Father Frost
Father Frost
| 24 October 1964 (USA)
Father Frost Trailers

A fairy tale about a conceited young man and a young woman with a tyrannical step-mother, who must overcome magical trials in order to be together.


Best movie ever!

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Suman Roberson

It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.

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Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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JACK FROST is another snowbound Russian fairy tale with an interesting, occasionally perplexing storyline to keep you intrigued throughout. The tale is about a pair of young lovers who have to contend with an evil old witch who decides to make their lives hell. The girl is mistreated by her family while the boy is assaulted by a mysterious mushroom-headed magician and turned into a human bear.If that sounds all rather odd then it is, but in the best Russian tradition. I do like the atmosphere of these films and the sheer amount of effort having gone into the special effects and action sequences. The mystical, snow-covered landscape is very well realised here and subsequently the film has a strong visual look to it. Scenes of the characters being attacked by living trees and the titular character using magic to cover the land in snow are great fun, if you can overlook the inherent cheesiness and bad dubbing.

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Frost (1965) is a sweet, somewhat surreal and sometimes corny fairy tale flick from the 1960s. I found it rather lovely, even with the stiff and sub-par English dub. This film contains an old-fashioned innocence that just isn't fashionable in modern family fare, and that makes it all the more cruel when it's so mocked.I love Mystery Science Theater 3000, but I don't think this was great riffing material. It's not bad in the least. There were a few moments you could chuckle at, but for the most part, it's adorable. The actors, sets, and costumes are all charming.Any nasty comments directed toward this one just feel unwarranted.

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As a non-Soviet(British in fact) who loves fantasy and folk-tales and is studying Russian as part of her music degree, Morozko is a very charming and misunderstood film. Like Sadko, Sampo and Ilya Muromets(all three from Aleksandr Ptushko), it's a beautiful if flawed film that was bastardised by its American version, where the sense of wonder in the original version was not as effective and some aspects irritate. In some way it's easy to see why those outside Russia and the Soviet union and who saw the American version would dislike it, but for this viewer it is without a doubt one of the better films featured on MST3K. The original version is not without imperfections, the special effects are not that great, rather rushed and dated in look, and some of the acting is over-theatrical and annoyingly unsubtle(though still better than the dubbing in the American version). The photography is nicely done this said and the costumes and sets are colourful and quite wondrous, very fairy-tale/folk-tale-like in atmosphere. The music score sweeps and enchants with some eerie moments as well, in feel and sound it does a great job at sounding very authentic and nationalistic. The story has elements of Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel and Sleeping Beauty without blatantly ripping them off. Even with the elements of bizarre weirdness, though that shouldn't be a deterrent a fair few Russian folk-tales personally read or seen have that, but there is a real sense of charm and wonderment, while the humour is splendidly ironic. The characters are archetypes but are mostly engaging, Nastenka is pretty and adorable. In conclusion, a very nice and misunderstood film. But the Soviet vs. American war seen in the user reviews has got to stop, it is really unpleasant to read and a lot of the positive reviews who are bashing Nationalities are potentially offensive. It is very unfair to infer that Americans have bad taste as well(on the most part that's an untruth), it's not their fault that they most likely saw Morozko through MST3K and its dub, that in no way does justice to the original, and sadly a lot of those praising the film and being condescending to those outside of their nationality fail to realise that. 8/10 Bethany Cox

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Ratings of this fairy tale is unbelievable. It is for a long time one of the most beautiful fairy tales in Czech republic, especially for excellent dabbing. Maybe foreigners like for example Americans have different feeling for classic story of this film, especially from child's view. Yes, Czechs are Slavonians (like Russians) and maybe this fact (and mentality of Czechs) has importance of rating 3,3 of this title. Always I see some modern fairy-tale with best animations etc. I realize that easy fairy-tale with real human actors, real nature and some primitive old - school effects of this film was preferred by me like a child.

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