9 Songs
9 Songs
NR | 16 July 2004 (USA)
9 Songs Trailers

Matt, a young glaciologist, soars across the vast, silent, icebound immensities of the South Pole as he recalls his love affair with Lisa. They meet at a mobbed rock concert in a vast music hall - London's Brixton Academy. They are in bed at night's end. Together, over a period of several months, they pursue a mutual sexual passion whose inevitable stages unfold in counterpoint to nine live-concert songs.


Overrated and overhyped

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If you don't like this, we can't be friends.

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hyped garbage

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I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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This is the most boring movie I've ever watched. There is no plot, no story, and nothing interesting about it. It's just two pasty, below average people having the most vanilla sex I've ever seen. I have no idea what kind of drugs the people who are rating this movie favourably are doing, but I want some. I watched this at home and fast forwarded most of it due to the mind numbingly boring sex and lack of dialogue; I have watched actual pornos for longer than I've watched this movie.The leads have absolutely no chemistry, it's painfully obvious that they're strangers. The only interesting part of this movie was that one of the "9 songs" was a great live version of "Last High" by the Dandy Warhols about halfway through. I absolutely recommend skipping this and either watching an actual porno or an actual movie, this mess isn't worth checking out.

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This is basically Skinemax with actual penetration. Despite the many protestations that this is high art, not porn, it's basically a series of music videos spliced with a series of amateur sex scenes. In fact, even Cinemax and some actual pornos have more intelligence and better acting. The only way this can have any depth is if you invent your own narrative out of whole cloth.Not that I'm faulting them for making it. Some scenes were kind of hot. It just failed to be anything more than music+sex, even when stretching for a meaningful existential connection to something. In the end, claiming it's anything deeper than what it is would be delusional, so check it out for the sex and the music.At least it looks like real sex, not brazzers sex.

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Clearly most people see this film the wrong way round. Focusing on the sex is not the point at all. It really is a pretty good reflection of what many people's humdrum lives are really like, But they come alive at the gigs all of which (apart from Michael Nyman perhaps) are buzzing with electricity, and also offer a great introduction to a few bands that you might not otherwise have bothered with.I have, you have, we all (?) have been there in the flat, infatuated with an alluring woman/man and had some great sex amongst otherwise dull lives. The sex is the counterpoint to the music - Matt really only remembers the great sex and the great music that punctuated their year together. And at the end of the film, she leaves and Matt is yet to fully move on, and life seems as bleak as the Antartic.The point about the quality of the sex is that it doesn't all have to be porn star sex to be great - just being really close to the person you love can be enough to elevate it to the highest plains.

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I like watching independent movies which bring forward music of bands unknown to a wider audience. This way you get to know some interesting artists, although statistically the result is the same when browsing through music channels or radio stations. With smaller bands, though, the surprise is bigger, since you source from every possible shade of music and noise and the experience is much more exciting than with commercial music.Anyhow, after watching 9 Songs there were no musical jewels and the notorious scenes of explicit sex were not exciting either. I even presume they were introduced to capture the attention of media, critics and viewers, since there was nothing else to offer.As far as plot is concerned, i'm amazed that independent movies often showcase offbeat characters that apparently represent the alternative to what should be mainstream population that obediently works, mates and consumes while waiting for retirement. These are often unstable personalities with artistic tendencies who know better what life is about.In this sense, in the meeting of main characters the universes collide, though on a micro scale. The male lead has sort of career, while the main female cast member is some kind of connoisseur of art of living. It is unclear whether this kind of romance would last.It is true that in today's global world it is possible to meet the partner of your dreams in strangest places and under most curious circumstances. However, 9 Songs didn't bring that over in an interesting way. Composing a playlist with music videos, porn and documentaries would cause the similar effect as this movie.

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