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Usamah Harvey

The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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Michael Murphy

This is one of those films that will show the war through the eyes of a soldier. The military is the most difficult profession. Appreciate your military. They are heroes. Peace for everyone.

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Started off really well and I thought that it would be in Saving Private Ryan class but descended into farce with a badly damaged tank holding off heavily armed troops with hand held anti tank weapons. I was really looking forward to watching Fury and ended up disappointed with it.

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Having watched the movie "Rage", immediately there is the thought that the film was created to outperform the popularity of the Russian tank movie "White Tiger". But I could not do it. For someone it turned out a masterpiece, for me it's a failure. The film, which I do not want to revise for the second time, unlike the deep and intelligent White Tiger. The very final scene, when one immobilized Sherman remains alive for half a day, disgusts the film with its unreality. However, like many American military films. In order to make films about the war, it is necessary that this at least somehow correspond to historical reality.

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Oodles of gritty violence. SO many guys get shot and blown up. Numerous people being burned alive, several decapitated, several summarily executed and many, many blown to pieces. Yeah, it's all there. Three hours of it. The guts, the glory, Brad Pitt is horribly scarred. And Shia's character loves Jesus. God Bless America! Check out the German that is actually stupid enough to stick his head in that tank!Predictable.Could write a short book about how it was unrealistic.The scene where the young soldier goes into the bedroom with the young Fraulein (and Brad Pitt's character saying "If you don't take her in that bedroom, I will") raised my eyebrow knowing the history of the period. Tens of thousands of German women were raped by Allied troops-mostly Russians. Many committed suicide afterwards.American troops illegally executing German prisoners is presented as something normal and accepted. In reality Brad Pitt would have found himself in the Brig. Shooting them down during the heat of battle, even if they are just standing there unarmed, is one thing. Some times during heated action you cannot take prisoners and you cannot leave them behind alive. But cold-bloodedly shooting them after they were taken prisoner was not allowed. SS Concentration Camp guards were summarily shot by Allied troops, however. Some allied troops claimed they would shoot SS who tried to surrender. Officers didn't want this happening for good reason. Because it could cause reprisals against Allied POW's. And they could also face court martial or have their records permanently besmirched if these things were done by men under their command.They would never have put such a Greenhorn in a driver's position with zero training. Because a Sherman is not easy to drive and takes practice. They also must have practice on the guns and learn various maintenance duties. In a combat situation on-the-job training on a tank is like suicide.I laughed when Pitt's character said "I love it in here." Those Shermans would get up over 100 degrees and stink like diesel fumes. Nobody liked being inside them. All it takes is a 12-year-old to pop up out of a ditch with a Panzerfaust and your entire crew gets lit up like human torches. And he loves it in there? Get real.I laughed when they hit that mine and Brad asks "Can you fix it?" And he says he can. There's no way he's fixing that with out outside help and equipment!!! It's beyond ridiculous to think a disabled Sherman tank would take on an entire SS Battalion. Anybody that did that would be mentally ill. They would run. Any Officer would order them to scuttle the tank and destroy its ordinance. An experienced tank crew would not be sacrificed like that with out specific orders and a special reason. And it would not be necessary for any reason. At this point in the war we were destroying battalions with just aircraft. The U.S. Army crushed an entire SS Armored Division with just artillery. Nobody needed to make desperate stands with a Sherman.

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